MercerCountyCommunity College
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Course Handbook
PTA 241
Summer 2004
MaryLouise Jani
MS 161
Course Director
586-4800 x 3329
MercerCountyCommunity College
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Course Syllabus Form
Course #:PTA 241Course Title:PTA Seminar III
Credit Hours:(Lecture/Lab)1
Contact Hours during the semester:15Number of weeks: 5
Clinical Contact Hours during the semester:0Number of clinic weeks: 0
Pre-/co-requisite courses:Grading:
PTA 240PTA Clinical Ed. III40% exams(#)2 N/A % quizzes (#) N/A % paper(s) 40 % presentation(s) 1
20% class/lab participation
N/A% practical exam
N/A% competency tests
Required: Gabard & Martin, Physical Therapy Ethics, FA Davis, 2003.
Course Description:
This course is a discussion oriented seminar. Ethical practice in todays health care environment will be fully explored. The New Jersey Physical Therapy Practice Act will be reviewed to determine the process for state licensure. Students will also review skills for resume preparation and interviewing. Students will have the opportunity to meet with a panel of practicing PTAs to discuss employment opportunities, pitfalls and surprises.
Course Objectives:
Following the successful completion of this course, the student will possess the skills in the following domains:
The student will be able to:
- identify the components that would constitute unethical practice in physical therapy
- identify appropriate information to include in a professional resume
- outline the necessary steps to obtain licensure as a PTA in the State of New Jersey
The student will be able to:
- organize and present a “Case study”to their class mates and the PTAP faculty
- communicate with other physical therapist assistants regarding employment opportunities
- locate legal and ethical sites for potential employment as a PTA
The student will be able to:
- defend the merits of professional conduct and deportment
- defend the importance of ethical and legal practice as a physical therapist assistant
- defend the importance of human interaction and understanding
Course Outline:
Presentation of Concepts underlying Ethical Conduct
IEthics in Rehabilitation
IIEthics and the Law
Special Topics
IICase Study Presentation
IVPTA Panel Discussion
VEthical Practice in the 21st Century
VIResume Writing and Interview Skills
Course Schedule:Summer 2004Specific days: May, June & July
Section Number:Location: MS352
PTAP Policy: Course Grading
One of the goals of the MCCC PTAP is to prepare students to practice as PTAs. In New Jersey, as in many states, PTAs are required to be licensed. Licensure is granted following the successful completion of a standardized licensing exam, with a score of 75 or higher. In recognition of this standard, set by a board that is external to MCCC, the PTAP will adopt 75 as the minimal passing grade. Other grade ranges are as follows:
A=93-100C=75-83F=below 70
Grades below 75 are not considered passing grades for PTAP courses, and are therefore considered unacceptable. All PTAP courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher.
MercerCountyCommunity College
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Course Syllabus
PTA 241 PTA Clinical Seminar III
Summer 2004
Tuesday 5/18Ethics in Rehabilitation
1 -4 PMIntroduction & Basics: Ethics
Legal Issues in Ethical Decision Making
Codes of Ethics
Tuesday 5/20Ethics and The Law: The Interface
1 -4 PMAnalyzing Ethical Dilemmas
Avoiding Ethical and Legal Dilemmas
Practical Applications for Ethical Dilemmas
WE #1 Take Home ExamDue by 6/8/04
Tuesday 6/8Employment as a PTA
6:30-9:30pmInterview Skills
Job Search
Networking Strategies
- Association allegiances
- Clinical Instructors
- Continuing Education contacts
- Mentoring relationships
WE #2Due by 6/22/04
- Locate an advertisement for a PTA position.
- Prepare a resume’ and cover letter foryourself to apply for that position as a physical therapist assistant.
Tuesday 6/22Life in the “Real World” of Physical Therapy
6:30-9:30 PM
PTA Panel and Pizza
- Advice for new grads from practicing PTAs
- How to deal with the “when are you going to finish?” question
- What are realistic expectations for employment?
- What did they wish that someone had told them that they didn’t expect?
Case Study Presentations (2) @ 15 minutes
- Roberto VanMorter
- Valerie Harris
Tuesday 7/13Preparation for Licensure
6;30-9:30 PMNJState Board of Physical Therapy
- Application Process
Exam Preparation
Case Study Presentations (8) @ 15 minutes
PTAP Attendance and Deportment Policy Statements
Physical Therapy is a respected profession. Members of the profession abide by the Code of Ethics for Professional Conduct and the Guide for Professional Conduct. The MCCC PTAP faculty believe that professional conduct and deportment are essential components for success as a Physical Therapist Assistant.
Enrollment in a PTAP course will be viewed as a commitment that is made between the student and the instructor. Enrollment in PTAP courses is viewed as a similar agreement to the one that exists between an employer and an employee. Both parties agree and understand that:
- Attendance is expected for every scheduled lecture, laboratory and clinical education course.
- Excused absences of didactic courses may be permitted at the discretion of the Course Director, if the absence is discussed in advance of the occurrence.
- It is the responsibility of the student to leave a message with M. Jani, Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education, if the student is going to be absent from a scheduled lecture, laboratory or clinical education course (609-586-4800x 3329). This message is to be left prior to the absence of the student.
- Lateness to a scheduled lecture, laboratory or clinical education course is unacceptable. The student and the Course Director will negotiate based upon the frequency and circumstances, to determine what action will be taken.
- Repeated lateness may adversely effect student performance and progression within the PTAP.
- Students and faculty are expected to behave at all times, in a manner that is consistent with the behaviors of their chosen profession and those of a civilized society.(Nothing in this statement should be construed to prohibit an individual from having an individual lifestyle outside of the clinic environment that may differ from the expected behaviors in the clinic or classroom.)
- Failure to exhibit behaviors consistent with this policy may result in the need for Program counseling to determine the appropriateness of the choice of major.
Continued matriculation following acceptance in the PTAP indicates that the student has agreed to accept and uphold their commitment to these policies.
On July 26, 1990, the President of the United States signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (P.L. 101-336). The ADA is intended to remove barriers against the more than 43 million people with disabilities in the United States. If you have a documented learning disability, psychological disability, physical disability, or other hidden disability that requires an accommodation, it is your responsibility to make an appointment to meet with the PTA program coordinator prior to the due date for any course examinations or assignments to discuss what accommodations might be necessary.
A list of Essential Functions for the PTA program students and graduates is available to all students by request, from the PTA program coordinator.
Written Assignment Grading
Criteria and Point Values
- Grammar5 points
- Spelling5 points
- Medical Terminology Usage5 points
- Organization5 points
- Clarity 5 points
6. Timeliness5 points
7. Content35 points
8. Meeting the Objectives35 points
for the Assignment
MercerCountyCommunity College
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
PTA 241 Clinical Seminar III
Case Study Expectations
Identify: One of the patients that you have been able to see for an initial evaluation and treatment.
Identify: Why this patient was of particular interest to you.
Describe:The patient
Evaluation Findings
Treatment approach
Treatment outcomes
Research:The diagnosis in the literature
The treatment approach in the literature
Compare: What you see versus what has been reported in the literature
Discuss:The similarities and differences between what you have seen and what you have read
- A presentation for your peers that includes audiovisuals to clarify the information being presented
- A written Case Study suitable for submission to an editor for publication.
Sign up to give your presentation (sign up indicating title)
Present your case study
Field questions from your audience
Listen to and critique the presentations of your peers by completing and submitting the “Presentation Evaluation Form”
MercerCountyCommunity College
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Presentation Evaluation Form
Presenter(s):Course: PTA
Topic Area:Date:
Preparation of presenter and planning for the presentation
Observance of objectives for the assignment
Utilization and effectiveness of audio/visual aids
Appropriateness of the presentation level
Observance of available time for the presentation
Presenter(s):Course: PTA
Topic Area:Date:
Preparation of presenter and planning for the presentation
Observance of objectives for the assignment
Utilization and effectiveness of audio/visual aids
Appropriateness of the presentation level
Observance of available time for the presentation
Presenter(s):Course: PTA
Topic Area:Date:
Preparation of presenter and planning for the presentation
Observance of objectives for the assignment
Utilization and effectiveness of audio/visual aids
Appropriateness of the presentation level
Observance of available time for the presentation
Grading Scale: 1-5, where 5 fully meets criteria and 1 does not meet criteria.
MercerCountyCommunity College
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
New Jersey Physical Therapy Practice Act, Rules & Regulations
1.Who is eligible for licensure as a physical therapist assistant in NJ?
2.Is there temporary licensure for eligible individuals in NJ?
3.What is the procedure for applying for licensure if eligible?
4.Who should you contact to request an application for licensure?
5.What is the difference between the NJ State Board of Physical Therapy and the NJAPTA?
6.How can you locate the address for the NJ State Board?
7.Who must supervise a PTA and how is supervision defined in the NJ Practice Act?
8.What are the guidelines for documentation in the NJ Practice Act?
9.What are the guidelines in the NJ Practice Act for individual identification?
10.To whom should correspondence be addressed at the NJ State Board?
MercerCountyCommunity College
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
PTA 241
- Put a copy of your licensure law on your desk and read it
- Report ethical and legal violations to ethics and licensure boards
- Open your eyes
- Tell them you want it in writing
- Encourage ethical behavior
- Cover yourself with contemporaneous, complete, and comprehensive documentation
- Think
- Take the patient’s interest above all
- Handle situations as they arise
- Yearn to Learn
- Plug into your professional association---Join
- Ask a lot of questions if you are unsure of an action or task someone would like you to perform
- Properly train and supervise all subordinates
- Invest in a newspaper subscription
- Establish a relationship with a mentor
- Never fall behind
- Take a look at the professional literature
- Surf the internet for changes in regulations under which you work
- Take the time to read your professional code of ethics and standards of practice
- Hand over patients to those with more expertise
- Yield to the dictates of Medicare regulations and other rules and regulations with which you work on a regular basis
- Save a copy of all written correspondence
- Explore all alternatives
- Look at professional association home pages on a regular basis for
- Fill out all forms accurately and truthfully
MercerCountyCommunity College
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
I, the undersigned, have received a copy of the course handbook for _PTA 241 Seminar III_. My signature acknowledges that this information has been explained to me and that I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about the content of the handbook. I understand that I will be held accountable for the expectations of students within this course handbook and the PTA program handbook as stated or implied within them. My signature is provided voluntarily.
There were a total of __ pages. This signature page is page number __. I have retained my copy of the other pages. I will keep this handbook as my guide throughout this semester.
student namesignaturedate
MercerCountyCommunity College
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
I, the undersigned, have received a copy of the course handbook for PTA 241 Seminar III My signature acknowledges that this information has been explained to me and that I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about the content of the handbook. I understand that I will be held accountable for the expectations of students within this course handbook and the PTA program handbook as stated or implied within them. My signature is provided voluntarily.
There were a total of __pages. This signature page is page number __. I have retained my copy of the other pages. I will keep this handbook as my guide throughout this semester.
student namesignaturedate