Torah Gated Community (TGC)

Intellectual Property of John Marsing - www.MyHebrewBible.Com

Table of Contents

Introduction 2

ToDo 4


Advantages of TGC 7


Source: [1]

What is missing in our lives is being able to apply Torah concepts in a setting that the Torah was written in. Because of technology, our lives today have so radically changed in the last 150 years, it’s hard to imagine what life was like. We read about it (like in the Torah) but we don’t really know and appreciate as we are so far removed. I am a big believer in putting into practice what you only understand intellectually. This gets to the point of understanding about Gershom.

I think Gershom should only be an investment vehicle based on Torah that has a direction to enable its members and/or their heirs the real option of practicing the Torah fully. What is it that I don’t have regarding my spiritual Halachah? It’s not dental care medical care or home owner insurance, no it’s about living in a community (much like the Amish) that is based on Torah. A community where the members are required to make themselves accountable. It’s easy to not have to develop the skills necessary in properly relating to your brethren when your are physically far apart.

So the goal of Gershom should be to create a community that can take the application and practice of doing Torah to the next level i.e. to go beyond just keeping the Sabbath, the High Holy days and eating kosher.

1)  Tithing: how do I tithe with 10% of my agriculture increase if I am not involved in agriculture. The order itself collectively could tithe, or maybe left up to the individual members.

2)  Land Sabbath: how do practice the 7th year of rest for the land, if I am not working on the land

3)  Sacrifices: what do I give for my (agriculture) sacrifices (FRN’s ?). Giving property into the Order is a tangible sacrifice.

4)  Sacrifice Beneficiary: who should be the recipient of the sacrifices i.e. who are the priests, widows and orphans?

5)  Gleaning: How does one practice the laws regarding gleaning if one isn’t involved in agriculture?

6)  Marriage: If you aren’t married, shouldn’t you find someone who is of this type of community?

7)  Birth: Who performs and where do you do perform the covenant of circumcision

8)  Teaching: Mat 5:19 says he who does and teaches the commandments shall be called great in the Kingdom, so where should that be done by whom and for whom? To me this is all about learning Hebrew and basic principles of law (contracts/gifts/covenants/agreements)

9)  Sabbaths: instead of driving across half the state of Arizona, shouldn’t isn’t it more proper to do it in the community so that we can properly remember it and keep it.

10) High Sabbaths: where is our Passover lamb? What should be our first fruits, again FRN’s?

11) Time Keepers: shouldn’t we be more observant and knowledgeable of keeping track of time from the sun and the moon?

12) Brother’s Keeper: how can I answer affirmative to Cain’s question to Elohim “am I my brother’s keeper?” If my brother lives many miles away from me? If my brother is out of sight he is effectively out of mind and this covers my responsibility to him.

13) Enforcing the Torah Law form: Civil, Criminal?

I suppose you could argue that we don’t need to get into farming and living off the land and just look at all these teaching in a spiritual or allegorical sense. I don’t think so because there is some much reference to it in scripture that I think you would be selling yourself short if you didn’t try to take it from the ivory tower and put it in practice. This gained knowledge just doesn’t happen in a city. [THIS NEEDS WORK: talk about Brad Scott’s parable of the seed, this also has to points that need to be separated one is being involved in agriculture things, and one is about being in a TGC]

More notes

Gershom is an entity based on and designed from the beginning on scriptural principles. I think it should be an investment vehicle that has been filled up with red from the sacrifices given by Torah compliant men which has a way of being a trust which is an effective asset protection vehicle; A Trust based on Torah compliant only members whom you should truly be able to trust.

Advantages of TGC

1. I am convinced that the real power we have as Americans is our birthright (CGUR) and it is the one thing that we have forgotten. Having a community that is all about the American birthright would make it a lot easier for the individual to Acknowledge / Understand / Practice / Defend and Teach others about.


·  speaking Hebrew

·  compare and contrast to a regular gated community.

·  talk about the Mormons and the Amish.

·  preparation for living in the New Jerusalem.

·  living in a TGC means that your religion is Torah and is not mixed with the religion of Socialism/Secular Humanism.

o  A metaphor for this might be when Jacob did not leave Isaac, his fathers’ house on good terms. Living with Leban did not solve his problem he created with Esau. The metaphor is that if your going to leave any ole neighborhood governed by secular and secular control it is necessary that you leave that neighborhood under good terms with no legal claims that can be made against you while you reside in TGC.

o  A similar metaphor is going to the cities of refuge as a man slaughterer. When you make it their, a determination of your case will be made, so when you make it to the TGC, a determination of your case for being a resident will also be made.

·  Availability of the community when defending the individual operating under the law form of Torah.

·  To me, ultimately Torah is all about having a righteous relationship with YHVH and that prerequisite to that relationship is to show that you can have a proper, healthy righteous relationship with your fellow man. Living in a TGC is an excellent place to show if you really can do this, and how one can resolve conflicts between brethren (i.e. can you become and effective problem solver = keeper of the peace).

·  Mat 5:19 talks about who will be in the Kingdom of Heaven … those who keep the law, so no SSN idol worship is allowed.

·  review Lev 25 about walled cities…is in this in conflict with a gated community.

·  Incorporate DP’s take on Hillary Clinton’s “It Takes a Village”

·  Like the two fundamental presumption that we declared as the leadership team that sponsored the Feast of Tabernacles in Prescott Arizona,

·  Talk about the Pilgrims and the Puritans as an example of the Founding Father’s, and how this is an intrinsic part of being an American.

·  Create a Virtual community first like SimCity.

·  Reference “Lev-27-Biblical-Banking” Article #376/377

·  Reference “Hebrew-Words-Describing-a-Community-eg-Moshav-and-Kibbutz” Article #378/379

·  Reference “Religious-Order-of-Gershom-How-it-got-its-name” Article #380/381


Q: Why is this community going to succeed where as others have failed in the past? …

A: The simple answer is the others have failed because their law form wasn’t based on Torah. Here is a list of communities types that have failed or are doomed to fail 1) Hippie, 2) Jewish Kibbutz, 3) Christian Cult communities and 4) Patriot compounds.

1)  The Hippie law form: This concept is oxymoronic.

2)  Jewish Kibbutz: I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh a couple of times when he broadcasted his show on Thanksgiving. He goes into detail describing the first year after the Pilgrims landed in America and how it was a utter failure. His conclusion was that this failure can be attributed to the communistic proclivities of the settlers. The result of this approach to governing this community in the new land of America was tragic. A lot of people went hungry and many died. The next year (as I recall form the show) these communistic ideas and went to a private property / free market approach and in contrast to the first year incredibly successful.

3)  And as a result of this approach to governing this community in the new land of America tragic appr



Q: Although we are not suppose to be of the world, we are however to be in the world, and doesn’t this TGC concept a foolish attempt to also not be in this world (i.e. an Island unto oneself)?

A: First TGC isn’t an Island unto oneself as it is a community. Second, the attitude of the community should be there for the world to observe (a city on a hill) and learn and hopefully emulate.

Q: Democracy


Q: What about criminal law in the community, are you going to deal with this or do you have to delegate this to the State?

A: This is a tough question. My initial thoughts are we would have to delegate this to the State, but it would be worth exploring if we can adjudicate these matters in our own TGC. I believe there are 36 laws in the Torah regarding capital punishment, what do we do with these types of judgments? At any rate the people who are convicted of crimes worthy of death would have to be removed from the community (what is the called in the bible?) and they would “be date to the TGC”.

Q: Isn’t this TGC advocating rebellion, belligerency and/or anarchy to the State and Federal government?

A: First off there needs to be clarity to as to the different parts of government that exist. The intent of a TGC is to separate its members from the welfare state and the bureaucracy that runs it. If it is true that when one contracts with the welfare state in such a way that he has made himself a ward of the state, then he has to accept the consequences of his actions. If that person does not follow the terms and condition of this servitude, then he is being rebellious and possibly a belligerent. If however he terminates that contract i.e. he rejects the benefits along with the duties and obligations of that contract, the this action is not an act of rebellion, but rather and act of responsibility. [GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF A TAX PROTESTOR]. If it turns out that this concept that the TGC is advocating catches on and mass outbreak of responsibility occurs across this nation, it would be logical that part of the state would collapse but only the welfare part leaving the rest of the state intact. It’s hard to say that this is an act of an anarchist if a large part of Americans on an individual basis simply decides one day to get their welfare benefits from another source. to terminate their welfare benefits from the welfare offered by the state as it must recognize that we have a right to contract [THIS NEEDS WORK]

It is not advocating any of these things, it is simply allow to contract



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[1] The source for this introduction was from my initial thoughts on TOOG "The Order of Gershom" C:\JSOTA\Entities\Gershom\Declaration\Final Thoughts After Reviewing the Gershom Indentures.doc