You Are Invited

The Northern Illinois Regional Group invites you to gather with your fellow V-8ers in historic Springfield, Illinois, as we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the 1939 Ford and Mercury. Our headquarters hotel, the Crowne Plaza, is conveniently located near the intersection of I-55 and I-72 in Central Illinois.

Destination Springfield

Springfield is steeped in history, particularly relating to Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President. Springfield is where Lincoln lived from 1844–1861 in the only house he ever owned, where he practiced law, where he was elected to congress and to the Presidency, and where his Presidential Library and Museum is located. Springfield is also the location of several Route 66 landmarks, such as the Cozy Dog Drive-In and Shea’s Gas Station Museum. Renowned Route 66 artist and cartographer Bob Waldmire was a Springfield native.

Springfield is home to many museums and historic sites. You will have the opportunity to visit several of these sites both on your own and as part of organized tours.

Tentative Schedule of Events

Monday, August 18 (Evening)

·Meet registration for early arrivals

·Raffle room opens

Tuesday, August 19

·Meet registration, your choice raffle

·Vehicle cleanup, operational check, photos

·Swap meet

·Tour of Lincoln Presidential Museum

·Local touring opportunities

·Welcome reception

Wednesday, August 20

·Meet registration, your choice raffle

·Vehicle cleanup, operational check, photos

·Swap meet

·Tour of Lincoln Presidential Museum

·Local touring opportunities


·Early Ford V-8 Foundation Meeting

·Meet the National President

·Owners & Judges Meeting

·Cruise-in at Quaker Steak & Lube, presentation of 75th Anniversary Medallions

Thursday, August 21

·Judges’ breakfast

·Ladies’ luncheon

·Early Ford V-8 Concourse - Crowne Plaza

·Swap meet

·Your choice raffle

Friday, August 22

·Driving tour to Abraham Lincoln historic sites, including Lincoln’s Home, Law Office, Lincoln’s Tomb, and more

·Awards Banquet

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the 1939 Ford and the Introduction of the Mercury

The Northern Illinois Regional Group

Of the Early Ford V-8 Club of America Presents

V-8ing Joy in Illinois

Early Registration Form

2014 Central National Meet

Springfield, Illinois ● August 19-22, 2014

National V-8 Club Membership Number______

You must be a National Member to Register


Street Address



Registration at the host hotels requires paid Meet Registration first!

Registration Fee (Includes one vehicle)...... $______

Additional Vehicle ($40 each)...... $______

Total Enclosed...... $______

Make checks payable to “2014 Central National Meet”

Beginning September 9 you will receive information about making hotel reservations. You will need to be registered for the meet to reserve your hotel room.

When it is available we will send you the complete registration package, including vehicle registration and event details, for you to complete and return to us.

Send completed form and payment to:

2014 Central National Meet

1N410 Forest Ave.

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the 1939 Ford and the Introduction of the Mercury