South Dakota Ellsworth Development Authority
Board of Directors Meeting
10 June2016
8:30 AM MDT
14 Saint Joseph Street, Suite 200, Rapid City, SD 57701
2nd Floor Bank Conference Room
- Call to Order: ChairmanBurchill called the meeting to order at 8:30 AMMDT
a. Board members presentwere:Pat Burchill, David Emery,DavidLust, Steven Kalkman and Kurt Solay.
b. Michael Bender and Stanley Porchattended the meeting via tele-conference call.
- Approval of the Agenda:
MOTION:David Lustmade a motion to approve the agenda. David Emery seconded the motion. The agenda was unanimously approved.
- Approval of the minutes from the 25 February 2016board meeting:
The minutes were presented by Chairman Burchill and discussed.
MOTION: David Emery made a motion to approve the minutesfrom the 18 November 2015Board meeting. Kurt Solay seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.
- Approval Executive Session:
MOTION: Michael Bender made a motion to request Executive Session. Stanley Porch seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
At 8:35 AM, pursuant to the provisions provided for Executive Sessions under S.D.C.L. 1-25-2 and/or S.D.C.L.1-16J-18; the Board of Directors entered Executive Session.
Executive Session adjourned at 9:35 AM.
The general / open session reconvened at approximately 9:36 AM.
5. Old Business: None
6. New Business:
a. Resolution 16-03
Consider resolution approving SDEDA FY2017 Operations Budget - Action Item
MOTION: Steve Kalkmanmade a motion to approve Resolution 16-03. David Emery seconded the motion. The motion (Resolution 16-03) was unanimously approved.
b. Resolution 16-04
Consider resolution approving SDEDA Code of Conduct Policy (as required by SD State Board of Internal Controls (SBIC) - Action Item
MOTION: David Lust made a motion to approve Resolution 16-04. David Emery seconded the motion. As the SD Code of Conduct is still being staffed and coordinated, David Lust motioned and requested the SDEDA Code of Conduct Policy not yet reference the SD State Code of Conduct Policy. David Emery seconded. The motion (Resolution 16-04) was unanimously approved.
c. Consideration of Sale of Melody Lane Properties – Action Item.
MOTION: Steve Kalkman motioned to sell Melody Lane Properties. Michael Bender seconded. The motion (to sell Melody Lane Properties) was unanimously approved.
d. Consideration of Real Property options regarding Skyway and Vandenberg School.
DISCUSSION: Numerous perspectives, options and concerns were initially discussed. Board requested additional details, options and discussion.
7. Adjournment (10:20AM MDT)
As no action items or issues were pending, Chairman Burchill adjourned this meeting.
Minutes Approved:
Chairman Burchill: ______
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