Session 2
Pray: praise God and thank Him together, ask Him to provide for our needs, ask Him to heal the sick and save the lost.
Sing: Teach the believers a song of praise to God. For example “Hallelu”:
Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah, Praise ye the Lord (2xs)
Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah; praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord!
(2 Shukron li Rrubb, 3 magdan li Rrubb)
Read God’s Word:
1. John 5:17. Say: What Allah is doing in our city (or our country) is important!
2. Satan is not happy and will try to stop us from joining Allah.
I Peter 5:8-10; not only will Satan make war against us, but he will make war with the people we tell about Isa, Mark 4:15.
3. How can we be ready for this spiritual war?
Ephesians 6:10-20; James 4:7. We must know that Allah is truly Great! Romans
“Keep the commands of Christ”
- Say, “Now that we follow Isa, what does Allah want us to do?”
- Ask someone in the group to read (you may have to help them find the verse.) Romans 13:12-14.
Ask someone else to read Romans 12:1-2.
Now ask the believers what these verses say about our new lives?
2Say, “Is this all Allah wants us to do? Is there something else Allah wants us to do?” Ask someone to read Matthew 5:13-16. Ask the believers what this verse means.
3. Say, “How will other people know that our light comes from the Lord?”
Romans 10:14-15; Ask the believers this question: “How will other people know that our light comes from Isa who lives in our hearts?” Then say, “from our tongues to their ears”. Ask the question again and have them say the answer with you.
New Teaching
Say: Now we will have a new teaching from the New Testament today. We will read from the Word of God and try to answer these questions about sharing the truth of Salvation in Jesus:
Who? What? When? Where (of evangelism)?
1. Who do we tell the good news?
Acts 1:8 (Jerusalem = Jibla)
2. Who do we tell first? Our families.
Acts 10:23-48 – Cornelius
Acts 16:13-15 – Lydia
3. What is the good news? Gospel presentation (Peter’s examples).
Acts 2:22-41; Acts 10:34-43.
Teach the Roman Road (or other clear gospel presentation such as the Spiritual
laws, etc). Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:9.
4. When is the proper time to tell the good news?
II Corinthians 6:2
5. Where are we to tell the good news?
Acts 1:8; Jerusalem = Your city, Judea = Your province, Samaria = Other areas, the ends of the earth = other countries (share your calling to this country).
Practice and Accountability
- Write the Romans road or similar gospel presentation in a notebook. Read it to the ceiling, to the floor, to a mirror, and to a window (remembering the 4 voices); then read it to each other.
- List the names of at least 3 people in your family (or close friends) you want to tell the good news.
- Pray together for the people (you listed) that Allah wants us to share with. Promise to pray everyday for these people.