Indoor Soccer League 2017 – 18
Goalgetter’s United Soccer Club is taking registrations for an indoor soccer league for youth and adult soccer players. This is a 3 on 3 league. All games will be played Saturdays in Manitowoc at Citizens Park (the roller skating rink). Saturday, December 2 will be the first day of play, ending March 10 (with Holiday breaks). Cost is $50 per player. ($300 a team)
Children, ages 4 – 5: Skills and Drills program. Adult participation encouraged!
Youth in grades 1-6: Sign up individually. You will be placed on a team. One friend request can be made. Parent or high school player, call Guido if you willing to coach.
Youth in grades 7-12, and adults: Players may either sign up individually or preferably as a team. If the player does not have a team, Goalgetters will place them on a team.
Indoor registration is due November 17th.
For further information, call Guido or Vicki Lenaerts 682-3797 or
Send in registration ( below ) with check for individual or team (Team fee must be paid together) to:
Goalgetters United Soccer Club
ATTN: Indoor Soccer
PO box 1542
Manitowoc WI 54221-1542
Player Name:______Age: ______School and Grade:______
Parents:______Primary contact # ______
Email (for notification of team assignments and schedule--PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY):
Grades 1-6: One Friend request: ______
Grades 7-12 and Adult only: ($300 fee team)
Team members (include team name with a max of 7 players). If you have no team, leave below list blank:
Team Name: ______Manager: ______E mail: ______
Player 1: First name______Last name______Age_____ Grade______
Player 2 : First name______Last name______Age_____ Grade______
Player 3: First name______Last name______Age_____ Grade______
Player 4: First name______Last name______Age_____ Grade______
Player 5: First name______Last name______Age_____ Grade______
Player 6: First name______Last name______Age_____ Grade______
Player 7: First name______Last name______Age_____ Grade______