Schedule of League Representatives

2010-2011 Season

Brookfield Lanes (Adults /Seniors)

League Name / Secretary Name Start Time GDUSBC League Rep / Phone #

SundayLads & Lassies / Janice Wildman 3:30 pm

Moonshiners / Karen Olson 6:30 pm Chris Miller (203) 775-9905

DoverDowns / Sarah Scott 8:00 pm Chris Miller (203) 775-9905

MondayBreakfast Belles / Tanya Bennett 9:30 am OPEN

Brookfield Seniors / Robert Murphy9:30 am OPEN

Men’s10-Pin / Arnold vonKaenel 6:30 pm Karen Garcia

TuesdaySenior Guys & Dolls / Joellen Murphy 9:30 am Deb Keeler (203) 788-9233

Bertilson’s Mens / Charles Dittrich 6:30 pm Brian Morehouse (203) 312-0366

Cindy Gerrish-Ciatto (203) 744-3966

Wed.Eye-Openers / Pat Lato 9:30 am Chris Aleksandrowicz (860) 355-9358

Brookfield Belles/ Jennifer Paris 6:30 pm Beverly Scantling (203) 775-2492

Women’s Majors Scratch / Chris Miller 9:30 pm Cindy Gerrish-Ciatto (203) 744-3966

Thurs. Lazy Daisies / Dorothy Rainey9:30 am OPEN

Ridgewood Ladies / Muriel Ryan 9:30 am OPEN

Mixed Baggers / Troy Toth6:30 pm Mark Ohayon (203) 482-0428 CandlewoodValley Men / John Paul Jones, Jr 6:30 pm Mark Ohayon (203) 482-0428

FridayInterstate Firemen’s / Louis Chiarito 6:30 pm Stew Schilb (203) 775-4325

Roxbury Mixed / Rosemary Kennedy 6:30 pm Bob Bilotti (203) 305-8326

Odd Friday / Marie Tegmier9:30 pm Rose Kennedy (203) 240-3339

Brookfield Lanes (Youth)

Sat.BrookfieldJunior League / Jeff Pennell9:30 am Brenda & Lou Meola (203) 792-0806

Youth Single Scratch9:30 am Brenda & Lou Meola (203) 792-0806

Sunday Travel League (Youth) John Knepple (associate member)

Lore’s Lanes (Adults /Seniors)

League Name / Secretary Name Start Time GDUSBC League Rep / Phone #

Sun.Bub Carman Memorial / Kay Carman 6:30 pmJeffrey Talmadge (203) 770-9532

(also known as Sunday Nite Mixed)

Mon. Holiday Senior Citizens/ Dorothy Gustafson 9:30 am OPEN

Monday Night Mixed /Colleen Murphy 6:30 pmColleen Murphy (860) 354-0738

Tues.Baby Boomers / Rosemary Quint12:30 pmOPEN

Lore’s Classic / Clagett Boehner6:45 pmMark Ohayon (203) 482-0428

Wed.BI Alley Cats / Jeff Trenck5:30 pm Adam Shimmel (203) 994-8005

Wed. Night Mixed / Pamela Michel6:30 pm Chris Aleksandrowicz (860) 355-9358

Thurs.Lore’s Ladies / Lisa DeBetta6:30 pmColleen Murphy (860) 354-0738

Thursday Night Mens / Dan Grise6:45 pmAdam Shimmel, (203) 994-8005 &

Josh Lattrell (845) 832-3631

Fri.Ladies 550 / Clagett Boehner9:30 amOPEN

Senior Guys & Dolls / Dorothy Gustafson10:00 am OPEN

Lore’s Lanes (Youth)

Sat.Lore’s Youth Leagues 9:30am Brenda & LouMeola (203) 792-0806

PeeWees, Bantams, Preps


See League Representative Role & Responsibilities on pages 3 & 4

Greater Danbury USBC Association

League Representative – Roles & Responsibilities

The GDUSBC League Representative’s role is multi-faceted:

1)Act as the liaison between the local league officers and members and engage the appropriate individuals to resolve issues/concerns.

Examples of items to address with the league (not limited to these)

a) Sanction FeesAwards: Assist the league secretary in the proper procedures & appropriate forms to use for submitting USBC sanction fee payments, honor scores, and national/local awards. Assist in distribution of awards to the league members when called upon to do so by the GDUSBC Awards Committee chairperson.

b) USBC Playing Rules: Be sure you understand and are able to communicate the USBC “Playing Rules” to help league officers resolve issues concerning league play (e.g. know when a league rule is “illegal”)

c) League Rules: Ensure your league has written rules in place and that a copy of these rules are provided to the GDUSBC Rule Committee chairperson at the beginning of the season

2) Act as liaison between the GDUSBC Association and the league officers/members. The league representative should be well versed in the USBC League Operations Handbook as well as know the structure of the GDUSBC board and its committees. The league representative should alsoknow when to engage the appropriate GDUSBC committee member(s) for resolving league related issues/concerns.

3) Be the primary source of notification for the following GDUSBC sponsored events: Tournaments, Scholarships & Incentive Programs, Hall of Fame Nomination Process, Open Meetings, Workshops & Other Special Events.

4) Ensure the GDUSBC Association is represented in a positive light whenever dealing with the general public. It is our mission to help promote a positive image of the sport of bowling, which involves maintaining good relationships with press columnists, bowling center proprietors and fellow bowlers.

NOTE: Each director should have a copy of the following.

USBC Playing Rules (available for down-load at: )

League Operations Manual (available for down-load at: GDUSBC Average Yearbook (contact Beverly Scantling at: )

Greater Danbury USBC Association

League Representative – Procedural Information


One of the more important aspects of a league representative will be the education of league officers. Many new officers are unsure of the responsibilities of the office that they hold. They will have questions on how to fill out the paperwork such as the league sanction application and dues worksheets. You are not expected to do the job for them, but should be familiar enough with the process to answer any questions that they may have.

Threemain sources of information which are provided to GDUSBC league officersare as follows:

1) Annual League Officers Workshop (conducted on August 22, 2010 at Brookfield Lanes)

2) The League Operations Handbook

3) USBC Playing Rules

These are essential tools for both the officers and yourself. You should have a basic understanding of each officer’s duties, together with the aspects of league operation. You do NOT have to memorize all the rules and procedures outlined within these books. Just be familiar enough to help guide them.


The league rep is not expected to understand/memorize all the rules of play. If a league has a problem that involves a rule(s) or a complaint* is submitted regarding league play it is your responsibility to notify the GDUSBC Rules Committee so they can determine the proper action to take. The Rules Committee will determine the validity of the rule in question, and respond to you directly. Of course if it is a simple rule feel free to handle it locally. However, you should not attempt to solve all issues with rules on your own. You should ask the league secretary to supply youwith a copy of the league rules, sincemany questions can be handled locally by simple review of the league rules in conjunction with the USBC Playing Rules.

* Complaint must be in writing. Should you receive a written complaint from any league member, you must forward this immediately to the proper league official. It is important to remember that a verbalcomplaint can not be acted uponofficially by the GDUSBC unless the complaint is in writing.


It will be the league representative’s responsibility to maintain monthly contact with the league officers, either in-person, or via e-mail ortelephone. It is also advisable to visit the bowling center periodically and get to know the league members. (See Role Description for specific topics of discussion).

Other useful source materials are available on our website