Guidance in the Development of Site-specific Water Quality Objectives in the State of California
February 26 & 27, 2004 – Cal-EPA Building
March 2 & 3, 2004 – Santa Ana RWQCB
Two sessions (Northern & Southern California) of the course - Guidance in the Development of Site-specific Water Quality Objectives in the State of California are being offered. This course is based on the recently issued “Draft Compilation of Existing Guidance for the Development of Site-specific Water Quality Objectives in the State of California”. This document was developed under a SWRCB contract with the Great Lakes Environmental Center and personnel from this organization will be the instructors for the course.
This is a day and a half class, that will provide a basic understanding on the development of site-specific objectives, including information on default national aquatic life criteria, including their strengths and limitations. Published and unpublished methodologies for the derivation of site-specific objectives will be described, with case examples provided (including some California examples). Considerations in the development of SSOs and the factors to consider before, during and after an SSO is developed will be discussed.
Northern California (NoCal) session:
Date:February 26 and 27
Time:First day - 8:30am to 5:00pm
Second day - 8:30am to Noon
Location:CALEPA Building
Training Room West (1st Floor)
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Southern California (SoCal) session:
Date:March 2 and 3
Time:First day - 8:30am to 5:00pm
Second day - 8:30am to Noon
Location:Santa Ana RWQCB
Magnolia and Victoria Rooms
3737 Main Street
Riverside, CA 92501
Target Audience: Limited to RWQCB & SWRCB employees only (at this time)
Registration: Free
To Register: Class size is limited to 35 for the NoCal session and 45 for the SoCal session. Follow the training registration requirements, obtain all required approvals and then register on-line at It is not necessary to submit hardcopy training requests; the online system will provide a registration confirmation. If you have questions about the registration process, please contact your training liaison. Questions concerning the Guidance in the Development of Site-specific Water Quality Objectives in the State of California course may be addressed to Stephanie Rose at or (916) 341-5574.
If you have special accommodation or language needs, please contact Linda Gould, (916) 341-5882 or at least 5 working days prior to each class.
TTY/DD/Speech to Speech users may dial
7-1-1 for the California Relay Service.