Vanier Working Group on Drugs and Prostitution

Wednesday, April 7th- 2010-5:30 – 7:30

Centre Pauline Charron-162 Jeanne Mance


1.  Welcome and Introductions

Nancy Worsfold welcomed participants and everyone introduced themselves.

2.  Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved by members

3.  Approval of Minutes from January 21st, 2010

4.  Update from the Ottawa Police Services by Marc Daviault

·  Cst Marc Daviault gave some stats and updates on what is happening in Vanier, or at 613-236-1222 x5823

·  January 13th robbery on Genest street-2 males were charged and 3rd is outstanding

·  OPS is aware and working on the drug problems on St-Charles, Deschamps, Cyr and Jeanne Mance,

·  Robbery for Oxycontin throughout Ottawa is a problem

·  OPS Traffic priorities in April: Red lights, seatbelts and child seats

·  Break and Enter: Not many- 3 –St-Laurent, Montfort, Landry

·  Nothing for Prostitution in March and April-No sweeps

·  Sex Trade Workers have been seen around Shakespeare street and near Jean Coutu- OPS to look into it

·  Pan Handlers: one couple has been moving around the Vanier Area-they were given tickets and then summoned to appear in court

·  Foot Patrol Unit-they are given more responsibilities

·  OPS has officers patrolling bikes

·  Police Day:

§  May 15 at 152 McArthur (CPC office)

§  OPP, OPS, Military, RCMP will be attending

§  Child seats, seatbelts, and other activities


·  Mike Horne said that the Foot Patrol is doing a fantastic job on educating the residents on jay walking with headsets - not only youth, adults also

·  Neighbourhood Watch: whats the cycle for renewing NW and for engaging new residents? It was suggested that Block Captains should visit the new resident and educate them on the safety in the neighbourhood

5.  Updates

a)  Maison Fraternité

·  Maison Fraternité was invited at the Vanier Association meeting giving them the chance to speak to the members about their project

·  The also held an Open House but only one person went eventhough they advertised in Perspectives Vanier

·  Vern White was at the BIA to talk about the Maison Fraternité project, he spoke of the need for the project and systemic change- Maison Fraternité was not present at the presentation

·  Some residents noted that there was no communication regarding the program until after all the decisions were made

·  There is a lot of good will and positive interest in working with residents as the program develops

·  Some residents were initially against the project but once they heard Maison Fraternité’s presentation they were more positive about the project

·  Vanier is bombarded with agencies-any projects in the area should be considered with community discussion before hand

·  George Bédard talked about the Zoning By-law amendment from May 2008

“That Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve the amendments to former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law 93-98, former City of Vanier Zoning By-law 2380, and to the City Council Draft-approved Comprehensive Zoning By-law, in order to establish new definitions and land use regulations applicable to special needs houses, including shelters, group homes, residential care facilities including homes for the aged and nursing homes, dwelling units for seniors, and community health and resource centres”

·  Next steps:

o  Maison Fraternité is open to suggestions

o  Community Association to continue their relationship with Maison Fraternité

o  Expansion of Maison Fraternité to be built during the summer

o  Beautification is sending Maison Fraternité an invite to the May 1st Clean Up

o  Need to have well managed services and a good mix of services for the community residents

o  Discussion on service concentration, a complex issue-to be discussed at another meeting

b)  CSC Vanier Update- Andrew-Mehdi

·  Festival des Sucres: April 8th to April 18th

·  St-Jean Baptiste: June 24th-Centre Richelieu-music-snacks and concert

·  “Say Hi-Dites Bonjour”: June 10th, walking and running groups, 2 schools are participating-12 noon then a BBQ at Place Dupuis

·  Movies in the Park: July 9th and 16th-Park Richelieu-anyone interested in volunteering, contact Mehdi at or (613) 744-2892 ext. 1106

·  30 youth helped clean up 25 graffitis in Vanier with the CSC Vanier


·  Free Community Workshop

·  October 20th at the Centre Richelieu

·  For all residents of Ottawa

·  Youth and Gang French workshop (train the trainer): April 29th, Vanier Community Centre

·  Calendar:12 organizations worked on calendar for 2010-electronic version available on or

b)  Vanier Community Association-Mike

·  AGM meeting-June 8th-7 p.m.-Centre Richelieu

·  Open meeting -every Tuesday of every month at Centre Richelieu at 7 p.m.

·  Speeding on Marier Street: committee was formed

·  Dogs in the Parks: small safety issues

·  Community Associations: Vanier Community Association is communicating with other associations and see how they can work together

·  Rink at Centre Richelieu:

·  George Bédard’s office is having the water problem fixed in the summer

·  Association was asked to look into the managing of the rink for next year

·  Rideau High School:

·  need to find creative ways to use the school

·  committee working on getting more activities at the school in the next 5 years

c)  Working Groups on Beautification-Lucie

·  Meeting every 3rd Tuesday of the month-6:30-8 p.m.- BIA, 289 Montreal Road

·  Community Garden: Centre Richelieu-Spring 2010

·  Surveys were distributed and e-mails will be sent

·  Adopt a bin or flower pot: responsibility of adopter

·  Eyes on Vanier- Sunday afternoons

·  Spring Clean-up is on May 1st—poster distributed

·  Adopt a Tree: last year-City will have a sign up sheet at clean up

d)  Review of Project list from January 2008

Seniors Recruitment:

·  Andrew to continue the communication with “Good Companion”

Supportive Housing:

·  A lot of people are working on this issue

Lobbying for a Drug Addiction Centre in Ottawa:

·  Maison Fraternité is moving forward

Problem Property Task Force:

·  On going

·  Look at how Hintonburg Association is doing things

Neighbourhood Watch Promotion:

·  Increase in Neighbourhood Watch-total of 5

·  Need communication between Neighbourhood Watch Captains

Landlord Education:

·  Booklet was created and CPO is active on it

Victim Impact Letters:

·  Letters are used and good to have


·  Committee created and ongoing

Community Association:

·  Association was created and is ongoing

6.  New Business:

·  Volunteers needed – Cheryl Parrott from the Hintonburg Association

o  Kim Yull volunteered to speak at John School regarding how it affects the neighbourhood

o  Lynn Zeitouni volunteered to be part of the SITE committee on needle

·  Ideas for next meeting –Norma Gauld

o  Suggestion to get OATC (methadone clinic) on Montreal Road, across from Jean Coutu to come and present at next meeting

o  Nancy to proceed with the invitation

·  Public meeting; George Bédard

o  April 22nd at City Hall, Andrew Haydon Hall

o  Discussion on Amendment to existing By-Law on loudness, and nuisance on roads and sidewalks

o  More details to be sent

·  Welcome Wagon:

o  Nancy to look into how it works

o  Community Association and CSC Vanier can work together and look at strategies

7.  Next steps:

·  Presentation from Methadone Clinic

·  Discussion on service concentration

·  Discussion on Problem Landlord approach to issues

·  Discussion on Welcome Wagon

8.  Next Meeting

·  Wednesday, June 16th, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at City Church-155 Carillon Street