ApprovedMinutes of the Meeting of the Coigach Community Council held on Monday,10th August 2009 at 8.00 pm in the Coigach Community Hall, Achiltibuie.


Present: A. McLeod (Chair), Ann Macleod(Correspondence Secretary), G.Irvine (Minutes Secretary), Chair), B.Walton, I.Mackenzie, S. Mackenzie, J. Clooney

Members of the Public: P.Rex, G. Rex

1. Apologies:.T. Ross(Treasurer), I. Campbell (Vice Chair) , P. Shaunessy, P.C P Anderson, Cllr J Urquhart

2. Chairman’s Welcome and Remarks: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

3. Declarations of Interest:None.

4. Minutes of the meeting of 13th July 2009 The minutes were approved (unanimous).

5. Matters Arising from Minutes, not elsewhere on the agenda:

Helipad. Ali presented a letter that Mrs M Mackenzie had received from a senior pilot with the Air Ambulance service confirming that he felt that her site was suitable for day landings. For the site to be useable for night landings, the Scottish Ambulance Service would need to install portable lighting gear and to put warning lights on nearby telegraph poles The meeting agreed that Ann should write to the SAS to enquire whether they are prepared to install such lighting at the site. Members of the meeting expressed thanks to Mrs Mackenzie for making this site available to the community. Concerns were also expressed that public expenditure be made on a private property and that the Playing Field site would be more appropriate as it was owned by the community.

6. Treasurer’s Report:

Annual grant has not yet been received. Ann had been prompted to appy to SNH for a grant in relation to the Marine Banner project run by Ullapool Harbour. This award of £300 will go directly back to the project as funding input from CCC.

7. Police Matters.


8. NHS Provision:

a)Emergency Response. The Ullapool GPs had met with SAS in regard to an emergency incident In Coigach. The ambulance was very slow to attend and the doctors were not informed, so also did not attend. Eventually the ambulance did attend but the vehicle had no wipers so could not transport the patient . TheFirst Responders were on the scene for more than three hours without assistance and eventually , after waiting for the ambulance to arrive,, the Coastguard Helicopter was called to transport the patient to hospital. It had been hoped 999 calls for Ambulance would initiate a Dual Response from Ambulance and Doctor, and that FRs would, in future, be able to contact the doctors directly and advise if an Air Ambulance might be required. As a result of their meeting, the GPs reported that protocol had now changed. Local ambulance crews will be able to contact doctors directly to prevent a repeat of this incident. However, FRs are not to contact doctors. The CCC meeting felt that any 999 ambulance call should alert a doctor and are disappointed that a Dual Response Policy had not been put in place.

The doctors did state that, in the event of suspected stroke, members of the public were encouraged to call for the Air Ambulance .

b)Patient Transport. The Patient Transport Scheme (PTS) is now looking for joint funding approach with the NHS. Apparently there are so few drivers that, in future, it is expected that cases would be prioritised, so only the most crucial would be eligible. Not all patients are currently eligible, although there is a misconception that all patients can expect to be offered transport. A letter has been received from Dr Hartley stating her concern. NHS Highland were now unwilling to reimburse taxi fares to hospital without the authorisation from the GPs that the patient had a genuine medical need. And was unable to use public transport. This has created an extra administrative and time consuming burden at the practice. The meeting felt that this showed a clear lack of understanding of NHS provision in rural areas. It was agreed Ann would write to MP to make our case.

c)Community Ambulance Consultation. Ongoing online consultation open to communities and individuals. Ann to make representation on our behalf repeating our request for retained paramedics and ambulance in the community.

d)Jane Farmer to email dates for possible meeting with wider community.

9. Roads

a)Ann reported that she had heard from the owner of the defective fencing at Greenhill. His intention was to have a look at the end of the month and arrange for repair if necessary.

b)Ali commented that a member of the public had noted changes in the road markings. It was felt that Badentarbet Pier road end required give way markings as well as the ‘turning only’markings near to the pier.

c) Simon noted that the cattle grids at Old Dornie and Badenscallie were both defective. Despite the gate being left open at Old Dornie it was agreed that the cattle grid needed replacing.

d) The meeting discussed the need for extra parking at Stac Polly for walkers. Cars are currently parked in the passing places over a 2 mile stretch from the existing car park. In addition extra parking was required at Cul Beag (walk in between Stac Polly and Cul Beag) Ann to email Tec Services. Concerns were expressed about the lack of mobile phone coverage in the area with such a large number of walkers. It was felt it would be prudent for an emergency phone to be installed at Stac Polly carpark.

10. Badentarbet Pier and Harbour Dues for Old Dornie

a)Badentarbet Pier. Cllr Jean Urquhart had called a meeting with various pier users so she could fully understand the issues about the repairs required. She was confident that funding could be found to do the necessary works. Successful funding would probably depend on the expectation of an increase in future use and expansion of the pier to more users (business and tourist).

b)Harbour Dues. Mr Davidson had received a reply to his letter from Mr Ron McNaughton. It contained an apology about the way in which he had been approached, but it was made clear that the Highland Council were to be more proactive in pursuing Harbour Dues. A notice board was to be erected at Old Dornie detailing the fees and all mooring owners were liable for dues. The CCC look forward to seeing the reinvestment of these due in Old Dornie and hope that the outcome will be a vast improvement in the facilities.

11.Badenscallie Cemetery

No further information.

12.Community Development Group

Gerry reported that Wendy Reid from the Community Development Trust and LindsayCampbell from HIE had visited the village and spoken to the group about how to move forward. New initiatives have been introduced by HIE which provide funding for communities who aim to move toward providing their own incoming stream and away from reliance on funding. To access funding and proceed with various projects, the usual route was to set up a community company limited by guarantee with members and a board of directors. Wendy was keen to point out that the Scottish Government have now devolved power and money for community developement downward to a local level – via the Community Planning Partnership. This is a partnership of all service providers who now plan and manage their budgets themselves. It is important that small rural communities have a vehicle to apply to these bodies for funding for projects important to them, rather than wait to see the money spent elsewhere. It is clear that if communities do not fight for a share of the money themselves, nothing is likely to be forthcoming. The Coigach development group aims to invite other communities who have set up community companies successfully to come and speak to us here and share their experiences. It is hoped that many members of the community will get involved and come along to these events. It is planned to produce a newsletter to be available in the local shops to keep the community informed.

13. Renewable Energy.

Atmos Consultants have started the initial feasibility study. Minutes of their initial meeting with members of the community will be in the Post Office. Funding has been received by the Community Energy Company. An interim meeting with Atmos is planned for 19th August at 6.30pm. The final presentation is planned for Saturday 3rd October. This will take the form of an informal drop-in day and it is hoped that many members of the community will attend. After this meeting a formal ballot will be undertaken amongst the community as to whether to proceed with the full feasibility study.

14. Bus Provision

Ann had emailed Jean Urquhart to see if anything had been resolved. Jean had had difficulty in getting any further information due to the holiday! The issue will come to a head next week at the start of term. The meeting agreed that it was vital that the bus is able to pick up each child at their home and to guarantee them a seat on the bus.

15. Planning:

Nothng for the local area.


a)Letter from Mr D Christoffersen requesting that the draft minutes of the CCC meetings be published in the Ullapool News rather than waiting until they had been approved at the following meeting. The meeting agreed . Approved minutes would be placed in the post office.

b)The Highland Council are looking for nominations for ‘Employee of the Year’ from community councils. Discuss at next meeting. Individuals also able to vote/nominate.



17. Date of next meeting:

14thSeptember 2009 at 8pm

The meeting closed at approximately 10.15pm