1. Name
The name of the institute shall be the Institute for the Empirical Study of Language (IESL), as approved by the Ohio University Board of Trustees, February, 1996.
2. Purpose
The purpose of the institute is to conduct interdisciplinary research and education in the processes involved in the comprehension, production, and acquisition of language.
3. Membership
A. Continuing
A new continuing member may be added to the institute by a two-thirds majority approval by current members. An applicant should have research experience in some area of language and should apply to the Director for admission to membership.
B. Student
Graduate or undergraduate students may be added as student members to the institute by a two-thirds majority approval of continuing members. A student member should plan to engage in research with an IESL continuing member and to give a colloquium on that research upon its completion.
4. Officers
Officers of the institute shall be a Director, an Associate Director for Research, and an Associate Director for Training.
The Director shall convene and preside over all regularly scheduled and specially called meetings. The Director shall be responsible for all the activities of the institute.
The Associate Director for Research shall encourage interdisciplinary research among institute members, shall seek external funding for institute research projects, and shall solicit colloquium speakers.
The Associate Director for Training shall supervise the Certificate in the Experimental Study of Language, including curriculum matters, the satisfying of program requirements, and recruiting of new students.
5. Terms of office
The terms of office for the Director and the two Associate Directors shall be five years. Office holders may be re-elected to their offices.
6. Election of officers
A. Expiration of term of office
At the expiration of the term of office for the Director or either Associate Director, a Nominating Committee composed of three members who are not officers shall solicit nominations from members for such office(s). Members of the institute, including members of the Nominating Committee, may nominate themselves. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Director and two Associate Directors.
B. Unexpired term of office
If an officer does not complete a term of office for reasons of disability, relocation, etc., a Nominating Committee as described in (A) above, shall be appointed to seek nominations for that office.
C. Elections
When the Nominating Committee has secured one or more nominees for an office, the committee will conduct an election for the office(s). All continuing members of the institute shall be eligible to vote. A two-thirds majority of approval is required to elect a nominee.
7. Committees
Committees may be created to facilitate the functioning of the institute if approved by a simple majority of the members.
A Curriculum Committee, as specified by the certificate proposal approved by the University Curriculum Council, shall be responsible for curricular matters in the certificate program. The committee shall be chaired by the Associate Director or Training. Two other members of the IESL shall be elected to the committee.
7. Meetings
A. Regular meetings
A regular meeting of members shall be conducted once each semester of the university calendar. The Director shall develop a time and place for the meeting and communicate that and an agenda to all members at least ten days before the meeting date.
B. Special meetings
A special meeting of members may be called by the Director, an Associate Director, or at least 10% of the members. The convener shall develop a time and place for the meeting and communicate that and an agenda to all continuing members at least ten days before the meeting date.
8. Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the continuing members of the institute.
These Bylaws were approved by written ballot by a two-thirds majority of the institute’s continuing members on ____January 15_, 2013.