Academic Programme
National Seminar on
October 23-24, 2010
Conference hall of Guru Nanak Auditorium
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005
Day I: Saturday the 23rd day of October, 2010
Inaugural Session
Registration 0900 hrs
Welcome Speech
Dr Rajinder Singh Bawa 0930 hrs Chairman, Advisory Council
Dr. Gursharan Singh Kainth 0940 hrs
Director, GAD Institute of Development Studies
Inaugural Address 0950hrs
Dr K. Kasturirangan
Member, Planning Commission,
New Delhi
Guest of Honour
Mr. S C Kaushiak, 1140 hrs
Chief General Manager
Symposium/Key Note Address
Dr. Katar Singh 1030hrs
Indian Natural Resource Economics and Management Foundation
Presidential Address
Professor Jyoti Parikh 1115 hrs
Executive Director
Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADe)
New Delhi
Release of Publication 1130 hrs
Vote of Thank 1200 hrs
Dr M S Gill,
GAD Trustee
Day I: Saturday the 23rd day of October, 2010
Technical Sessions-I
Chairman: Dr R P S Malik Rapporteurs: Dr D C Sharma International Water Management Institute National Bank for Agricultural and New Delhi Rural Development, Chandigarh
1. Vishwa Ballabh and Shikha Pandey(Key paper)
Challenges of Water Governancein India: Experience of two Decades of Reform
2. K Palanisami(Key paper)
Micro Irrigation Adoption in India: Economics and Constraints
3. B K Sahu
Sectoral Allocation and Pricing Policy for Groundwater Resources
4. Aftab Zaman
Integrated Water Resources Management for Agricultural Sustainability
5. Om Prakash, Dev Narayan and H Biswas
Participatory Watershed management for food security and resource conservation in Bundelkhand region – a case study
6. Bibhu Datta Nayak
Participatory Watershed Development: Critical Areas for Sustainability
A case study of Murumkheda Watershed
7. K V Devi Prasad and Susan Varghese
Groundwater Markets in the Veedur Dam Command Area
8. Amarjit Singh Bhullar
Food Security and Climate Change Induced Stress on Water Demand and Adaption Measures in Foodgrain Region of India
9. Nibedita Ghosh, Madhuri Rishi, Kamaldeep, Renu, Parul Virk
Management of Groundwater through Artificial Recharge of Ghanaur Block,
10. Kamaldeep kaur, Madhuri Rishi,Ranjna Sharma, Renu Lata,Nibedita Ghosh and Parul Virk
Impact of industrialization on Ground water quality in Parts of District Solan, Himachal Pradesh
11 Malik Dharampal
Optimization of Natural Resources for Sustainable Crop Production
12. Venu and Madhuri S Rishi
Groundwater Salinity in Barnala Block of Sangrur: A Case Study
13. K Palanisami
Social Rate of Investment in well investment and watershed programme in India
14. Kadir Mohan
Irrigation Subsidies in canal Irrigation; How to distribute among multiple uses
15. Anup Das
Water management techniques of hill regions of India
16. Ms Ramesh Vidya
Capacity Building of the farmers in water Management: Success Stories from States.
17. Deepak Das, M.Sankaranarayanan and R.Udhayakumar
Impact of Dry Season and Tillage Practices on Soil Moisture in Kigali, Rwanda, Africa
18. Jharna Pathak
Poverty Reduction and the Community Management of Natural Resources in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh
19. A Baskarn, S Balasubramanyan, S Parthiban and N Ramamoorthi
Assessment of Growth mechanismset by induction of water stress and application of growth regulators in Acid Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle)
20. A Baskarn,S Balasubramanyan, S Parthiban and N Ramamoorthi
Regulation of Flowering and fruit set by induction of water stress and spraying of growth regulators on acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swimngle)
21. M Thilagavathui and M Chandrasekaran
Impact Assessment of Sodic soils on crop productivity changes in Southern Tamil Nadu
Technical Session-II
Chairman: Dr K S Verma Rapporteurs: Sh. N J S Randhawa
Head, Department of Environmental Sciences Divisional Forest Officer
Dr Y S Parmar University of Forestry &Horticulture Amritsar Solan
1 S P Vasudeva (Key paper)
Natural Resource Management for Faster and Inclusive Growth
2. L K Jha
Sustainable land use in North East mountainous areas (foot hills and hills/mountains) vis a vis modern technology
3. Gursharan Singh Kainth
Towards An Economic Approach to Sustainable Forest Development
4. Vidhyavathi A and C Sekhar
Valuing Intangible Benefits of Forest Resources: Application of Stated and Revealed Preference method
5. David Lehar, Nir Becker and Pua Bar
The Economic Impact of the Invasion of Acacia Saligna in Israel and the Optimal Management Strategy
6. Manish Mishra
Climate Change and Its Impact on Forest and Dependent Local Communities: A Case ofTwo Tribal Communities of Central India.
7. Rajamannar Ragupathy and V Rama Koti Reddy
Studies on Citrus Based Agro Forestry System in Nilgiri Hills, Tamil Nadu
8. Yenneti Komalirani and Joshi Gauravkumar
Carbon Sequestration Potential of Mangroves in India: A Case of Kachchh District in Gujarat
9. Ipsita Chatterjee
Present and Future of Mangrove Forests and Sunder Ban Delta: An Environmental Study
10. Nayak Dipti,V Upadhayay and B Puri
Economic Valuation of Mangrove Wetland
11. Shreyas Shrivastava
Common Property and State Property: effective management of forest land and othet resources
12. Digambar Abaji Chimankar
Management of Common Property Resources in India
13. Ashish Agnihotri and Sabiha Alam
Natural Resources and Gender Responsive Participatory Watershed managements
14. L K Jha
Pernicious system of shifting cultivation in Meghalaya: eco-restoration measures for its management on sustainable basis
15. Gursharan Singh Kainth
Status and Institutional Arrangement of Bamboo Production in India
16. S N Megeri and R Veena
Statistical Model for Height of Different Tree Species and the Field Crop in the Agro Forestry System
17. R B Naik and H S Anil Kumar
Evaluation of Statistical Models for Timber Cost Forecasting: A Case Study of Dandeli, Karnataka
Day II:Sunday the 24th October 2010
Technical Session-III
Chairman: Dr B K Sahu Rapporteurs:Dr M S Gill
Department of Earth Science Department of Sociology
Indian Institute of Technology, Guru Nanak Dev University
Mumbai Amritsar
1. M N Murty (Key paper)
Design of Economic Instruments and Participatory Institutions for Environmental Management in India
2. Gursharan Singh Kainth
Environment and Education:A Pathway to Sustainability
3. Anil Kumar Gupta
Strategic and Analytical instruments for Natural Resource Management and Their Interpretation with Disaster Management and Development.
4. Surya Parkash
Towards Safer Sustainable Environment through Management of Natural Resources Disasters And Development
5. Mahima Jain
Indian’s Response to India’s Disaster
6. S P Singh
Sustainable Development and Management of Natural Resources and Environment
7. Subhash Chandra
World Peace and Sustainable Development: A Spiritual Dimensions
8. Noor Mohammad
Human Rights and Environment Interface: A Close Look for Sustainable Development
9. Nidhi Nagabhatla, Shalini Mishra, Max Finlayson, Sonali Senaratna Sellamuttu and Martin Van Brakel
A Case Study Approach to Demonstrate Challenges in Participatory Environmental Governance in Multiple Resource Systems
10. Anjali Dewan
Environment and Sustainable Development- New Challenges, Paradigm Shift With a Vision for Future
11. Swami Prakash Srivastava
Role of Natural Resources Management in Sustainability of India’s Environment
12. Amarjit Singh Sethi and Navpreet Kaur
Environmental Degradation: A Case Study of Ambient Air Quality in Punjab
13.S K Chauhan and H R Sharma
Socio-Cultural, Ecological and Indigenous Practices Affecting Management of Natural Resources and Life Styles In Spiti Valley of Trans Himalayan Region
14. B L Gagga and R S Mertia
Management of Natural resources for Sustainable agricultural Production in Arid Region of Rajasthan
15. A V Ramanjaneyulu,T L Neelima, S Ravi Kumar, C N Reddy and T V K Singh
Indian Agriculture Dependence on Agro Chemicals: Consequences and Abatement Strategies
16. Asmita Bhatatcharyya
Environmental Dimension of Respiratory Problems: A Case Study of North Kolkata
17. Bhola Nath Ghosh
Consequences of Industrialization Efforts in Singur
18. Kuldep Singh Dhingra and Vinod Kumar Garg
Biomedical Waste Management
19. Renu lata, Madhuri Rishi, Nibedita Ghosh, kamaldeep and Venu
Environmental Impact of Satluj based Hydroelectric Power projects
20 Ron Ton
Why MTBE should be banned in petrol or gasoline?
21Thomas George and Alfred Santa Molison
Peoples Biodiversity Register – A Case Study of Kumily Grama Panchayat, Idukki District, Kerala State
22. Amandeep Bhatti
Go Green Build Green
Day II: Sunday the 24th October 2010
Technical Session-IV
Chairperson: Dr Veena Khanduri Rapporteurs: Dr P S Raikhy
Adviser, India Water Partnership, Punjab School of Economics
New Delhi Guru Nanak Dev University,Amritsar
1. Vinod Kumar Sharma (Key paper)
Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation-Role of Academic Institutions in India
2.Sheikh Md. Monzural Huq
Climate change, vulnerability and community resilience: a study on community based adaption to climate change in Bangladesh
3.S. Suresh Kumar
Climate Change – Scope for Studies through Statistical Methods
4. Sandeep Singh and P S Raikhy
Economics of Climatic Change: Indian Perspective
5. Anjula Gurtoo
Climate Change Imperatives and Indian Rural Development
6. Gursharan Singh Kainth
Role of ICT to Combat Climate Change
7. A R S Bhat and K M Chikkesh Kumar
Development of an Agro Meteorological Models for the Estimation of Crop Yield
8. Aashish Verma and Anjani Singh Tomar
Climate Change in India and Its Effect on Agriculture
9.Krisshna G Saraswat and Priyawansh S Depawat
Concept of New Strapping Mechanism of Climate Finance
10. Ashalatha K V and Kavitha B
Effect of weather parameters on Soyabean Yield in Dharwad
11. Swati Rao and Juhi Souran
Climate Change- From Effect to Adaption: Experience of Developing Countries
12. Ahmad, Jamil
Climate Change and its Impact on Indian economy
13. Ganapati Mukri, B D Biradar, G M Sajjanar, D S Uppar and P M Salimath
Influence of Dates of Sowing on Different Phenotypic Characters in Rabi Sorghum
14. Shambu Ghatak
Revisiting Malthus and His Critiques
15. Saad Ullah Khan
Role of Strategic Climate Policy in Confronting Climate Change
16. Suwa Lal Jangu and Sumitra Choudhary
Sustainable Agriculture Development and Climate Change: Perspective and Prospects
Valedictory Session
Convenor: Dr Rampartap Singh Chairman: ProfN. K. Singh
Former Vice Chancellor Former-Chairman
Maha Rana Pratap University International Airport Authority of India of Agriculture and Technology New Delhi
Chairman’s report Water Dr R P S Malik
Chairman’s report Forest Dr K S Verma
Chairman’s report Climate Change Dr Veena Khanduri
Chairman’s Report Environment Dr B K Sahu
Open for discussion
Valedictory Address Prof. N K Singh
Concluding Remarks Dr Rampartap Singh
Vote of Thanks Dr R S Bawa
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