2243 Burbank Avenue (Corner of Rose & Burbank)

Nashville, TN 37210

January 16, 2011

Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.

Morning Worship Services 11:00 a.m.

Evening Worship Services 6:00 p.m.

Church Website: http//

Pastor: Elder Barry Armour 615-822-4681– 615-812-6204

Pastor Email:

Music Director: Bro. Bert Lanier Sunday School Supt.: Bro. Terry Parker

Church Clerk: Bro. Billy Clemons

Deacons: Bro. Jimmy Hicks Bro. Bert Lanier

Bro. Don Langford Bro. James Quinn


God With Us Women’s Fellowship There will be no meeting in December. The following Speakers are scheduled in the up coming months 6:30 p.m. February 15th - Sister Sherry Anderson March 22nd - Sister Linda Hackett( NOTE – This is the 4th Tuesday Schedules– change made due to Spring Break Sister Cindy or call 331-3149


Old Paths – 402 College Street, Smyrna, TN – Study of the Book of Revelation Friday nights 6:00 p.m


The Faith Cookbooks are available for purchase. The amount of the cookbooks is $5.00 and just covers the price to print them. The church is making no profit from this endeavor. Jean Langford is handing requests for books


SPECIAL LOVE COLLECTION - A collection will be taken for a friend of Mitch, who works with Billy. This friend of Mitch had brain surgery Tuesday of this past week. Mitch thought of our church as he has visited our church on occasion and his friend needed help.

Lunch will be brought for 5th Sunday

The Church will be visiting the Nursing Home where Cindy Clemons’ mother resides at 3:00 on the 5th Sunday. Bro. Armour will preach.


Jimmy Hicks is our new Deacon. Jimmy and Susan need our prayers as he carries out his work as Deacon and Susan for her support of his efforts.

Mrs. Rhoda Kemp was taken to the hospital about Wednesday of this past week with stroke-like symptoms. She snapped out of it very soon and was released Friday. We hope she will fully recover from this ordeal.

Billy Clemons has a friend who has significant health problems and his wife is in a wheel chair. Please keep this friend in your prayers for the recovery of his health.

A friend of Bro. Armour’s and Jimmy Hicks had surgery. His name is Otis and prayers have been requested for Otis before. He is recovering from recent surgery so pray for his complete recovery. Also, pray for Jimmy’s co-workers.

Mrs. Trapp is in Rehab. We hope that her condition will improve rapidly. Pray for Brenda and her brother as they make difficult decisions regarding their mother.

Mary Jo is making steady improvement, but as you would expect, she has some depressing days. We would like to see her recovery complete and have her enjoying her normal life very soon.

I have an uncle, who is Ruth Hassell’s brother, Adrain, who is faced with making decisions about his own health, whether to go to a nursing home. This is very troubling for him. Pray that he will make the right decision while he is able to make the decision himself.

Dalton has completed his procedure. Pray for the success of this appliance which will help prevent seizures.

Mayrene Quinn is improving and we’re glad that she was able to make it to church last Sunday. We hope she’ll be feeling great soon.

Please pray for all the parents of unsaved children associated with this church. May they see the death sentence one day after while when their children’s lives are over. It’s important for them to hear the convicting sermons which will make them seek the Lord. Children are with us for a short time and then they’re on their own. We pray that each parent will take this admonishment to heart in the spirit of interest and love that it is plead.

Remember to pray for Dillon as he goes to his appointments. This is a very difficult undertaking for him and requires much study and prayer. He needs our prayers too to help him along his way.

Kyle and Dodger are going back to college. Pray for these young men as they pursue their education. May they continue to keep service to their Lord as a priority.


January 16 through January 23

Dodger Clemons – January 21 – Birthday

Bret Lanier – January 23 - Birthday

Ruth Hassell – January 16 - Birthday

Mandy Brawner – January 23, Birthday




When I was a ten year old I felt conviction come upon me for the first time. I was at the Do Re Mi Gospel Music Academy. Before this time I had never really felt as if I was truly lost. The night before that I had a dream that the world had come to an end and I could see my family going away without me. Throughout the whole next day I had that thought on my mind, that God would end the world and I wouldn’t have another opportunity to be saved. That night Bro. Kris Woodard preached on hell harder than I had ever heard it before, and it scared me so bad I collapsed to the ground and stayed there praying for hours. After a certain point, I finally spoke these words, “I give up, I have nothing else.” That was all it took for me to be saved. Just a few words that we really so simple, but it was so difficult to get my heart to the place that it needed to be. That night, on Tuesday, June 8, 2004, the Good Lord saved my soul.


Maranda Herlein

I was sixteen and Dillon was preaching about being saved or go down and all I thought about was that I wanted to be the one to go to heaven, and I prayed. I told God I would give up everything if I had to. And when I did, something inside me told me I was saved. I felt that everything bad disappeared. Peace was all I felt. It was all I wanted to feel. I felt a transition. The Lord had touched me, and I’m happy and free!



I don’t remember exactly what age I was or what time it was, but I do remember every face around me and the exact place that Sunday where I was saved. I don’t know exactly when I became lost; I never have. I just know that a couple of times that year I had felt a little strange and my mom told me to pray about it. I was young, around the age of ten, and I didn’t quite “know” what God was. But that one time He knocked real hard on my heart. I met Him. I didn’t want to do anything about it. It was scary and it shouldn’t have happened. In a kid’s life things they can’t see don’t exist. I couldn’t see God, but I could feel Him. Everyone from church was by me, giving me advice and praying for me, and I just used those experiences and that advice to say, “See, this isn’t like what happened to them. It’s not my time to be saved. I’m not lost.!! God must not be a good listener, because He ignored my demands and, instead, gave me what I needed. I don’t know how long it took, but it took a good bit out of me to tear down my armor . Manipulation was my best defense, and God pulled away every excuse I had until I had none left. Apologizing didn’t work; bartering didn’t work; deals didn’t work. Pretending He wasn’t there didn’t work. God knew that my defenses were my most valuable possession. Once that was gone, the pain disappeared. The church was quiet. I looked up above the bench, and I don’t know what I said. All I really remember is peace, and I didn’t (have) my defenses to give it to me. I was saved! I doubted myself the day after that happened for a long time. I knew that I had been saved, but I didn’t feel saved. Eventually, I was able to trust God enough to know that I was saved and all of my guilt and doubt ran away. All it takes is faith. So simple, and, yet, it’s the hardest gift to give.

History of Mount Tabor Missionary Baptist Church

By Brother Milton Dickerson

Mount Tabor Church is located one mile south of Pleasant Shade, TN. This church was organized in 1836. From the time of its organization , with Daniel Smith the first Pastor, until today (2001) with Elder James Gibbs the Pastor, this church has not deviated one bit in teaching God’s word. The name Mt. Tabor came from the name of a small mountain near Nazareth where Jesus grew up. This mountain is 1,843 ft. high with a limestone base and covered with hardwood trees. In order that we might have a history of where this church began, we must start with Paul’s preaching around Rome. In his younger days Paul found a great delight in persecuting Christians. One day while Paul was on his way to Damascus to continue his persecution, a light came down out of the heavens and blinded Paul. He was taken to an empty house and left all alone for three days. Not far away lived a Christian by the name of Ananias. God told Ananias to go and check on Paul. Ananias refused, saying that Paul delighted in persecuting people of his belief and he did not want to go. God told him to go on, that Paul was expecting him. He then decided to go. When Ananias arrived at the house where Paul was staying, he found Paul kneeling on the floor praying. Ananias went and placed his hands on

Paul’s head and, when he did this, the scales fell from Paul’s eyes and he could see again. Paul arose and ate. This gave him his strength back. Then Paul set out again for Damascus. There was a difference in Paul’s trip this time. Instead of going to persecute, he was preaching the gospel. After preaching in Damascus for awhile, he returned to Rome where he intended to preach. The people who remembered the days of Paul’s persecution of Christians would not let him preach in Rome. In fact, Paul was placed in prison seven times. Paul, after being released from prison, went to Spain to preach. Then later he went all the way to the British Isles. He began preaching in Wales. His preaching in Wales caught on and a church was built and was called The Old Welsh Tract church. In the year 1701, sixteen members of this church set sail for North America. It took three months to cross the Atlantic Ocean, but they finally arrived in what is now Philadelphia. There they built a church and began spreading the gospel. Three years later they purchased thirty thousand acres of land from William Penn in what is now Delaware. This tract of land was called The Welsh Tract. There they built and organized The Welsh Tract Church. In 1736, forty-eight members left this church and sailed down the coast of North America and went all the way to South Carolina where they sailed up the Pee Dee River. They settled here and began preaching Christianity. Later a preacher by the name of William Phipps gave up the church he was pastoring and migrated to North Carolina and then he crossed the Smokey Mountains and came into Middle Tennessee. He settled west of Gallatin, Tennessee, on Station Camp Creek. There they built a building called Phipps Meeting House. This name was later changed to El Bethel Church. This was the beginning of the Baptists in Middle Tennessee. (Cal’s Column, Vol. II, page 559, Col. 3) By this time, people were moving into Middle Tennessee and settling along the Cumberland River and along the smaller streams. Brother William of Dixon’s Creek Missionary Baptist Church in 1800. Martin went down to El Bethel Church and asked them to extend an arm to Dixon’s Creek, which was the beginning In the year 1810, Dixon’s Creek extended an arm to Hogan’s Creek and Hogan’s Creek Missionary Baptist Church was organized. In 1812, Hogan’s Creek extended an arm to Peyton’s Creek and Peyton’s Creek Missionary Baptist Church was organized. Then in 1836 Peyton’s Creek church extended an arm to Mt. Tabor and Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist Church was organized. Mt. Tabor’s first church house was built east of the dwelling of Brother Junior and Sister Catherine Beasley’s present home. The first church was made of logs, was a one-room building with grease lights. The floor was of an earthen color, because the church had a dirt floor. The seats were made of trees sawed into logs, the logs, then, were split open, and the holes were bored into them, and long pegs were attached to hold the seats up. No cushions were provided for these seats, but these were modern to what the people were accustomed to. They were in the dry and out of the sun. Mt. Tabor’s first pastor was Elder Daniel Smith, who served from 1836 to 1857. Elder James Gibbs is our present pastor, who has served in this capacity for 24 years. Bro. Gibbs has done and is still doing a remarkable job at this church. Our congregation is great in number and the interest is excellent. Our services are as follows: Sunday School, 10:00 a.m., Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Our revival always starts the first Sunday night in July. Come see us. We always welcome visitors!

One of the old Mt.Tabor buildings.


January 16 through January 23

Dodger Clemons – January 21 – Birthday

Bret Lanier – January 23 - Birthday

Ruth Hassell – January 16 - Birthday

Mandy Brawner – January 23, Birthday


January Business Meeting

Heaters were purchased for the basement and are in place. The Committee’s work is accepted and the Committee is dismissed.