A new verse translation by Seamus Heaney
Study Guide
PART I: Beowulf and Grendel (Abridged)
Lines 1-1250
· foundling-an abandoned baby
· tholed- suffered, endured
· mead- a type of ale, an alcoholic beverage
· torque- collar, necklace, or armband made of a strip of twisted metal
· anathema- object of loathing or hatred
· wassail- festivity characterized by much drinking
· thane-warrior who received a gift of land for his heroic deeds
· Shieldings- another name for the Danes
· renounce-reject
· lay- song
· mizzle- to rain in fine, mistlike droplets; to make a sudden departure
· renounce-reject
· daunting- intimidating
· bolster- pillow
· bawn- fortress
· ignominious- characterized by shame or disgrace; despicable
· effulgent- shining brilliantly
Literary Devices:
· kennings
· alliteration
Study Questions:
1. Who was Shield Sheafson?
2. What was the name of Shield’s son?
3. What does the composer say about the path to power? (Quote) Do you agree or disagree? Why?
4. What was Shield’s funeral like?
5. Who was Halfdane? Who were his offspring?
6. Who did the fortunes of war favor?
7. What was Heorot? Describe it.
8. What bothered the demon?
9. Why did Grendel dwell among the banished monsters?
10. How many men did Grendel kill on his first raid?
11. For how long did Grendel stage his vicious raids?
12. What measures did the Danes take in order to remedy their situation?
13. When did Grendel attack?
14. What was the Geat warrior’s plan? What was he famous for?
15. How many warriors joined him?
16. How were the Geats greeted when they arrived on the shores of the Danes?
17. To whom did the Geat people owe allegiance?
18. Who was Ecgtheow?
19. What request does the Geat warrior make?
20. What happened to the Geat ship?
21. Describe Hrothgar’s hall.
22. What is the Geat warrior’s name?
23. How does Hrothgar know Beowulf?
24. What reward will Hrothgar give Beowulf for his heroism?
25. Who is Wulfar? What news does Wulfar bring to Beowulf?
26. What did the Geats have to do before they were granted an audience with
Hrothgar? Why do you think they needed to do this?
27. What do you think “resolute in his helmet” (406) means?
28. Why did Beowulf’s countrymen support his resolve to help Hrothgar?
29. Is Beowulf’s resume impressive? Why or why not?
30. What does Beowulf renounce? Why?
31. What request does Beowulf make in the event that he does not survive?
32. Describe the feud begun by Beowulf’s father. How was it resolved?
33. How does Unferth feel about Beowulf’s arrival? Why? How does he attempt to discredit Beowulf?
34. How does Beowulf respond? What did you think of his response? Did he
adequately put Unferth in his place? If so, how? If not, why not?
35. Who is Wealtheow?
36. What promise does Beowulf make to her?
37. Why does Beowulf renounce his weapons? What comment does he make
about the Divine Lord’s role in his confrontation with Grendel?
38. Why aren’t Beowulf’s men optimistic about Beowulf’s success?
39. Example of foreshadowing?
40. Why is Grendel gleeful?
41. Describe Beowulf’s confrontation with Grendel.
42. Why couldn’t weapons harm Grendel?
43. What trophy does Beowulf possess at the end of his confrontation with
44. What happened to Grendel?
45. What special status does Hrothgar grant to Beowulf?
46. How did Beowulf make himself immortal?
47. What fault does Beowulf find with himself? How does he justify what
48. In what condition is Heorot?
49. What victory gifts did Beowulf receive?
50. Why was Unferth under a cloud?
51. Why does Beowulf sit between the two sons of Hrothgar?
52. What does Wealtheow bestow upon Beowulf? To whom will it one day
belong? What will happen to this person?
53. Example of foreshadowing? Copy quotation.
54. Why does the poet call the Danes a “right people”?