Total revenues slightly behind budget and prior year due to outing rounds and private events. Actual $219,00 vs. budget of $230,000 vs. 2015 $221,456
Forecast for May 2016 shows stronger revenues to budget due to added events
Payroll expenses are favorable to budget $6,696
Facility expenses also favorable to budget by $2,502
Golf Operations
Golf Operations revenues are 8% ahead of budget for the period due to favorable weather
Total rounds increase over March 2015 – 1236 to 1156 – 7%
Total Revenue in golf operations was favorable to budget by $3,465, and $2,894 favorable compared to prior year
As of March 15, total membership stood at 492, which is behind budget of 507 due to lower than expected numbers of non-resident members
Dues revenue is near budget due to additional golf memberships
Golf Course Maintenance
Golf Maintenance was $13,425 favorable to budget for the month
Payroll favorable to budget by $8,349
Golf course in fantastic condition and survived the winter conditions very well
Food and Beverage
Revenues were unfavorable to budget by $12,020 and unfavorable to prior year by $3,910
Cost of Sales (Food/Beverage Costs) were unfavorable to budget by $2,046, which was in part to ramping up inventory for the spring season
Year-to-date we are approximately $17,268 unfavorable to overall departmental budget, with a majority of that variance coming from less revenues
General and Administrative
There were no significant variances in our General & Administrative Departments. Locker Room, Member Services, Utilities, Fixed Expenses, and Clubhouse Repairs & Maintenance were all slightly favorable to budget for the month
Successes and Challenges
Attracting members to 2nd and 3rd tier memberships is difficult in these economic times. Membership committee is planning for strategies to attract younger members. Average age of membership is now 53
Food and Beverage revenues depend greatly on our outside and private events – House Committee exploring new marketing techniques and referral plan
Core golf and swimming pool staff all returning for 2016 season
Completed negotiations in principle for two June weddings
Somewhat behind on solidifying bids on new courtyard construction – will review and present solutions to The Building and Grounds Committee
Need to update Facebook more regularly now that we are on the cusp of the season
Operations Executive Summary- continued
Customer Satisfaction
Worked with Mr. Jones on details of upcoming corporate sales meeting and golf outing and after our meeting informed me that he would be continuing his membership for the next two years
Mrs. Johnson commented on how great the Easter lunch menu and decorationswere and that she had brought in 10 relatives who were very impressed with our staff and facility
Staffing Report
On-boarded 2 new part-time banquet staff
Conducted staff meetings each Friday - no major issues
Re-organized Assistant Food and Beverage Manager position description
Fine-tuned staffing budget for May
Looking Ahead
Solidify Independence Day Fireworks Showand Cook Out schedule first week of July and publicize
Speaking on golf and facility at Chamber of Commerce
Orient new staff to club’s golf Player Development programs
Secured signed contract from member John Smith for August wedding
Complete hiring and training of all part-time outside services staff
Finalize date with Fire Chief on clubhouse tour and inspection
Meet with committees to discuss mid-year review and goals
Paste Facility Logo Here John Smith, PGA