Planet For Sale!
You are a realtor selling a planet in our solar system. You will be creating a poster to advertise your planet. You may also create a brochure or pamphlet to go with your poster. Remember, your planet is competing against all the other planets so be neat and creative!
Your Poster Should Include:
· Planet name
· Is it an inner or outer planet?
· What is its order from the sun?
· What is the closest planet? How far away is that?
· What makes up the atmosphere? (Temperature, weather, gases, etc.)
· What makes up the surface? (Any crustal activity? For example: quakes, volcanoes, etc.)
· How does its mass compare to Earth and the other planets? (COMPARISON)
· Does the planet have any moons and/or rings? If so, what are their names?
· What is its revolution period? (How long does it take it to orbit the sun? How many “earth years” is that?) Is this longer or shorter than Earth’s revolution period?
· What is its rotation period? (How long does it take spin once around its axis?) Is this longer or shorter than Earth’s rotation period?
· Have any space missions visited this planet? Which ones? Did they land or just fly by?
· What is its gravitational factor? How do these compare to Earth? Would you weigh more or less on that planet when visiting? (COMPARISON)
Also Include On Your Poster:
Name of company (For example: McDonald’s)
A slogan for selling your planet (For example: “This planet is a tropical getaway”)
Name visible on the poster. You must have this poster but you may also have brochures or business cards which further advertise your planet.
You must research your planet by reading books and handouts provided in class. You may also get your own library books or use internet sites. Then you must put the information in your own words on the poster. Please list your sources of information on the poster. You MUST provide a list of at least three sources used for research. Google is not a source, it is a search engine. The entire website must be listed.
Graphics/Pictures….Remember you’re trying to sell your planet as the best in the entire solar system. Some selling points might be the warmest planet, fastest orbiting planet, etc. BE CREATIVE! I want you to have fun while learning and preparing this project J
Projects are due by Tuesday, March 31st!