IT Manager

Identifying Facts

Current Job Title: IT Manager

Service Sector: Finance and Corporate Resources

Organisational Relationships: Projects and Estate Manager

Line Manages:IT Co-ordinators

Job Purpose:

To develop, implement and manage all IT services, policies and practices which enable users to work fulfil the requirements of their roles.

Major Tasks

  1. Supplier Management
  2. Network Management
  3. Asset Management
  4. Contingency Planning
  5. Manage Team
  6. Enterprise Application Software

Main Activities

1.Supplier Management

1.1.Will identify the need for new or alternative suppliers and, in accordance with the prevailing procurement processes, identify suitable suppliers. Will approve the IT suitability of suppliers or equipment and, in conjunction with others, recommend approval to the executive team.

1.2.Will set in place systems and processes which monitor the effectiveness of the services provided by suppliers to ensure informed and evidence based decisions can be made with regards to the supplier, the service or to make appropriate changes.

1.3.Will take the lead role in managing supplier relationships (e.g. services, hardware, software) ensuring these are conducted in partnership through ensuring the clear specification of work, regular and timely communication, and early resolution of individual and shared issues.

1.4.Following consultation with appropriate stakeholders will identify whether an IT solution is appropriate to address an identified area of work (i.e. only to use IT where it is appropriate). Will specify and plan the work required for implementation by internal or external resources and review as appropriate.

1.5.Will periodically and systematically review the performance of suppliers and seek information from a range of stakeholders and sources to ensure there is an evidence based understanding of performance. Will take appropriate action to ensure good levels of performance are achieved. E.g. supplier reviews and measurements.

2.Network Management

2.1.Will be responsible for ensuring the network infrastructure supplier achieves secure and stable connectivity within and between our sites. Will facilitate the implementation and removal of the network (inc telephone lines, network connections, broadband/fibre provision) with local services.

2.2.In conjunction with the network supplier will ensure monitoring systems are in place such that traffic across the network is prioritised to meet acceptable performance standards and take action should performance drop.Shall use monitoring systems to manage capacity ensuring over or underutilisation is addressed accordingly.

3.Asset Management

3.1.Will put in place systems for the purchasing of assets (e.g. routine supplies, licences, hardware, smart/mobile phones) ensuring that good value is achieved for the organisation and that items are fit for purpose. Will ensure that such assets are identified, logged and their allocation or movements recorded.

3.2.Prior to purchasing assets, the post-holder will identify and source the associated requirements (e.g. hardware, staff training, support costs) to ensure the asset is able to be correctly used and maintained.

3.3.Will put in place systems to ensure that assets are maintained appropriately to preserve the lifespan and ensure effective operation; will ensure assets are reallocated to meet existing need or, where surplus to requirements, assets are appropriately disposed of (e.g. licences cancelled, hardware recycled).

3.4.Will ensure the planned replacement or removal of assets such that operational continuity is preserved and organisational requirements are met.

4.Contingency Planning

4.1.Will ensure systems, processes and practices operate to a high standard to ensure the integrity of the systems and the protection of data. Will put in place systems which assess the level of protection, identify any shortfall and will recommend or put in place appropriate mechanisms to address this.

4.2.Will ensure there are appropriate disaster recoveryplans in plans which protect the organisation in the event of system failure or attack; this will include the periodic review and testing to ensure these are fit for purpose as well as identifying and declaring risks to business stakeholders.

5.Manage Team

5.1.Directly line manage IT co-ordinators taking appropriate steps to ensure their activities are appropriate to their abilities and skills; take action to provide support (e.g. training, professional development), set standards and address any shortfall. Is authorised to conduct formal hearings and issues sanctions.

5.2.Will perform issue resolution for IT matters that cannot be resolved by IT co-ordinators due to their technical complexity or authorisation requirements. Will ensure the wider learning or other preventative measures are put in place to prevent future reoccurrence.

5.3.In accordance with the Divisional priorities set by the Director identify the priorities within the team regarding project and operational work where there are competing and conflicting demands taking into account the importance, risk and time requirements of the work.

5.4.Periodically review and identify the required staffing structure and skills composition for the team by assessing the organisational and team requirements. Provides business case to Director and implements structure and sources appropriate staffing.

5.5.Contributes to the development of a budget by identifying expected new or existing expenditure. Monitors actual against budgeted spend (inc staffing costs); can authorise expenditure for the team to the standard limit.

6.Enterprise Application Software

6.1.Will take the lead role in planning, implementing and maintaining an enterprise application software taking into account expertise from external specialists and in accordance with the strategic review of IT functions which has been accepted by senior management.

6.2.Will discuss with end users and other stakeholders their requirements and consider how these should be reflected in an organisational IT system. Will identify possible alternative IT working practices and explore the implications of these with end users and stakeholders.

6.3.Will specify user requirements to the supplier and set appropriate milestones for the supplier to meet and will manage their delivery to it. Will ensure future requirements are timeously identified specified and implemented to ensure the system remains fit for purpose.

6.4.Will proactively manage the change process to ensure staff and managers are aware of the planned changes, schedule of events and are confident and competent in their abilities to use any new or reviewed systems prior to their ‘go live’ date.

6.5.As part of the implementation and ongoing management of the toolset the post holder will ensure that ongoing training, support and documentation is available to end users to ensure the toolset is usable and that systems documentation is maintained to an appropriate standard.

6.6.Will ensure standard management tools (e.g. system, data, user, system monitoring) are in place and that these are used to produce meaningful management information, inform decision making and enable the routine management of the toolset and resulting system.

6.7.Will set in place mechanisms for periodically reviewing the systems operation in conjunction with end users and stakeholders to check whether the system meets existing and future requirements. Will develop a change process such that changes are identified, planned, approved, implemented and reviewed timeously.

6.8.Will ensure in the planning and implementation of the systems that the portability of the system to another supplier is considered and appropriate mechanisms are in place (e.g. by adopting standards, full documentation) such that the system can be easily ported to another provider.

6.9.Will review all IT contractual paperwork, with support from others where appropriate, and ensure the IT requirements of the organisation are reflected including support obligations, specifying ownership of intellectual property (e.g. design) or other assets as required.

Applicable for all roles:

To undertake any other duties related to the responsibilities of the post and which may be delegated by Capability Scotland management.


Job holder:



Management Representative:

Name (Line Manager):


Trade Union Representative:



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