LESSON PLAN – Choices And Consequences
Theme – Managing Decisions
CAREER SKILLS – Career Management
KEY SKILLS – Communication, Problem Solving, Working With Others
COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *aiii, *bi, *ci, *cii, *di, **ei, **eii, **eiii, **eiv, **ev, **evi, ***fiv, ***kiv, ***kv, ***kvi, ****li, ****mi, ****pi
SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – English, Social Studies, Personal Development
Learning Outcomes
By completing this task students will be able to:
- Understand the “Risk” element in decision making.
- Consider the benefits and costs involved in making a range of decisions.
- Examine the consequences of decision making.
Preparation and Materials
- Copies of the Activity Sheet “Choices And Consequences” for each student.
- Blackboard/flipchart with a list of different types of risk.
- Put students into secure pairs.
- Introduce the aim of the lesson using the learning outcomes on the Activity Sheet.
- Hand out the Activity Sheet to each student.
- Ask the students what all 13 situations have in common – i.e. all have an element of uncertainty – some degree of risk is present.
- Explain the six different types of risk using the list on the blackboard/flipchart.
- Ask the students individually to indicate against each situation the particular risk involved.
- Once completed, students compare answers with their partner.
- If the time permits go through the full list and discuss the answers. Alternatively walk around observing the activity and then pick out the most difficult situations for discussion.
- As a class, discuss why people take such risks – list the reasons on the blackboard/flipchart, e.g. to show off, to reach a particular goal, lack of information.
- Emphasise both negative and positive elements of risk-taking and the possible consequences.
- Ask the students with a partner to look at the 13 situations again and identify possible positive and negative consequences, e.g. speaking out in support of a friend results in friends gratitude – other classmates unhappy.
- Select three situations to take feedback from the pairs and discuss as a class.
- Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson.
- Summarise the main learning outcomes.
Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:
- Understand the “Risk” element in decision making.
- Consider the benefits and costs involved in making a range of decisions.
- Examine the consequences of decision making.
ACTIVITY SHEET – Choices And Consequences
Types of Risk
There are 6 types of risk:
What kind of risk is present in the following situations?
- Going to a party
- Auditioning for a part in the school play
- Taking part in an overnight expedition
- Smoking cigarettes
- Taking a drug
- Speaking out in support of a friend
- Getting involved with someone new
- Reading in assembly
- Hitchhiking
- Skipping school
- Taking a Mars Bar from a shop without paying
- Playing on the slot machines
- Breaking a confidence