Patient Participation Group Terms of Reference

  1. Title of the Group

The group shall be called Castlegate and Derwent Surgery Patient Participation Group (CDSPPG).

  1. Purpose of the Group

The CDSPPG aims to provide a forum for patients where they will have the opportunity to collaborate with and support the Practice, and provide a patient perspective to the Practice.

  1. Membership of the Group

Membership of the group shall be free and open to all registered patients of the Practice. The Practice shall promote the CDSPPG via it’s website, newsletter, information screens and other methods to attract volunteer members. Given the voluntary nature of the group, the Practice shall ensure as much as possible that the membership reflects the Practice population.

There will be at least one or two members of the Practice present at meetings, this will usually consist of the Practice Manager and a General Practitioner, although this may change from time to time depending on the topics on the Agenda.

A Chairperson and Vice-chair person shall be elected from the patients within the group; this will be revisited on an annual basis.

Other interested parties may be invited to join the group from time to time when their input is considered of particular value.

  1. Activities of the Group
  • Contribute to Practice decision-making and consult on service development and provision;
  • Provide feedback on patients’ needs, concerns and interests and challenge the Practice constructively whenever necessary;
  • Support the Practice in the formulation of an annual patient survey, promotion and analysis of results;
  • Give patients a voice in the organisation of their care;
  • Share best practice and good ideas that are picked up from elsewhere which might enhance the wellbeing of patients and staff;
  • Give input to Practice communications to ensure clear, plain English, for example, Practice information leaflets, website content etc.;
  • Support the Practice in its dealings with other bodies;
  • Influence, where appropriate, the provision of healthcare locally;
  • Be as representative of the patient population as possible;
  • Review these terms of reference annually.
  1. Meetings

Meetings will take place bi-monthly or more often if the group agrees. Meetings will be structured with an agenda; members can notify the Practice Manager of agenda items in advance of the meeting an agenda will then be agreed with the Chair. Minutes will be taken, usually by a member of the Practice administration team, agreed and published on the Practices website for public viewing.

Meetings will be set on an annual basis with future dates published on the Practice’s website.

The Chair will produce a short annual report so that details of activity done and proposed can be formally recorded; the report will also be published on the Practices website.

Membership of the group does not confer any priority claims on the Practice or any right to preferential treatment. Nor does it alter the existing NHS processes for handling individual complaints, a copy of which is on the Practice website or is available from the Practice Manager.

  1. Meeting Ground Rules
  • Meetings are not a forum for individual complaints and single issues
  • Members will agree to treat items discussed as confidential where appropriate
  • We advocate open and honest communication and challenge between individuals
  • We will be flexible, listen, ask for help and support each other
  • We will demonstrate a commitment to delivering results, as a group
  • All views are valid and will be listened to
  • No phones or other disruptions
  • Members who are considered disruptive may be asked to leave the group after consultation with other group members
  • We will start and finish on time and stick to the Agenda

Terms of Reference created 23/01/2016

Review date – 23/01/2017

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