November Happenings
St. Paul’s / Zion Lutheran Church
Sunday School: 9:30 AM Worship: 8:30 AM
Worship: 10:30 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM
Pastor Cheryl Indehar; phone: 651-587-3100;e-mail:
Turn clocks back 1 hour
Sunday, Nov. 5th!!
Fall Charity Bazaar will be held Sat., Nov. 4th 8:30 AM – 1 PMat Community Center in Owatonna.
We will be looking for donations of craft or baked goods to be sold at bazaar. Donations can be dropped off
at the Steele County Community Center on Fri,. Nov. 3rd, 5:30 – 7 PM; or after 7:00 AM on Saturday, Nov. 4th.
Proceeds are used forThanksgiving Turkey dinner project & donation to a local charity to be determined. Volunteer and donation sign-up sheet on table in narthex.. Homemade goodies, lefse, kolache and craft items for sale, lunch also available. Hosted by: St. Paul’s Lutheran, Meriden, Pontoppidan Lutheran Church, First Lutheran Church of Hope,
Good Shepherd Quilting Group andRachael’s Light (was Lily Sparrow House). See flyer on bulletin board.
Thank you to all who participated in the Craft day on Oct. 22nd, special thanks to
Jodie Pollock & Deb Zeman for getting the ideas and supplies!!!
Sunday, Nov. 5th:Luther League will servesoup after worship at St. Paul’s, free will donations will go
toward their mission trip to Tennessee in 2018. Leaguers are to be at church by 9:15 AM to set up.
All families are to bring a pan of bars and a loaf of bread.
Hope Women of Mission Turkey Project
Would you like to help a family have Thanksgiving Dinner?
Our Turkey is in the narthex with removable feathers, ready for you to “pluck”. Each feather lists a food item or a gift card (to purchase the meat and/or dessert) for a family for their Thanksgiving dinner this year. You can take the feather(s), purchase the item or gift card, (gift cards from Hy-Vee or
Wal-Mart preferred so they can be used in Owatonna or Waseca, also please mark the card with the amount for easier distribution) return item(s) and feather to church by Sun., Nov. 12th.
Items will then be packed and distributed to needy families in our area. Thank you for your support.
Angel Tree will be up on Sunday, Nov. 26th. Take an angel, purchase gift which can be wrapped,
angel should be attached (you can write on the angel what the gift is) and place under the Angel tree.
Gifts will be given to the Exchange Club for Family Unity, more information in newsletter.
Mitten Tree will be up in the fellowship hall to welcome your
donations of gloves, mittens, hats and scarves. Weatherproof mittens or
gloves are nice as they keep hands drier but all donations are appreciated.
Envelopes will be available in the Narthex to order Poinsettia plants fordisplay during Advent season.
Please fill out slip inside the envelope who is giving the plant and in memory of whom. Cost will be $8.00,
Make check payable to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Please return envelopes by Sun., Nov. 26th. Questions
please call Tammy Schroht, 451-0947
Cookbooks, history books and DVD’s are available for purchase, contact Diane if you would like one.
By definition attitude means a manner, disposition, feeling toward a person or thing.
Have you ever thought about your general attitude or disposition? What controls your attitude?
Have you ever thought about God’s attitude or disposition toward you? Well I have thought
about God’s attitude and disposition toward us. That attitude and disposition is one of unconditional
love and grace. God is love and he expresses that love through his grace towards us.
What is God’s grace? It is his unmerited favor towards us. Unmerited favor is the kindness, mercy, forgiveness and love from God that we don’t deserve because we are sinners. God’s grace is a gift to us. There is nothing we have done nor can we ever do to earn this favor. God is in that habit of giving us his grace freely. God has this wonderful habit of loving you no matter what you have done, like the love of a parent to a child.
How do we know that God is like this? Scripture tells us. We have a God who wants to be with us in our pilgrimage. He is not far away and unconcerned about us. He was there at the beginning of our lives when he knit us in our mother’s womb. Think about the story of Adam and Eve, God walked in the garden with them. Even after Adam and Eve had sinned, God sought them out and clothed them. God came to Abraham and promised him a son and many descendants. Jesus showed God’s grace by forgiving the woman caught in adultery, the soldiers who crucified him and the thief on the cross; and by forgiving our sins because Jesus was willing to die on a cross for us.
Jesus tells that he is with us until the end of the age and that nothing will snatch us out of his hand. He also said that if a person loves me, my Father and I will come and make out home with him. In our Baptism we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. We have this Triune loving God wanting to be with us and in us.
God created us in His image and calls us His children. He breathed life into us and sent us on the earth pilgrimage. God knew that his creation is good, but now sin, evil, devil and death are part of it. God calls on us to resist sin and evil and gives us ways out when we are tempted. God walks with us when we have challenges. He is will to take our worries and concerns when we give them to him. God is able to do something with them. God wants us to have the fruits of the Holy Spirit that are love, joy, peace, faithfulness, generosity, and self-control.
Knowing all this about our God who loves and takes care of us, what should our attitude be? We should have an attitude of gratitude. We can be thankful for all the blessings he has given us. As we live out this gratitude towards God, let us touch others with the kind of love we have experienced from God.
Pastor Cheryl
Official Acts
Baptism: Oct. 29: Amelia Marie Duncan, born Aug., 17, 2017 in Owatonna
Daughter of Bryan and Annette Duncan; Sponsors: Brothers & sisters: Brandon, Hunter, Sebastian, Jacmyne and Indya
Answer on top of next page:
Answer to Bible quiz: C (see Daniel 3:25)
October Council Notes
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Meeting called to order at 11:45 AM by Keith Dinse
Opening prayer by Pastor Cheryl
Secretary & treasurers reports were reviewed and approved.
Old business:
* Updates on continuing projects. Property committee has listed items that need attention at church
and the parsonage. They will look to see what items need to be addressed soon.
New Business:
* .Reviewed upcoming events.
* Council is looking for candidates for council positions, if anyone is interested please contact a council person..
Pastor’s report:
* Reported on what she has participated in over the past month.
November meeting will be on Sun., Nov. 12th, beginning with a joint meeting with Zion Council at 6:00 PM
Meeting adjourned; Closed with the Lord’s Prayer
Current Council members & contact information:
Brandt Boerner – 507-413-0877 – ;
Keith Dinse – 451-8253 - ;
Richie Kubat – 507-390-4571;
Michelle Noble – 456-1659 – ;
Dee Ann Pettyjohn - 451-8644 -
Joel Weber – 507-835-4379 –
Feel free to contact a council member or Pastor Cheryl with questions or concerns you have.
Below is a list of the missions voted to support in 2017- Jan.: Salvation Army - $ 1,022; Feb.: Young Life - $308;
March: Food Shelves - $935; April: Lutheran Campus Ministry - $422; May: Habitat for Humanity: $851;
June: SE MN Synod; $ 299; July: Transitional Housing - $400; August: Women’s Resource Center - $443;
September: Lutheran Social Services (hurricane relief - $590; October: Missionary - $ 325 plus check of $30 made out to mission) November: Malaria (Mosquito)nets for an African village; In 13 African nations Malaria is transmitted through mosquitoes and can lead to death. Mosquito nets treated with long-lasting insecticide, couples with instruction and education on how it is used, held ensure that families are protected from
this life-threatening disease each night as they sleep. As of September, 2015 a goal of $15 million dollars has been reached – 2 million people; 50,000 nets distributed; plus education on malaria has been accomplished. Nets for a village cost $250 or individual nets are $10. (Sunday School used this as one of their mission last year donating
December: Hospitality House,Rachel’s Light (formerly Lily Sparrow), Owat.;
Church attendance – General Offering Mission Offering
Oct. 1 71 $ 2,071 $ 290
Oct. 8 77 $ 1,204 $ 35
Oct. 15 70 $ 1,007
Oct. 22 61 $ 635
Treasurers report: Offering Income for Oct. (as of 22nd): $ 4,917.00
Other Income: $ 1,159.82 (not including missions)
Total Income: $ 6,076.82
Expenses in October : $ 8,028.12
Balance - $ 1,951.30 for October
In the negative balance we have a reimbursement coming of $1,800
-this will help to relieve the amount in the red, however our income has
been short of our expenses for the last 2 months, thank you to all for your offerings.
Important Upcoming dates:
Wed., Nov. 1: SP&Z Confirmation class, 6:15 – 7:30 PM at St. Paul’s
Sat., Nov. 4: St. Paul’s Bazaar at Community Center in Owatonna, 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Sunday Nov. 5th: Daylight Savings time ends - set clocks back 1 hour
Sunday, Nov. 5: Mission offeringtaken: St. Paul’s: Malaria Nets for Africa
Luther League will serve soup lunch after worship at St. Paul’s
Sun., Nov. 5 PM – Tues., Nov. 7: Pastor Cheryl at Fall Theological Conference
Tues., Nov. 7: St. Paul’s Hope Women of Mission – 6:30 PM at Church
Bible Study: Dee Ann Pettyjohn; Serving: Betty Weber
Wed., Nov. 8: SP&Z Confirmation class, 6:15 – 7:30 PM at St. Paul’s
Mon., Nov. 13: Zion WELCA General meeting, 7 PM
Bible Study: Gail Skroch; Serving: Dawn Macht, Linda Seykora
Wed., Nov. 15: SP&Z Confirmation class, 6:15 – 7:30 PM at St. Paul’s
Wed., Nov. 22: Joint Thanksgiving worship at Zion, 7:00 PM
NO Confirmation class
Sat., Nov. 25: Wedding at St. Paul’s (non-member)
Wed., Nov. 29: SP&Z Confirmation class, 6:15 – 7:30 PM at St. Paul’s
November Worship Services
Sunday, Nov. 5: – All Saints Sunday –
Worship w/Communion – 10:30 AM
Ushers: Kent & Kristen Wilker; Acolyte:
Communion Server – Michelle Noble
Mission Offering taken for Malaria Nets for Africa
On this All Saints’ Sunday, I’m grateful for the inspiration of all those who have gone before me in faith.
Sun., Nov. 12: Worship Service – 10:30 AM
Ushers: Jerry & Linda Kath; Acolyte:
Open my ears, mind and heart to receive your word for me today.
Sun., Nov. 19: - Worship w/Communion – 10:30 AM
Ushers: Brad & Tam Lewison; Acolyte:
Communion server: Brandt Boerner
Thank you, Lord, for being “our dwelling place in all generations” (Psalm 90:1, NRSV)
Wed., Nov. 22: Joint Thanksgiving worship at Zion, 7:00 PM
Spirit of abundance, help us live in gratitude each day, for you shower us with blessings
and give us everything we need.
Sun., Nov. 26: - Worship Service 10:30 AM
Ushers: Brad & Liz Keck; Acolyte: Ushers
King of kings, Lord of lords! Our trust is in you above all else.
Sunday, Dec. 3: First Sunday of Advent
Worship/Communion - 10:30 AM
Ushers: Linda Kath and Jon Wilker; Acolyte:
Communion server: Joel Weber
Eight St. Paul’s women of mission met Tues., Oct. 3rd at church.
Bible Study and discussion was led by Betty Weber
Sandy Dinse called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting and Treasurer's report were read and approved.
Jon read “What Does being a Lutheran mean?”
Old Business:
- Hunger Food Program –
September – 67 pounds delivered
October is Food Shelf Month – Food shelves are very appreciative of donations.
They serve 150 – 200 families each month!
November Turkey “feather” dinner month – Sandy will put up the turkey byOct. 29th.
Best if gift cards are from Hy-Vee or Walmart, amount should be written on them.
- Discussion of events for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation on Sunday Oct. 29.
all wear red, potluck after worship at St. Paul’s during which a DVD about Martin Luther will be played.
New Business:
- Warm clothes, sweaters, sweatshirts and blankets collection in October, there is a box in the narthex.
- Bazaar will be on Nov. 4th, craft day is Oct. 22nd, 1 – 5 PM at church.
- Discussed dates to put up Turkey feathers as well as Mitten and Angel Tree.
- Keep in prayer Pastor John Lohre and Boyd Abbe.
- Kitchen cleaning for October is Dee Ann
Motion and meeting adjourned. Lunch Served by VonnaDinse
Next Meeting is Tues., Nov. 7th, 6:30 p.m. at church, Bible Study – Dee AnnPettyjohn; lunch – Betty Weber
Reminder that all are invited to the Women of Mission meetings and Bible Study.
Quilting sessions for November:
Mon., Nov. 6 & Wed., Nov. 8: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Mon., Nov. 13Wed., Nov. 15: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Mon., Nov. 27 & Wed., Nov. 29: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Angel Tree gifts this year will go to The Exchange Club Center for Family Unity, which is a child abuse
prevention agency. They work with families at risk of abusing or neglecting their children in
Steele and Waseca Counties. Through our Parent mentoring Program we model appropriate parenting and positive discipline techniques, providing parents with the skills they need to be able to provide a loving and nurturing home for their children. Many of these families are living in poverty and the expectation of Christmas can be overwhelming when you struggle to even put food on the table. By donating a gift to the children of these families you are helping to relieve some of this stress, while ensuring that this child has something to open on Christmas Morning. Thank you for all the love and compassion you show our families each year!
* Soup lunch will be held on Sunday, Nov. 5th after worship at St. Paul’s.
* Thank you to all who participated in Feed My Starving Children Event packing meals.
* Spots are available to sign up for the mission trip to Chattanooga.
* Coming Soon: Kwik Trip Script cards available for purchase at St. Paul’s and Zion -
this will be a fund raiser for our mission trip and other activities.
Thank you to everyone for your support our youth.
11/15: Vern Wilker11/27: Caden Working
11/18: OrianaJewison:11/28: Brennan Kath
All families that will be participating in the Christmas program on Christmas Eve please make sure to let one of the parish education members know if you have not turned in a Christmas program slip by Nov. 5th. Christmas is quickly approaching and we want to make sure that we have an accurate head count of all the children.
We still have parent volunteer opportunities available for parents wanting to volunteer time with the Christmas Program if someone is interested please let us know. We also still have volunteer opportunities available for parents wishing to help at the advent breakfast on Sunday December 3rd, if you are interested please let us know.
Reminder to all Sunday School students who are 3rd grade or older it is very important to remember to bring your bible to Sunday School EVERY Sunday. Students will be using their bibles on Sunday in their class rooms. Also note to Sunday School parents if you have not filled out a parent contact information sheet please contact a parish education member to get one.
The Sunday School department is looking for a gently used filing cabinet if anyone has one that is no longer using it. We are looking for a 2-4 drawer cabinet and it doesn’t have to have the ability to lock. If you have one that you would like to donate please let one of us know.
Changes in Sunday School Schedule for November
Nov. 5th & 12th: Sunday School begins at 9:30 AM 10:15 AM
Nov. 19th – Sunday School begins at 9 AM – We will begin Christmas Program practice.
Nov. 26th - Sunday School begins at 9 AM – for Christmas Program practice.
Dec. 3rd: 9 AM - Advent Breakfast and Christmas program practice.
Please contact a member of the Parish Ed. Board if you have any questions:
VonnaDinse, 651-357-2924,
Norma Hoffmaster, 507-456-6753,
Sheila Katzung, 5007-390-2417,
Adam Williams, 507-369-8354,
St. Paul’sPrayer Chain- There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for anyone who would like to be
a member of the Prayer Chain. Contact person Jon Wilker will contact members of the Prayer
Chain when request for prayer is received. Prayer requests can be made without names or details.
* If you wish to have prayer for yourself or someone else please contact Jon Wilker, 451-3737 or e-mail
to: . You also can contact Pastor Cheryl for prayer and/or to request a visit.
Bits and Pieces
Remember, visitors are guests sent by the Lord. Please make them feel welcome by introducing yourself and greeting them warmly. Invite them to come back again and to please sign our guest book.
For a reservation of the church and/or fellowship Hall at St. Paul’s either for personal use or your
organization outside of regular meetings, please contact Diane Kath-Schoenfeld, call 444-9978;
or so it can be written on calendar to avoid schedule conflicts.
Cost is $50 to rent the fellowship hall for personal use.
For newsletter and Sunday bulletin items, please contact Diane Kath-Schoenfeld at 444-9978 or
e-mail, December Newsletter items due November19th.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
2781 SW 92nd Ave
2017 November Newsletter