- Minutes -
IEEE Executive Meeting of 2-4-2003 @ Maxwell’s
Members present:
Paul Tindall, Glen Wrate, Chuck Rohrer, John Gassert, Howard Haugstad, Bill Henning, Chris Nelson, James Blaha, John Safar, Larry Hause, Rod Elger, Hue Tran, Brian Cunningham.
- Bob Perro, IEEE Region 4 Central Area Chair
- First Project Team: Lauren Halatek (MSOE), Kevin Kolodziej (MSOE), Tadd Rapant (South Milwaukee High School). …….
- Sylvia Wrate and Rick Missiner, P.E.
Chair Paul Tindall called meeting to order at 11:40
Sylvia Wrate presented information about the proposed IEEE summer party at Miller Park. She reported a cost of $35 per guest that includes a buffet and two beer tickets on the Dew Deck. A minimum of 25 guests are required with prepayment to reserve a date. The group suggested reserving 50 seats on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. It was recognized that the cost of unsold seats would need to be covered by the section.
Paul Tindall introduced Bob Parro, Region 4 Central Area Chair. Bob is visiting sections in the central area to explain the role of Region 4. He explained that the PACE Committee helps support professional activities in engineering such as careers. An IEEE option to print and mail post cards at 30c each when submitted 30 to 90 days in advance. He also encouraged any feedback from the sections on leadership ideas in R4.
The FIRST project team from MSOE-South Milwaukee High came to explain their robot project that has been supported by the section. Lauren Halatek explained the theme of the project as community outreach using on engineering projects. The First project involves engineering students from MSOE teamed with high school students from South Milwaukee High School. Tadd Rapaut of South Milwaukee gave an enthusiastic description of the project, which helps high school students understand engineering as “what’s behind the push-buttons”. Lauren further described the technical elements of the project and asked for any design help. Tadd explained that the current need is system integration.
The First regional competition will involve 8 robots as Sussex High School on February 16th. Lauren said that there are about 800 colleges in the national project including Marquette and Platteville. She confirmed that an IEEE-Milwaukee sticker would be placed on the robot and the web site. Bob Parro said that this project could request PACE funds. Brian Cunningham offered to coordinate contact to 3 elementary school and suggested May as for target dates.
Jim Blaha reported completion of the L50 forms for 2002. These support the IEEE rebate of about $9000 – to applause from committee. He also distributed a report on the section treasury showing about $5000 available to the section in the checkbook and $19,000 in CD accounts. He said this is about $4000 less than January 2002.
The Spring IEEE conference was discussed. Brian Cunningham described a career session, which currently has three speakers on: 1- motivation, 2- dress for success, 3- labor law. He seeks one more speaker concerning resumes & HR. He requested funds for stipends to speakers. Bob Parro again suggested matching PACE support. John Gassert moved to authorize $700 for speaker support with a second by Hue Tran. The Motion was approved by hand vote with one dissector.
Larry Hause moved to elect Russ Meirer and Howard Haugsted to fill vacant positions on the Executive Board (terms to expire in 2005 and 2004, respectively). The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the committee.
Howard Haugstad, new PACE Chair, requested funds to cover his trip to national PACE meeting in Seattle in March. It was mentioned that IEEE would cover ½ the cost of the trip. Larry Hause made a motion to support his trip, which was seconded by Chris Nelson. The Motion was approved.
Brian Cunningham mentioned the “At 10 Program” might feature an engineer. We may have 50/50 opportunity to speak for engineering. He will follow up.
Paul Tindall called for adjournment at 1:09 with unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted by LL Hause, scribe & past chair.