Course Overview

Boris D. Turner, B. S., M.S., MS.Ed., & Ed.S

TITLE OF COURSE / Art I, II, and III (Independent Study)
TEACHER’S NAME / Mr. Turner-Art I,II, & III
Course Information /
  • All students taking this course will report to Room 134 daily during specific hour.
  • All students that are enrolled in this classare scheduled asgrades 9-12.
  • All students taking an art class will be required to fulfill one full year which is the equivalent to 1.0 credit.

Teacher Information /
  • My planning hour is 3rd Hr. Please feel free to contact me atthe following number and informationanytime.
  • 810.591.5540

Prerequisite(s) /
  • Students do not have to be an artist to take this class. However they must be willing to be creative and have an awareness of culture,the understanding of art, and the art environment around them.
  • Furthermore, all students who wish to take a higher level art class,must firsthave art one in order to qualify for that course, unless specified by their counselor and Mr. Turner

Course Description and Overview of Content / Art courses are intended to create excitement as well as expand their artisticabilities and methods of expression. Students will use elements and principles of art (as a basis), to create drawings, paintings, and sculptures that capture the content of their imagination. Other forms of study will include writing/reflective journaling (district goal and requirement); drawing assignments will be given as homework assignment (view syllabus). Historical and cultural content and class discussion formats are also a catalyst for learning outcomes. “This class encompasses the holistic student.”
Course Goal/ Intended Outcomes / At the duration of this course students will be able to
  • Identify elements and principles of design.
  • Recognize artists styles and themes
  • Be able to analyze concepts and genres presented
  • Connect their understanding of art to their own world and their life
  • Be able to create some type of artwork such as abstraction, realism etc., and
  • They will know their “WHY.” I.e., what is your purpose as a student? What is your purpose as a human being? Why is this so????
Based on satisfactory (I, Mr. Turner deem satisfactory as a B(letter grade in correspondence with the Carman-Ainsworth High School grading scale. My expectation is that every student gives their all. IF, you give your all, you will do well in their course.
Texts and/ or Other Materials / In these courses students will use the following:
Art Talk (Glencoe) 4th edition.
Scholastic Art Magazine (continuing production) 2014-15 school year
Self chosen text for extended time during 3rd hour (advisory).
Format and Activities / Students can expect the following:
Classroom discussions
Art expressions such as drawing painting, sculpting
Reading comprehension analysis
Teaming activities
Power-point presentation
Art documentaries
Grading Practices and Procedures / Evaluation tools :
Oral and written exams (both summative and formative)
Sketch book drawing assignments
In class art assignments (usually there are at leastten to 14 assignmentsper trimester)
Rubric assessment logs
Extra Credit )mainly on-line documents.
Attendance/ Tardiness / Please review the Syllabus and theStudent Handbook/ Attendance/ Tardy Policy
Classroom Rules and Procedures / All students will be given a list of rules, regulations and personal classroom expectations for the year. They are encouraged to share these with their parents as well. I will personally review rules and expectations with them on the first day of class. If for some reason student’s fail to apply these rules, it could potentially result in "In School Suspension" (ISS), a lack of credit, or failure of the course.
Academic Integrity / All students are expected to give their best without cheating, orplagiarizing.These are notacceptable actions. If a student is caught cheatingor plagiarizing (s) hewill receive a failing grade for the assignment. Or, they could possibly failthe semester, (which in turn will affect their GPA.)
Technology Usage / Students must be able to use Microsoft Word and understand the basic usage of retrieving information from the world wide web.
Other Comments / Thank you, and let’s have a great year!