Education And Training Cluster

Education and Training Pathway

Teaching and Training Program

Early Childhood Education Program

Administration and Administrative Support Program


Course Syllabus

Course Description:

Educational Leadership is a one-credit course. This course is for students who are interested in pursuing careers in the education field. Major topics are communication skills, organizational structure, instructional programs, demographics and student assessment, management of faculty and staff, building operations, resource management, and political leadership skills.

Career and technical student organizations are integral, co-curricular components of each career and technical education course. These organizations serve as a means to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth.


The pre-requisite for this course is Education and Training


Teaching and Training Program

Early Childhood Education Program

Administration and Administrative Support Program

Program Goal(s):

The program goal is to provide students with the content knowledge and skills necessary to direct, operate, and teach in an early childhood education program

Course Goal(s):

1. Analyze how the educational organization is a complex social, cultural, and economic system.

2. Develop a vision statement for the educational organization that inspires success for all learners, teachers, and stakeholders.

3. Assess strategies that present a positive organizational structure and learning culture for promoting student achievement and teacher morale.

4. Analyze school demographics and student assessment data to determine instructional goals that meet individual student needs and interests.

5. Determine evidenced-based instructional practices that lead to student achievement.

6. Determine instructional resources and technology used for meeting organizational and instructional goals.

7. Determine strategies for enhancing personnel performance and motivation.

8. Describe characteristics of a successful mentoring program for teachers.

9. Describe strategies that can be used to recruit and retain school personnel.

10. Explain the importance of administrators in communicating expectations clearly and in a timely manner to faculty and staff.

11. Determine factors involved in managing school building operations.

12. Assess the importance of securing adequate resources to meet organizational objectives.

13. Research grant opportunities available to teachers and schools.

14. Evaluate the impact of technology on the administration of educational programs.

15. Determine the importance of evaluating faculty and staff to determine their effectiveness in meeting organizational and instructional goals by researching different methods used for evaluation.

16. Identify methods used to evaluate faculty and staff.

17. Evaluate facility plans to meet organizational goals and to ensure safety and security of students and personnel.

18. Analyze the importance of creating stakeholder partnerships to meet organizational objectives and to encourage participation.

19. Identify potential stakeholder partnerships from the community.

20. Determine strategies to encourage stakeholders to participate in partnerships.

21. Explain the impact of advocacy groups on the educational system.

22. Determine advocacy strategies to meet organizational and learner needs.

23. Analyze community issues that are of joint concern to both the educational organization and the community.

24. Assess educational resources that can be used to respond to community issues.

25. Explain the relationship of political, social, economic, legal, and cultural contexts to organizational objectives.

26. Determine strategies for negotiating within political, social, economic, legal, and cultural contexts to meet organizational objectives.

Essential Question(s):

1.  How is the educational organization impacted by social, cultural, and economic systems?

2.  What strategies can be used to foster a positive organizational structure and learning culture that accelerates student learning and teacher morale?

3.  Why is it important to analyze school demographics and student assessment data to determine instructional goals that meet student needs and interests?

4.  What evidenced-based instructional practices lead to student achievement?

5.  What instructional resources and technology can be used to meet organizational and instructional goals?

6.  What strategies do administrators use to enhance personnel performance and motivation?

7.  What are the characteristics of a successful mentoring program for teachers?

8.  What strategies can a district/school use to recruit and retain school personnel?

9.  Why is it important for an administrator to communicate expectations clearly and in a timely manner to faculty and staff?

10.  How does an administrator manage school building operations?

11.  Why is it important for an administrator to secure adequate resources necessary to meet organizational goals and objectives?

12.  How can grant funding impact a school district?

13.  How does technology impact how an administrator manages the educational program?

14.  Why is it important for administrators to evaluate faculty and staff to determine their effectiveness in meeting organizational and instructional goals?

15.  What methods can be used by administrators to evaluate faculty and staff?

16.  How can physical facilities affect the school, district or teachers from reaching their instructional goals?

17.  What is the purpose of a faculty meeting?

18.  Why is it important for administrators to create stakeholder partnerships?

19.  How can stakeholder partnerships assist the district in meeting its organizational goals and objectives?

20.  What strategies can be used by administrators to encourage stakeholders to partner with the educational organization?

21.  What impact can advocacy groups have on the educational system?

22.  What community issues are of joint concern to both the community and the educational system?

23.  What educational resources can be used to respond to community issues?

24.  Why is it important for an administrator to be aware of political, social, economic, legal, and cultural contexts as they provide leadership for the school district or school?

25. What strategies can an administrator use to negotiate within political, social, economical, legal, and cultural context to meet organizational goals and objectives?

Course Outline:

I. Instructional Leadership-Lab Activities

A. Educational organization (1)

B. Creating a vision of success (1)

C. Strategies to foster a positive organizational structure and learning culture


1. Accelerating student learning

2. Teacher morale

D. Using data to determine instructional goals to meet individual needs and

interests (3)

1.  Demographics

2.  Student assessment data

A.  Evidenced-Based instructional practices leading to student achievement (4)

B.  Instructional resources and technology (5)

1.  Used to meet organizational goals

2.  Used to meet instructional goals

II.  Managerial Leadership-Lab Activities

A.  Strategies for enhancing performance and motivation (6)

1.  Mentoring program for teachers

2.  Recruiting and retaining teachers

B.  Importance of communicating expectations to staff and faculty (7)

1.  Clearly

2.  Timely manner

C.  Factors involved in managing school building operations (8)

1.  Evaluating cost and benefits

2.  Procedures and policies manual

3.  Safety and security guidelines

D.  Strategies to secures adequate resources (9)

E.  Grant opportunities available to teachers and schools (9)

F.  Impact of technology on the administration of educational programs (10)

G.  Methods to evaluate faculty and staff (11)

H.  Evaluating facility plans (12)

1.  Meeting organizational goals

2.  Ensure safety and security of students and personnel

III. Political Internship

A.  Strategies to create stakeholder partnerships (13)

B.  Impact of advocacy groups on education (14)

C.  Educational resources to respond to community issues (15)

1.  Violence

2.  Drugs

3.  Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

4.  Teen pregnancy

D.  Strategies for negotiating to meet organizational objectives (16)

1.  Political context

2.  Social context

3.  Economical context

4.  Legal context

5.  Cultural context

Culminating Product(s):

Paper on the Roles and Tasks of an Instructional Leader

Portfolio and Portfolio Presentation

Students develop a Policy and Procedures Manual for a District.

Research Paper on the Administrator’s Managerial Responsibilities

Negotiation Activity and Presentation

Paper on the Roles and Responsibilities of an Administrator in the Political Arena

Assessment Procedures:

Students will be evaluated as follows:

Course Evaluation

Evaluation Criteria / Percentage Value
Professional Grade / Total Points Possible
Daily Participation
Lab Experiences
Classroom performance/Daily Work
Employment Assessment
Administrative Roles
Academic Grade
Portfolio / Total Points Possible
Semester Exam / 15%

Grading Scale:

90%-100 % == A
80 %- 89 %== B
60%- 69 % = D


FCCLA --Family and Community Leaders of America

Available Industry Credential(s):

Successful completion of the course work may lead to the following credentials:

CDA—Child Development Assistant Credential

