FLO Producer Support (FLO PSR) AND AFIT (Association for Fairness in Trade)
10th – 13th October 2011
For Attention: AFIT Members
Dear AFIT Members,
The FLO Producer Support Unit in conjunction with the Association for Fairness in trade (AFIT) is pleased to invite representatives of your Small Farmer Organisation, Joint Body and Workers Committee to our Second Spring School.
The purpose of the Spring School is to build on the basic regional training workshops AFIT and FLO PSR have been running in the provinces over the last two years. For this reason, we are encouraging application from participants who attended one of these workshops.
The Spring School will run 4 courses concurrently, to deepen learning from the basic regional training workshop. You will have to choose one course to specialise in. The courses are:
- Fairtrade Premium and Project management
- Organisational Management
- Workers Right’s, Labour Law and Fairtrade
- Climate Change
There are only 80 places available (20 places per course) so paid-up AFIT members will be given preference and only 2 places will be available per farm unless additional places become available.
Unfortunately, due to resource constraints training will be conducted mostly in English but we will be able to make training materials available in Afrikaans if requested on your application form. Facilitators will also try to assist with language as far as possible.
The AFIT AGM will begin in the afternoon of the 13th continue on the14thOctober 2011 at the same venue. An invitation to the AFIT AGM will be sent shortly.
SPRING SCHOOL DATE:10 – 13 October 2011
VENUE:Fountains Hotel: 1 St Georges Mall, Cape Town
Tel: (021) 443 1100
AFIT will pay for:
Food for the entire period including 2 teas per day
Accommodation for 2 persons per organisation sharing
Use of the Conference facility at the venue
Training materials
TRANSPORT:Please note, you will need to organise your transport to the venue.
PAYMENT:We cannot guarantee a place in the workshop without receipt of your Annual R 500.00 AFIT membership fee.
Applications will be processed on a first come first serve basis.
The AFIT Bank details are as follows:
Bank Name: ABSA Bank
Account Name:Association for Fairness in trade
Branch Name:Claremont
Branch Number:632005
Account Number: 4062577974
Please ensure that you include on your deposit slip the name of your organisation and please fax or e-mail your deposit slip with your application to us +27 (0)21 448 2922 or to secure your place.
Please complete the attached RSVP form to book and confirm your attendance. Please RSVP before Tuesday the 20th September 2011. Forms must be faxed or emailed back to Mandy Moussouris at EMG on or Fax: (021) 448-2922.
Please also contact Mandy if you have any other queries or require any further information. Tel: (021) 448-2881.
The full programme will be sent on receipt of your application form.
We look forward to hearing from you and meeting you at our very first SpringSchool.
Kind Regards
Tatia Currie Mandy MoussourisMalin OlofssonNathi Tshabalala
RSVP FORM FOR FLO/AFIT Spring School 2011
Name of farm:
Name of Joint Body:
Name of Representative 1: Male/FemaleContact Number :
Course attending:
Name of representative 2: Male/Female
Contact Number :
Course attending:
Additional name/s should space be available: Male/Female
Contact Number :
Course attending:
Additional name/s should space be available: Male/Female
Contact Number :
Course attending:
As the accommodation is sharing we do need to know the gender of participants in order for us to organise room share. Please tick the relevant box:
We are happy to share the roomWe would like you to organise room share with another participant of the same sex.
Language you would like training material to be in (please circle)ENGLISH/AFRIKAANS
Do you have any dietary requirements? VEGETARIAN / KOSHER / HALAAL: NUMBERS? ____
Do you need a room with disabled access?YES / NO HOW MANY? ____
Contact person for any further details:
Name: Contact Number:
In accepting this offer or invitation, you agree to indemnify the Environmental Monitoring Group (EMG) against any loss, harm or injury to your person, or loss or damage to your property while participating in this event and while travelling to it, whether such travel costs are paid for by EMG or not.