Supporting Information
Global resource acquisition patterns of invasive and native plant species do not hold at the regional scale in Mediterranean type ecosystems
Jennifer L. Funk*, Monica A. Nguyen, Rachel J. Standish, William D. Stock, and Fernando Valladares
*Corresponding author,
The following Supporting Information is available for this article:
Fig. S1 Standardized major axis regressions for all possible combinations of traits for California.
Fig. S2 Standardized major axis regressions for all possible combinations of traits for Chile.
Fig. S3 Standardized major axis regressions for all possible combinations of traits for South Africa.
Fig. S4 Standardized major axis regressions for all possible combinations of traits for Spain.
Fig. S5 Standardized major axis regressions for all possible combinations of traits for Western Australia.
Table S1 Results of mixed-model ANOVA for continuous traits across five Mediterranean-climate regions
Table S2 ANOVA results for the effect of origin (native or invasive species) on continuous traits within each of the five Mediterranean regions.
Table S3 A comparison of two methodological approaches for analyzing leaf trait relationships: SMA regression and relationship ratios.
Figure S1. Standardized major axis regressions for all possible combinations of traits (Amass, Nmass, Pmass, and SLA) for California. Filled circles and solid lines represent invasive species; open circles and dashed lines represent native species. Axes are log10 scaled. Statistical significance of regressions are denoted, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001.
Figure S2. Standardized major axis regressions for all possible combinations of traits (Amass, Nmass, Pmass, and SLA) for Chile. Filled circles and solid lines represent invasive species; open circles and dashed lines represent native species. Axes are log10 scaled. Statistical significance of regressions are denoted, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001.
Figure S3. Standardized major axis regressions for all possible combinations of traits (Amass, Nmass, Pmass, and SLA) for South Africa. Filled circles and solid lines represent invasive species; open circles and dashed lines represent native species. Axes are log10 scaled. Statistical significance of regressions are denoted, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001.
Figure S4. Standardized major axis regressions for all possible combinations of traits (Amass, Nmass, Pmass, and SLA) for Spain. Filled circles and solid lines represent invasive species; open circles and dashed lines represent native species. Axes are log10 scaled. Statistical significance of regressions are denoted, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001.
Figure S5. Standardized major axis regressions for all possible combinations of traits (Amass, Nmass, Pmass, and SLA) for Western Australia. Filled circles and solid lines represent invasive species; open circles and dashed lines represent native species. Axes are log10 scaled. Statistical significance of regressions are denoted, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001.
Table S1. Results of mixed-model ANOVA for five relationship ratios across five Mediterranean-climate regions. For F-values, numerator and denominator degrees of freedom are given in parentheses. Significant effects (P < 0.05) are in bold.
F / P / F / P / F / P
Aarea / 7.54 (4,16) / 0.001 / 0.00 (1,163) / 0.940 / 4.38 (4,294) / 0.002
Narea / 16.90 (4,12) / <0.001 / 13.55 (1,164) / <0.001 / 4.15 (4,295) / 0.003
PNUE / 22.17 (4,13) / <0.001 / 9.87 (1,163) / 0.002 / 5.71 (4,298) / <0.001
Parea / 1.80 (4,9) / 0.214 / 4.56 (1,141) / 0.034 / 3.09 (4,259) / 0.017
PPUE / 5.23 (4,10) / 0.015 / 3.72 (1,144) / 0.056 / 3.79 (4,268) / 0.005
Abbreviations: Area-based photosynthetic rate (Aarea), area-based leaf nitrogen content (Narea), photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE), area-based leaf phosphorus content (Parea), photosynthetic phosphorus-use efficiency (PPUE).
Table S2 – ANOVA results for the effect of origin (native or invasive species) on five relationship ratios within each of the five Mediterranean regions. For F-values, numerator and denominator degrees of freedom are given in parentheses. Significant effects (P < 0.05) are in bold and indicate higher values for invasive species except for Narea and Parea, which were higher for native species.
California / Chile / South Africa / Spain / WesternAustralia
F / P / F / P / F / P / F / P / F / P
Aarea / 0.48 (1,56) / 0.49 / 5.74 (1,17) / 0.03 / 0.34 (1,27) / 0.56 / 1.47 (1,28) / 0.24 / 2.40 (1,21) / 0.14
Narea / 3.18 (1,73) / 0.08 / 1.87 (1,17) / 0.19 / 4.74 (1,28) / 0.04 / 0.00 (1,28) / 0.98 / 28.55 (1,22) / < 0.0001
PNUE / 1.98 (1,72) / 0.16 / 9.51 (1,17) / 0.007 / 5.71 (1,27) / 0.02 / 0.95 (1,28) / 0.34 / 11.27 (1,21) / 0.003
Parea / 0.07 (1,53) / 0.79 / 0.02 (1,17) / 0.89 / 1.53 (1,27) / 0.23 / 0.33 (1,28) / 0.57 / 19.87 (1,22) / 0.0002
PPUE / 0.02 (1,53) / 0.88 / 4.05 (1,17) / 0.06 / 4.06 (1,27) / 0.05 / 0.57 (1,28) / 0.46 / 9.05 (1,21) / 0.007
Table S3 – A comparison of two methodological approaches for analyzing leaf trait relationships: SMA regression and relationship ratios (RR). Where SMA analysis reported a shift in elevation (SIE) or a difference in slope homogeneity (SH), we should also observe a significant difference in relationship ratio (* P < 0.05). Conversely, where SMA analysis reported only a shift along a common slope (SACS), we did not expect to see a significant difference in relationship ratio. Dashes indicate statistically insignificant results: no differences in slope, shift in elevation, or shift along common slope for the SMA analysis, or differences in relationship ratios between native and invasive species groups. SMA regression data are from Table 3 and relationship ratio data are from Table S2. The results of SMA analysis and comparison of relationship ratios aligned 68% of the time.
California / Chile / South Africa / Spain / Western AustraliaSMA / RR / Align? / SMA / RR / Align? / SMA / RR / Align? / SMA / RR / Align? / SMA / RR / Align?
Aarea / - / - / Yes / SACS / * / No / SACS / - / Yes / - / - / Yes / SIE
SACS / - / No
Narea / SH / - / No / SH / - / No / SACS / * / No / - / - / Yes / SIE
SACS / * / Yes
PNUE / - / - / Yes / SIE / * / Yes / SH / * / Yes / - / - / Yes / SACS / * / No
Parea / SH / - / No / SACS / - / Yes / SACS / - / Yes / - / - / Yes / SIE
SACS / * / Yes
PPUE / - / - / Yes / SACS / - / Yes / SACS / - / Yes / SH / - / No / SIE
SACS / * / Yes