0 / 1
Below Standards
Below Expectations / 2
Approaching Standards/
Expectations / 3
Meeting Standards/
Expectations / 4
Above Standards/Expectations
A 0-point response is irrelevant or off-topic. Not related to question/task. / A response that earns only (1) point demonstrates very little understanding of the question/task, does not complete the
requirements, and provides only a vague reference to or no real use of the text.
Not completing the weekly reading as evidenced by lack of pages/minutes on logs or weekly reading work such as: PINS, stop and jots, or writing about reading. / A 2-point response may address all of the requirements, but demonstrates a partial
understanding of the question/task, and uses text incorrectly or with limited success resulting in an inconsistent or flawed explanation.
Little depth or extension of thought as evidenced by lack of reading or weekly reading work.
It is only a paragraph in length, contains some transition words, numerous errors in conventions or spelling that distract the reader.
Minimal depth or comprehension evident. / A 3-point response demonstrates an understanding of the question/task, completes all requirements,
and provides a good explanation using some evidence from the text or some ideas/extensions of
the text as support. It is at least two to three paragraphs or no less than the required length, contains some transition words,some errors in conventions or spelling that may distract the reader.
Some depth and comprehension evident.
RACE/TAGG effectively used if required. / This response clearly demonstrates understanding of the question/task and
provides an insightful explanation as evidenced by the RACE/TAGG format; it contains two- three examples from the text, and a connection.
It is at least threeto five paragraphs or more in length, contains transition words, and correct use of conventions and spelling. Little to no errors in conventions/spelling.
SHOWS DEPTH, creativity, critical thinking beyond the text, and is rich with connections and clear comprehension.
Reading responses/open-ended questions vary. Sometimes a bingo card, response question, or task will not require the RACE/TAGG format, but will instead ask the student to write a poem, be the character, rewrite an ending. In those types of responses, we are listening and looking for understanding of the text/story and a more creative style of writing. They are in a sense becoming an author or mimicking an author’s style.