ExerciseArtlantis Studio 2.0
Exercise 3 : Furn04.3ds, Exercise04_completed.atl, Furn04.aof
This tutorial is designed to allow you to create an Artlantis Object (.aof) and a Artlantis file (.atl) based on the existing 3d model in 3ds file format. You will learn to add ground, spotlight, shader to make the model looked like real photo and save the result as a Artlantis file. You will also learn to export the model as Artlantis Object for the library purpose. The 3ds file name used in this exercise is called furn04.3ds.
System Settings
Position the camera view as shown above.
Shader used in Shader List
Use Media > MediaCT > Skins > 803.xsh shader for the sofa’s seat.
Use Shader > A Surface > Aluminium shader for the sofa’s legs.
Use Shader > Parquet > parquet07 shader for the ground floor
Step 1Open the Furn04.3ds file.
Note: 3DS Import Options dialog box appears.
Choose m (meter) so that 1 Drawing Units will be converted to 1 m.
Note: The seat material is not smooth, and has a Spotlight already exist in the 3ds file.
One Light Group containing the spotlight is associated to the view (i.e. View 0).
None of Heliodon is associated to the view (i.e. View 0). However, there is an Heliodon already exist in the 3ds file.
Step 2
Associate Heliodon to the View.
In the Perspective Inspector, under the Lighting section, choose Heliodon to associate to the view.
In the Heliodon Inspector, under the Sun Light section, set the time to be 14:00.
Check the Shadow checkbox. /
Step 3
Create Ground.
In the Object Inspector, check the Ground checkbox.
Note: The Shadow appears on the ground. /
Step 4
Find the seat part polygon and smooth the seat polygon.
To find the seat part polygon, you have 2 methods.
Method 1: In the Shader List,click the material item and hold it until the material in the preview window is highlighted.
Method 2: In the Preview Window, click the Seat portion, the item in the shader list will be hightlighted in grey color.
Note: Buerogarnitur-Le item is holding the seat polygon.
In the Shader List, under the Materials ID Parameters section, drag the slider to Max value.
Notice that seat is being smoothed. /
Step 5
In the original 3ds file, there is a texture called Leather2.JPG texture attached to the sofa seat. You wish to remove it and replaced with your own shader.
In the Shader List, choose the Leather2.jpg item and choose Delete button.
In the Catalog Window, drag Media > MediaCT > Skins > 803.xsh shader into the sofa item.
Step 6
ApplyAluminium shader to the sofa legs.
In the Catalog Window, drag Shader > A Surface > Aluminium shader into the sofa leg item (Buerogarnitur-Le).
Step 7
Apply Parquet shader to the ground floor.
In the Catalog Window, drag Shader > Parquet > Parquet07 shader into the Infinite Ground Material.
Adust the Reflection to 0.5 and shininess to 800. /
Step 8
Save the file as Exercise3_completed.atl.
Step 9
You will now continue to create Artlantis Object. Before exporting model to create aof file. You will remove the ground floor and set the background to white.
In the Shader List, right-click the Infinite Ground Material to display context menu, and choose Visible to hide the floor.
Switch to Perspective Inspector, under the Environment section, choose Gradient as the background and set all colors to white. /
Step 10
Export the model as Artlantis Object (aof).
From the File menu, choose Export.
Note: This open Save As dialog box.
Save the file as Furn04.aof at your media folder which can be accessed at the Catalog window.
In the Catalog Window, notice that the Artlantis object file has been created in your media folder. /
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