Best Practices - Events and Home Shows

Dec. 4, 2013 By IFD, Inc. at 2013 ADM – San Antonio, TX

Checklist for Events



Pull ups

Marketing materials, Promotional posters

Tables and Table covers

Carpet – floor covering if event is indoors

Power – dependent on event location


Inventory - both retail as well as Invisible Fence® Brand for the booth as well as extra inventory

Vehicle that can be left at show

Ability to collect payment and customer info


1) Team of at least two people that are in charge of setup

2) Inventory boxed separately for home shows only

3) Setup racks prior to event

4) Take pictures of racks (easier than trying to remember or having a schematic)

5) Pack racks separately in boxes, label boxes

6) Load van keeping in mind what is going to come out first. Carpet, tent, racks, tables, pull ups, inventory. In that order.


1) Lay carpet/flooring with wire under edge

2) Setup tent

3) Determine anticipated traffic flow

4) Setup racks, tables, pull ups

5) Stock racks and setup table displays

6) Add signage to racks

7) Setup Boundary Plus® system, Shields® Avoidance, MicroLite® Plus Receivers

8) Determine placement of Doorman™ pet door display and indoor Shields® Plus system (future)

9) Have at least one Drinkwell® Fountain running

10) Keep all empty boxes and extra inventory in vehicle outside.

Drinkwell® product boxes are attractive and can be used in display.

Staffing and operational procedures

1) For a large show we recommend no less than three people preferably not sales staff at all times. Better to plan for more, because you can always send people home.

2) Determine who will be in charge of collection of payments and prospect information.

3) Make sure that everyone is aware of any events discounts or specials. Keep it simple.

4) Set goals, communicate them - the goal is containment, access and avoidance. The retail product is there to start the conversation.

Remember the phrases,

"What kind of dog do you have?"

"How do you keep him at home/ in the yard?"

"What does he do that you wish he didn't?"

"What keeps him from being the perfect dog?"

5) Remember that what the retail items are for. They are not only toys, they are tools and behavioral solutions.

6) Keep your booth fluid throughout the show. Move racks, product zone displays based on interest and traffic flow. You never know what is going to peak people's interest.

7) On all purchases let the customer know that you will need to email the receipt to them.

8) No chairs in booth.

9) No cell phone use in booth

10) Have FUN!


1) Do it in reverse from setup. Take your time. It will make inventory and your next show much easier.