Lichfield Down, Walnut Tree, Milton Keynes MK7 7BW
Tel: 01908 550811 Fax: 01908 605273
Dear Parents,
Please find attached the schools recent Ofsted report. The Ofsted inspection took place on the 17th and 18th of June 2015.
The school has been graded as Requires Improvement. Although this is a disappointment as the school had been graded Good in its last inspection, this was under the old inspection framework and there have been many changes since that time. However, the school and its governors recognise that there are several areas which do need to improve. Many of these areas had already been identified changes have been made to address these in the past year.
We are very pleased that Ofsted identified that the quality of teaching has improved over the last year and continues to do so and that the proportion of pupils making good progress is growing. They also recognised that children’s behaviour both in class and around the school is good. However the behaviour of children is also measured by their attitudes to learning as demonstrated in their books. For example in their presentation and the quantity/quality of their work. Evidence showed that this was – good for some children but not for all. The school had recently begun work to address this and will continue to do so in the coming months. Bullying had been mentioned by some children during the inspection and I would like to reassure you that this is taken seriously by the school.
Some of the highlights for the school are as follows:
- Pupils’ progress has improved over the last year.
- The curriculum is broad and balanced with a firm focus on developing key skills for literacy and numeracy.
- Pupils’moral, social and cultural development is promoted well.
- Pupils work shows the quality of teaching has improved during the year.
- Staff have strong working relationships with pupils.
- Gaps for pupils are starting to narrow in all areas because of more effective use of pupil premium funding, better assessment and increasingly better targeted support.
- The school is well placed to continue to improve.
As the report indicates, the school and all of its staff have been working extremely hard to bring about improvements and are driven to continue the journey to ensure outcomes for all children are consistantlygood. Our main focus will continue to be that the children at Heronsgate make good progress and attain well in all areas of the curriculum and we will be working tirelessly to ensure swift progress to achieve Ofsted targets.
We thank you for your continued support.
Mrs J Edwards