S.J Breeze B.Ed.
Head Teacher
/ St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School

God is at the centre of our lives and as a school community we try to grow in love and care by following the example of Jesus /
19th Jan 2017

Dear Parents,

INSET Day School Closure

Please note that school is closed on Friday17th February for In Service Training.

Behaviour Management

Most children are clear about the expectations we have of good behaviour. School expects this, parents want this and children are better able to learn when this is in place. Some children continue to work towards this expectation and we are here to assist them to reach this goal!

Children enjoy receiving house points for their teams in school and they can achieve these points through continued hard work and good behaviour. Children also enjoy the competitive aspect of receiving a trophy on a weekly basis for the highest scoring house team.

To monitor behaviour more closely, we have a traffic light system in each classroom where quite openly, children showing undesirable behaviour can slip into an orange or red area. Most children respond quickly to getting themselves back into a green area if this happens – as we say to children, “It’s good to be green!” The majority of children remain steadfastly in a green zone.

We are currently piloting a new reward system to add to our behaviour management, and children will talk to you about their “Dojo.” This is a character to represent each child and points are awarded during or at the end of the day to reflect model behaviour and good work. The pilot is important so that teachers can award points in a consistent way. Eventually we hope to share the child’s points accumulation with parents who request this which would happen realistically at the start of the Summer term.

School Governors

Mrs Beaumont has been appointed by the Diocese as a Foundation Governor. I know that she will be a great asset to the governing body.

Parking Reminder

Please continue to park with respect for our residents. They need to access their drives. There are no easy solutions to the congestion outside school however many parents make use of the ASDA car park.


As we approach the preparation of children to receive the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist in May, I would remind parents that if there is an interest for Baptism for any child, to please let me know.

Yours sincerely

Mr S Breeze, Headteacher