Classification of the species that germinated from the seed bank samples after the selected life history traits

Growth Form / Diaspore Morphology / Seed mass
Agrostis capillaris / Poaceae / Graminoid / No appendages5 / <0.1 mg1
Agrostis mertensii / Poaceae / Graminoid / No appendages5 / <0.1 mg5
Alchemilla alpina / Rosaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With awns/hooks5 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Antennaria dioica / Asteraceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With pappus5 / <0.1 mg5
Anthoxanthum odoratum ssp alpinum / Poaceae / Graminoid / With awns/hooks5 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Betula nana / Betulaceae / Shrub / With wings/fringes5 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Betula pubescens coll / Betulaceae / Shrub / With wings/fringes6 / <0.1 mg1
Bistorta vivipara / Polygonaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages6 / >0.1-0.5 mg4
Campanula rotundifolia coll / Campanulaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With pappus5 / <0.1 mg5
Cardamine bellidifolia / Brassicaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages5 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Carex atrata / Cyperaceae / Graminoid / No appendages4 / >1-5 mg1
Carex brunnescens / Cyperaceae / Graminoid / No appendages4 / >0.5-1 mg1
Carex canescens / Cyperaceae / Graminoid / No appendages4 / >0.1-0.5 mg1
Carex capillaris / Cyperaceae / Graminoid / No appendages4 / >0.1-0.5 mg1
Carex lachenalii / Cyperaceae / Graminoid / No appendages4 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Carex lachenalii x brunescens / Cyperaceae / Graminoid / - / -
Carex norvegica ssp norvegica / Cyperaceae / Graminoid / No appendages4 / >0.1-0.5 mg4
Carex sp / Cyperaceae / Graminoid / - / -
Cerastium cerastoides / Caryophyllaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages5 / <0.1 mg5
Cerastium fontanum ssp fontanum / Caryophyllaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages5 / <0.1 mg5
Deschampsia cespitosa / Poaceae / Graminoid / With awns/hooks6 / >0.1-0.5 mg1
Deschampsia flexuosa / Poaceae / Graminoid / With awns/hooks5 / >0.1-0.5 mg1
Empetrum nigrum ssp hermaphroditum / Empetraceae / Shrub / Fleshy fruits5 / >1-5 mg5
Epilobium anagallidifolium / Onagraceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With pappus6 / <0.1 mg1
Epilobium hornemannii / Onagraceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With pappus6 / <0.1 mg4
Epilobium lactiflorum / Onagraceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With pappus6 / <0.1 mg6
Epilobium montanum / Onagraceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With pappus6 / >0.1-0.5 mg6
Festuca rubra coll / Poaceae / Graminoid / With awns/hooks6 / >1-5 mg
Hieracium alpina nigrescantia / Asteraceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With pappus5 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Juncus filiformis / Juncaceae / Graminoid / No appendages6 / >0.1-0.5 mg6
Juncus trifidus / Juncaceae / Graminoid / No appendages5 / <0.1 mg1
Leontodon autumnalis / Asteraceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With pappus6 / >0.5-1 mg1
Luzula arcuata coll / Juncaceae / Graminoid / No appendages6 / >0.1-0.5 mg1
Luzula multiflora coll / Juncaceae / Graminoid / Elaiosome2 / >0.1-0.5 mg1
Luzula pilosa / Juncaceae / Graminoid / Elaiosome6 / >0.1-0.5 mg4
Luzula sudetica / Juncaceae / Graminoid / With awns/hooks6 / >0.1-0.5 mg1
Nardus stricta / Poaceae / Graminoid / With awns/hooks5 / >0.5-1 mg1
Omalotheca norvegica / Asteraceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With pappus4 / <0.1 mg4
Omalotheca supina / Asteraceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With pappus4 / <0.1 mg4
Oxyria digyna / Polygonaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With wings/fringes5 / >0.5-1 mg5
Phleum alpinum / Poaceae / Graminoid / With awns/hooks5 / >0.1-0.5 mg1
Poa alpina coll / Poaceae / Graminoid / With awns/hooks5 / >0.1-0.5 mg1
Poa glauca coll / Poaceae / Graminoid / With awns/hooks3 / >0.1-0.5 mg4
Poa pratensis ssp alpigena / Poaceae / Graminoid / No appendages5 / >0.1-0.5 mg1
Potentilla crantzii / Rosaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages5 / >0.5-1 mg5
Ranunculus acris coll / Ranunculaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With awns/hooks5 / >1-5 mg5
Ranunculus pygmaeus / Ranunculaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With awns/hooks5 / <0.1 mg1
Rumex acetosa coll / Polygonaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages5 / >0.5-1 mg5
Rumex acetosella ssp acetosella / Polygonaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages5 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Sagina saginoides / Caryophyllaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages4 / <0.1 mg4
Salix herbacea / Salicaceae / Shrub / With pappus5 / <0.1 mg5
Salix reticulata / Salicaceae / Shrub / With pappus5 / <0.1 mg1
Saxifraga rivularis / Saxifragaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages4 / <0.1 mg4
Saxifraga stellaris / Saxifragaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages4 / >0.5-1 mg1
Sibbaldia procumbens / Rosaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages5 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Taraxacum sp / Taraxaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / With pappus5 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Trisetum spicatum / Poaceae / Graminoid / No
appendages4 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Vaccinium myrtillus / Ericacea / Shrub / Fleshy fruits5 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Vaccinium uliginosum / Ericacea / Shrub / Fleshy fruits6 / >0.1-0.5 mg1
Vaccinium vitis-idaea / Ericacea / Shrub / Fleshy fruits5 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Veronica alpina ssp alpina / Scrophulariacea / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No appendages5 / <0.1 mg5
Viola biflora / Violaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / No Appendages5 / >0.1-0.5 mg5
Viola palustris / Violaceae / Herbaceous dicotyledon / Elaiosome2 / >0.5-1 mg6

References – 1-Klotz et al 2002; 2- Marianne Evju (perscomm); 3- Welling and Laine 2002; 4- Personal observation at Tromsø University Museum; 5=Welling et al 2004; 6= Fitter and Peat 1994

References (Appendix for electronic supplement)

Fitter A and Peat H (1994) The ecological flora database. J Ecol 82: 45-425,

Klotz S, Kühn I and Durka W (2002) BIOLFLOR Eine Datenbank zu biologisch-ökologischen Merkmalen der Gefäβpflanzen in Deutschland Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde 38 Bonn, Bundesamt für Naturschutz,

Lid J and Lid D T (1994) Norsk Flora . Det Norske Samlaget

Welling P and Laine K (2002) Regeneration by seeds in alpine meadow and heath vegetation in sub-arctic Finland. J Veg Sci 3: 25-224

Welling P, Tolvanen A and Laine K (2004) The alpine soil seed bank in relation to field seedlings and standing vegetation in subarctic Finland. Arc Antarct Alp Res 34: 226-238