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Chapter 5, Section 4

Moving Towards Independence

Reading Comprehension: Answer the following questions after reading the section to show your understanding.

1.  How long did it take John Adams to convince the Second Continental Congress to break away from Great Britain?

About one year.

2.  Choose two influential delegates to the Second Continental Congress. Briefly explain the important contributions each man made prior to joining the Second Continental Congress.

Thomas Jefferson-Highly respected for his intellect. He served as an important member of the Virginia legislature.

John Hancock-Hancock was a wealthy merchant who helped fund many patriot groups including the Sons of Liberty. He was chosen to be the president of the Second Continental Congress.

Benjamin Franklin-He was very respected the colonies. He served as an important member of the Pennsylvania legislature. He represented colonial interests in England during the Stamp Act Crisis.

3.  List the key actions that the Second Continental Congress took soon after it met.
A. It began governing the colonies by printing money, organizing a postal service, and created committees to communicate with other groups (Native Americans and other countries).

B. It created the Continental Army with George Washington in command.

C. It issued the Olive Branch Petition, asking the British government to protect colonists’ rights. This document was an attempt to prevent war and return peace to the colonies.

D. It finally voted to break away from Great Britain by unanimously supporting the Declaration of Independence.

“Reason first—You are a Virginian, and a Virginian ought to appear at the head of this business. Reason second—I am obnoxious, suspected, and unpopular. You are very much otherwise. Reason third—you can write ten times better than I can.”
--from The Writings of Thomas Jefferson

4.  Based on this quote, what were Adams’s reasons for wanting Jefferson to draft (write) the Declaration of Independence?

Adams believed Jefferson should write it because he was from Virginia (the largest and most powerful colony). Adams also thought that he was considered to be rude and unpopular by the other delegates but that Jefferson was highly respected. Lastly, Adams believed Jefferson was a better writer than he was.

5.  Who was selected to lead the Continental Army?

George Washington

6.  What was the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition? Was it successful? Explain.

The Olive Branch Petition was a formal written demand asking the British government to protect colonists’ rights. This document was an attempt to prevent war and return peace to the colonies. It was not successful because King George III rejected it. Peace was not achieved and the war began.

7.  How prepared were the early militias? Explain.

Early militias were often poorly prepared. They had little training, were undisciplined and were poorly equipped.

8.  What was the significance of Common Sense by Thomas Paine?

This pamphlet was a major source of influence (propaganda) for patriots. In this document, Paine persuades colonists called for complete independence from Great Britian.

9.  Which delegate proposed independence? What colony was he from?

Richard Henry Lee. He was a delegate from Virginia.

10.  Briefly describe the four sections of the Declaration of Independence.

A.  Preamble or introduction-This section explains that colonists should state reasons why they want to form their own nation.

B.  List of Rights-This section lists the major rights the colonists should have.

C.  List of Grievances-This section lists the complaints the colonists have against the British government.

D.  A New Nation-This section says that the colonies are now states and they have formed a new nation, independent from Great Britain.

11.  What grievances (complaints) were included in the Declaration of Independence?

Many grievances were included in the Declaration of Independence. Among them were:

A.  Shut down of trade

B.  Taxation without representation

C.  Great Britain had ignored their complaints