2017-2018Teacher Art Grant Guidelines
General Information
ArtsGreensboro2017-2018Teacher Art Grants are made possibleby the generosity of community arts patrons through the 2017-2018 ArtsFund Campaign. The purpose of this grant program is to emphasize arts projects and programs in all subject areas of the schools; support the teaching of the N.C. Arts Curriculum; bring artists into the classroom; reach a large number of students; and encourage cooperative arts projects among schools, teachers, PTAs, and other organizations.
Eligibility Criteria and Investment Policies
- Teachers, PTAs, and/or schools may apply. PTAs must have a teacher representative for the project. Any teacher may request a Teacher Art Grant – grants are not restricted to art or music teachers.
- Grants are available to public, charter, and private schools serving Greater Greensboro area students in grades K-12. Schools in High Point and Jamestown should contact the High Point Area Arts Council for potential funding at (336) 889-2787 or
- All projects must have approvalby the school Principal or Headmaster.
- Projects must involve direct student and teacher participation.
- Grants generally range from a few hundred dollars up to $1,500.
- Funding may be used for arts resources, programs, and hiring arts consultants or artists.
- Funding may not be used for food, drink, administrative, or operating expenses.
- Funding may not be used for standard classroom art supplies.
- Project must be within school guidelines and address the goals and objectives of your school’s arts curriculum.
- Grants for projects that provide a meaningful arts experience will be given priority over capital expenditures and permanent equipment needs.
- Preference will be given to funding one project per school.
- Generally, more proposals are received than can be funded. Proposals may be awarded in full or in part; they may be awarded with contingencies; or they may be declined.
Application Process
- Application Deadline: By 5 pm onMonday, October 16, 2017.
- You may submit your application electronically or in hard copy by the deadline:
- Electronic applicationsmust be in one PDF file and emailed to
- If you choose to submit a hard copy of your application, only one copy should be provided
- Faxedand late applications will not be accepted.
- Applications must be submitted via one of these methods:
- Mail: ArtsGreensboro, P.O. Box 877, Greensboro, NC 27402
- Email:
- Hand-delivery, Federal Express, UPS, or other delivery service: ArtsGreensboro, Greensboro Cultural Center, 200 N. Davie Street, Suite 201. Office hours: 8:30am–5pm, Monday – Friday
- Questions may be directed to ArtsGreensboroChip Berry, Grants
- ArtsGreensborostaff members areavailable to review your application prior to final submission. Applications for review must be submitted at least 14 days prior to deadline. Contact .
- Application Review: Applications are reviewed by a volunteer panel and evaluated on the following
- Quality of artistic experience and programmatic merit
- Impact on participants
- Relationship between the project’s artistic objectives and the arts curriculum
- Ability to successfully complete a quality project
- Number of students served
- Notification of awards will be made in mid-December 2017.
- Final Report Formdue to ArtsGreensboro by June 4, 2018. The final report will include a description of the project, evaluation of success, accounting of how funds were spent, and statistics for those involved in the project.
Budgetary Guidelines
- Applicants are required to submit a project budget. Artistfee structures should be justifiable and competitive. If the total cost of the project exceeds your grant request, indicate the project components for which you are requesting support, and indicate how you intend to raise the additional funds needed to complete the project in the “Budget” section of the application.
Grant Requirements
- Funds may be spent on only those activities specified in the grant application or approved in a project or budget revision. Applicants must submit a written request to ArtsGreensboro prior to implementing any project or budget revisions.
- Grant funds that remain unspent at the end of the grant period must be refunded within 30 days after the end of the grant period. ArtsGreensboro must receive unspent grant funds no later than July 1, 2018.
- All materials related to the project must carry the following credit line: “This project, [insert name of project/program],is produced by [insertname of applicant organization] with funding from ArtsGreensboro.” The foregoing statement must also be announced at the beginning of any public performances or events.
- The grantee must submit photos of the project. In addition, video recordings and letters or notes from teachers and students regarding the project are greatly appreciated.
2017-2018Teacher Art GrantApplication
Applicant Information
School Name ______Phone______
School Mailing Address______
City ______StateZip
Contact Name ______
Contact Title ______
E-mail Address ______
Telephone (Day)______(Evening) ______
Partnering Arts Organization (If Applicable)______
Project Summary
Artistic Category: Dance Drama Film/Video Literature/Playwright Music Visual Art/Craft
Project Name ______
Project Dates ______
Grant Request $______# of Participating Students ______# of Teachers ______
Grade Level(s) Involved ______
Provide a brief summary of your proposed project (2 to 3 sentences):
Proposed Budget
Cash =Grant Amount +Additional
PROJECT EXPENSESExpenses Requested Cash, if needed
A Artistic contracts ______
Other contracts:______
B Space Rental ______
C Travel ______
D Marketing______
E Remaining Project Expenses**______
** Provide detail in box, at right, below.
F Total Cash Expenses ______=______+______
A Admissions______
B Other Revenue______
C Private Support
Corporate support ______
Foundation support ______
Other private support ______
E Applicant Cash ______
F Grant Amount Requested in this application______
H Total Cash Income ______
(Total Cash Income must at least equal Total Cash Expenses, Item F above)
The information contained in this application and all attachments is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Principal/Head of School______
Print Name______
Title ______Date ______
Contact Person ______
Print Name______
Title ______Date ______
- Project Narrative: Attach a narrative (not to exceed two pages, double-spaced, 10-12 point font) addressing the following. Please use these as headings in your narrative.
- Description of the project, including grade levels to be served
- Educational objectives of the project and the intended outcomes
- How you will evaluate the project’s success
- Qualifications: If professional artists are to be hired with grant funds, please list their names and describe their involvement. Attach a current resume or biographical summary addressing their qualifications to conduct an educational program and include their contact information.
- Letters of commitment from key partners, collaborators, artists, etc.
Submission Instructions
Electronic application: Submit one PDF file of the application materials in the order listed below.
Paper application:Submit one originalofthe application materials in the order listed below.All should be printed one sided of plain, white, 8 ½” x 11” paper.
- Completed application form
- ProjectNarrative (not exceeding two pages, double-spaced)
- Artists’ qualifications, if applicable (not exceeding one page, double-spaced)
- Signed certification
Application must be received by 5 pm, Monday, October 16, 2017.
Faxed and late applications will not be accepted.
E-mail application to:
OR mail applicationsto:
Attention: Grants Manager
P.O. Box 877
Greensboro, NC 27402
ORdeliver application to:
Greensboro Cultural Center
200 N. Davie Street – Suite 201
Greensboro, NC 27401
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