Collins Hill High School
Science Course Syllabus
Course Title: / Honors Chemistry / Term: / Fall 2013Teacher: / Donna Ahlswede / Room #: / 1.349
Contact and Support
Teacher/Class Website / then navigate to my webpage under the tab at the top of the page labeled Faculty/StaffAcademics>Science should have information on summer opportunities, Gateway,etc
Parents should sign up for parent portal to access grades.
Students should log into a school computer this year to activate their MyeClass
Teacher Support
Email Address / Most Tues-Fri afterschool – see teacher
Student and Parent Portal
The Student Portal (my eclass) and Parent Portal are resources that help connect you and your parents with the school and teachers. It allows you access to current grades, attendance, and discipline records. Please have your parents sign up in the main office to receive your login information. Your “my eclass” login and password is your student number. You must log on to a school computer and asked to change your password at the beginning of each year. Regular emailed progress reports will no longer be sent.
Course Description
This course addresses the structure of atoms, the structure and properties of matter, and the conservation and interaction of energy and matter. Students will investigate chemistry concepts through experience in laboratories and field work using the process of inquiry. Prerequisite: Biology (Honors Gifted Chemistry require an experimental science project.)
Course Curriculum Content
The entire list of Academic, Knowledge and Skills for each of the following curriculum strands in this course can be
accessed through the district web address at
AKS Standards / Units/TopicsA. Characteristics of Science
B. Academic Knowledge / 1. Matter / 6. Stoichiometry
2. Atomic Structure / 7. Acids and Bases
3. The Periodic Table / 8. Thermochemistry
4. Bonding / 9. Kinetics
5. Chemical Equations / 10. Gases
Instructional Materials and Supplies
Published Materials / Instructional SuppliesChemistry: Matter and Change
Glencoe Publishers
Textbook can be accessed online through your student portal account and a class set will be available for use in the classroom. / 1) 2 bound quad ruled composition books (sold in class)
2) 1” three-ring binder with front & back pockets
3) Loose leaf paper & 5 dividers
4) Pencil, Pen, Highlighter, Ruler, and Glue Stick
5)basic scientific non graphing calculator (TI-30 or similar)
6) old pair of tennis shoes for lab (keep in your locker)
***This class may make use of non-GCPS online websites, resources, and utilities that may require student logins, accounts, or that may display student names.
Evaluation and Grading
Grade Weight Categories / Assignments Types / Grading ScaleClass Assessments 30%
Homework 5%
Summative Assessments 40%
Interim 5%
Final Exam 20% / Lab Assessments (25%), Classwork (5%)
Unit Tests (35%), Projects (10%)
Performance Exam (5%), Objective (15%) / A: 90 and above
B: 80 – 89
C: 74 – 79
D: 70 – 73
F: 69 or below
Other Information
Expectations for Academic Success / Additional Requirements/ResourcesRespect for yourself, classmates, and teacher. Always be on task. Always be thinking. Be BRILLIANT.
Be Prepared
Review Notes Nightly
Lab Safety
Take Notes / Extra Help
Peer tutoring available after school on Tues & Thurs in 1.346 on Hall A
Instructor help in 1.349 after school Tues-Fri–schedule with teacher
Science tutoring in 1.466 on Hall 4 Wednesdays and Thursdays during advisement, by appointment.
Homework: 50% off 1st day late (sometimes alternative assignment will be given); not accepted after 2nd day.
Major Assignment: 10% off 1st day late; 20% off 2nd day late, 50% off until last day of six weeks.
Lab Safety
This is a lab-based course. All lab data MUST be recorded by each student before leaving lab daily. You are only to communicate with your lab partners or the instructor during lab. Also, lab safety is of the utmost importance. Any student that doesn’t take lab safety seriously (including proper care and cleanup of the lab) will not be allowed to participate in lab. Students violating lab guidelines will be issued a lab citation as a reminder. After receiving 3 violations during the course of the year, a student must come in after school and review proper lab safety procedures and then take a lab safety test to insure the student understands all lab guidelines. A student will not be allowed to participate in lab again until after the student scores 100% on the lab safety quiz. If a student commits a more serious violation, the lab license will be immediately revoked, the student will be referred to an administrator, and the student will not be able to participate in lab until this situation is resolved. In addition, students who are not properly attired will not be able to participate in labs.
Additional Info
A $10 yearly science lab contribution would be greatly appreciated. (This is handled through Meal Pay or the general contribution form you received in advisement.) This will be used to cover any glassware broken accidentally, grocery store chemical items, etc.
There is a Gwinnett Gateway test required for high school graduation. This test is first administered in the Spring of the tenth grade. Should a student not pass the Gateway, he / she will have the opportunity for academic interventions and will be able to retake the Gateway to earn a passing score. All students must pass this Gateway in order to earn a regular Gwinnett high school diploma.
The syllabus may be updated as needed throughout the semester.