
The citizens of Australia are starving and in desperate need of protein rich food due to the recent widespread flooding combined with the devastation caused by Cyclone Yasi. As part of a Global Rescue program our job as CHS students is to help feed the displaced families and ensure they don’t suffer from and develop Pellagra- a protein deficiency disease. They currently are surviving off donated molasses and corn meal and are in desperate need of protein rich foods. Our mission is to deliver large quantity of EGGS to the region as soon as possible. We can only distribute the eggs by low flying aircraft because they will rot if we take them by boat. We only have room in plane for packages that are SHOE BOX size or smaller. It is very important that when the eggs are dropped they do not break on impact. We will test all the packages with egg inside from the bleachers to ensure they will survive the delivery from an aircraft.


  1. You must use or build a package that does not exceed the dimensions of a common shoe box or smaller that will safely deliver an egg when your package is dropped to ensure the egg DOES NOT break.
  2. The egg can’t be hardboiled.
  3. The egg MUST be in a zip-lock bag inside your package
  4. You may use/make a parachute as a long as it can be retained inside the box with the lid closed does not exceed the size limitations of the box.
  5. You can insulate the egg as long as it does not exceed the size limitations of the box.
  6. Use your creativity in choosing your materials.

Criteria for Judging

Design / Explanation of the design and the engineering. Why did you use such material? Why is your design better than the others? No less than 5 sentences. / 30%
Egg landed safely / The egg MUST land safely with no sign of injuries. / 30%
Application and Extension / Relate understanding of this project into real life situations and equipment. / 40%

Explain your design and engineering in NO less than 5 sentences.

Application and Extension(Read about momentum and impulse before answering this part)

This is related to impulse and momentum because…

The egg did not break because…

The concept about the egg drop is the same with the concept of seat belt because…

The concept about the egg drop is the same with the concept with the air bag because…

Another concrete example of this concept (impulse) is…