PRESENT: Mr. C. Saunders (Chairman), Mr. R. Firth, Mr. T. Deegan,

Mrs. S. Allen , Mrs. M. Waters, Mrs. S. Deegan (Clerk),

PCSO Nina Marsh (part) and 1 Parishioner.

APOLOGIES: Mr.S. White (Vice Chairman), Mr. K. Jenssen


The Minutes of the last meeting held on 14th June, 2010, were taken as read and approved as a true and accurate record. These were then duly signed by the Chairman.


2.1 Stream/Drains and Village Flooding

As mentioned at the last meeting the Chairman had written an article for the Echoes in which he reminded riparian owners of their responsibilities in regard to their portion of Easterton brook. Full details were printed in the Environment Agency’s guide “Living on the edge” the most relevant sections of which he had reproduced for those interested parties.

It was also noted that Alan Griffiths, the stream maintenance contractors had been seen walking the stream a couple of weeks ago but no works had ensued.

Some concern was expressed regarding bankside shrubbery in front of the Royal Oak and Bob Bulson volunteered to have an informal word with the new landlords and remind them that the previous flooding incident had affected the pub as well as a number of other residences in the Village.

2.2 Planning

2.2.1 Comparo Ltd. (Jam Factory Site), Kings Road, Easterton. App. No. K/58261/F

Following the meeting with Jonathan Orton the Parish Council had met informally on 28th June for a brainstorming session during which consideration was given to the pros and cons in respect of a possible development combining the field adjacent to Halstead Farm with the Jam Factory site which could provide an opportunity for a much more creative approach.

The outputs from this session had been forwarded to Jonathan Orton on a ‘without prejudice’ basis which emphasised that a formal response from the Parish Council would not be possible until there had been full consultation with the Village.

It was noted that an interim acknowledgement had been received indicating that a more considered response would be forthcoming following Jill Parkinson’s return from holiday.

2.2.2 Mr. P. Hannant & Mrs. C. Long, Land adjacent to Oaklands, 6 Oak Lane, Easterton. App. No. E/10/0485/FUL

Following the Committee meeting on 1st July the Clerk had received notification that the amended plans had been approved by Wiltshire Council albeit with a number of conditions which the Clerk duly circulated.

2.2.3 Danish Homes, Plot 1, Halstead Farm, Kings Road, Easterton. App. No. E/09/0758/FUL (Amendment to K/57892/F)

It was noted that full planning permission had now been granted for the above development to be carried out/completed subject to eleven conditions which encompassed the suggestions already put to the Planning Department by the Parish Council. The meeting was satisfied by the outcome but would continue to monitor the situation.

2.2.4 Malt House Farm, 5A Oak Lane, Easterton - Alleged Breach of Planning Control

The Clerk reported that she had received a telephone call from the Enforcement Officer, Simon Jenkins, to say that he would be taking no further action with regard to the land at the rear of this site as it all seemed to be in order. This was noted and discharged.

2.2.5 Mrs. G. Whittome, Owls Cottage, 48 White Street, Easterton

App. No E/10/0308/S73

The above application to allow for use of the building as either holiday accommodation or an annexe met with no objection from the Parish Council.

2.2.6 Ms N. Toogood, The Barn, Tumbledown Lane, Easterton Sands, Easterton

App. No. E/10/0533/FUL

There were no objections from the Parish Council regarding the above’s application for an extension of time limit for implementing change of use of roof space from void to part business use and part residential use with roof lights and dormer windows to rear extension and it was noted that Wiltshire Council had now given its approval.

2.2.7 Captain A. Morrison, Kestrel Cottage, Oak Lane, Easterton. App. No. E/10/0654/TCA

The Parish Council had no objections to the proposed felling of one conifer adjacent to the driveway at the above property and this had now been given the go ahead by Wiltshire Council.

2.2.8 Mr. S. Brown, Ridgeway House, 20 White Street, Easterton. App. No. E/10/0651/LBC

The proposed installation of a satellite dish at the above property was accepted by the Parish Council but refused by Wiltshire Council on the grounds that the satellite dish would appear as an incongruous feature on the building which would be harmful to the architectural character and therefore special interest of the listed building and its setting.

2.3 Village Hall Play Area

Nothing to report.

2.4 General Rubbish

The Clerk advised that her application for a Litter Grant of £300 had been accepted by Wiltshire Council who had increased the amount to £350. This would go a long way towards keeping the Village tidy over and above the maintenance provided by the Parish Gardener.

It was noted that the next scheduled Village collection vehicle had been arranged for Friday, 27th August at Haywards Place and 24th September at the Jam Factory. This would be promulgated in the Echoes.

2.5. Traffic and Road Conditions

2.5.1 Footpaths and Byways

The adjoining field to footpath no.6 was now owned by Dr Cayford and the Clerk said that she had, once again, reminded Esther Daly to approach him with a view to keeping the bordering hedge trimmed. Feedback was currently awaited.

With regard to bridleway no. 26 (towards Urchfont) which had been fenced off to contain pigs, Esther Daly said that she had spoken to Mr. Snook about the possibility of diverting this path because, as it stood, it was totally impractical. Once a revised route had been agreed with the land owner Esther felt that she would probably have the resources to instigate an improved path; however, there would still be a formal procedure to follow which included submitting the proposal to the Parish Council for its approval/comments. This was noted.

Following the last meeting the Chairman had prepared and sent a letter to Mr. Holley of The Barn, to establish whether or not his land extended all the way up to Honeywood Stables and if so, his proposals as to the removal of the present undergrowth as far back as the nominal ditch/fence line. To date there had been no response and the Clerk was asked to send a reminder to Mr. Holley.

It was noted that following a number of complaints regarding the state of footpath no. 1 the Clerk had asked the Parish Gardener to give it a second cut and tidyup. This had cost £80 which it was agreed to pay. However, it was noted that where an approach to a known land owner could be made to cut back overgrowth this should be done to avoid any extra expense incurred by using the Parish Gardener.

2.5.2. Hedges

Nothing to report.

2.5.3. Potholes/ Road Surfaces

The Clerk reported that she had asked Wiltshire Council for a sweeper lorry to clear the leaves alongside the Church wall and this had been done shortly after the request was made. A pothole had appeared in the road by no. 60 which would be reported to Clarence along with any other unfilled ones held over from the previous month.

2.5.4 Pavements

Nothing to report.

2.6 Parish Steward

The Clerk reported that she had received an email on 14th July, the day scheduled for the Parish Steward, to advise that he would not be visiting Easterton until Friday, 16th as he had to attend a course. This was the second month running that he had been unable to keep the appointed date and the Clerk was asked to obtain a list of the jobs that had been completed on the Parish Steward’s visit. The next scheduled date was Monday 13th September with August being left out to accommodate annual leave.

2.7 Police Liaison including Neighbourhood Watch

PCSO Nina Marsh provided an update as first business in order to release her for other duties. She commented that there had been three arrests locally all related to drug taking. There had been speed checks which had been conducted in Urchfont and it was hoped to follow up in Easterton in due course.

As regards the improper use of the byways by scrambling motorbikes PCSO Marsh said that she had been working on this matter but as yet had been unable to track any of the perpetrators.

The Chairman queried the lack of response to the Bank Holiday Monday vandalism which was reported and wondered if this had been followed up at all. Damage had also been done to Vicarage Lane Nurseries. PCSO Marsh said that there should have been a call back from the Contact Centre and she would look into this matter.

2.8 Area Boards

The Chairman said that he had not been able to attend the most recent meeting of the Area Board (19th July) and accordingly there was nothing to report.

2.9 Cemetery Chapel

With regard to the commemorative plaque featuring those who had died in the First World War, it was noted that there had been an exchange of emails regarding the cost of works needed to enable the plaque to be embedded in the interior of the Church wall and it had been agreed to employ the stonemason who had quoted £290 plus VAT and a further £85 plus VAT for cleaning up the marble and lettering. It was noted that the work would be done in August. After some discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council should meet these costs.

2.10 Motorbike Scrambling

It was noted that both Esther Daly and the Police had been advised about the further damage to local byways which continued to be caused by scrambling bikes; however it was agreed to discharge this item.

2.11 Annual Parish Meeting

The meeting noted that a cheque for £25 had now been donated to Market Lavington Museum and it was agreed to discharge this item.

2.12 Annual Accounts 2009/2010

It was noted that the Annual Accounts for 2009/2010 had been forwarded to Mazars, the external auditors, and an appropriate notice had been displayed on the Village notice board as required. A response certifying the accounts was currently awaited.


3.1 Devizes Community Area Partnership (DCAP)

It was noted that there had been a DCAP Parish Forum on 13th July in Devizes Town Hall; however, there was nothing to report.

3.2 Village Website

Following last month’s meeting it had been notice that a number of further points needed updating. The Clerk had already alerted Ken Morrison to these outstanding matters and agreed to add the new ones to his list for amendment.

3.3 Future Parish Council Meetings

Consideration was given to the possibility of moving Parish Council meetings back to the Village Hall and changing the day from the second Monday of each month. A substantive response from Councillor Grundy was still awaited regarding his availability for EPC meetings on the second Monday of the month; it was understood that he was currently on leave. It was noted that the September meeting would be on Monday, 13th in the Village Hall.


It was agreed to draw cheques for the following: Lavington School (Echoes): £ll.90; G. Kelsey (2nd ¼ salary); Market Lavington Museum: £25; Lavington School (Echoes):£11.90; S. Deegan (June salary): Petty Cash: £40; G. Kelsey (ft.no.1): £80.


5.1 106 Agreement

It was noted that there had been no consultation with the Parish Council prior to the promulgation by Wiltshire Council of the intended use of the monies made available as a result of the Section 106 Agreement relating to the Jam Factory site. The Chairman had taken advice from Ron Crook with regard to how best to approach Wiltshire Council regarding these matters with a view to ensuring that the Parish Council was properly involved. This action was endorsed by the meeting.

5.2 Collaborative Benefits Programme

The Clerk advised the meeting of a one-day work shop for Parish Councils to be held on Wednesday, 22nd September but it was felt that this was not of direct relevance and therefore attendance was not justified.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.20pm.


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