Moscow• October 30-31, 2013
October 30, 2013
11.00-13.00 / PLENARY SESSION / Conference Hall № 1Topic: NUCLEAR ENERGY - A ZERO DAMAGE STRATEGY.
Moderator: Sergey Baranovskiy, President of the ecological organization «Green cross», member of the Public Council of ROSATOM.
- Sergey Kirienko, Director General, ROSATOM.
Opening remarks;
- Oleg Kryukov, Director for Public Policy on RAW, SNF Management and Nuclear Decommissioning, ROSATOM.
Nuclear energy –a zero damage strategy;
- Semen Levi, Deputy Minister of natural resources of the Russian Federation.
State environmental policy in the field of atomic energy use;
- Alexander Nikitin, CEO, EJC «Bellona», St. Petersburg.
Assessment of international organizations for environment protection of state of the nuclear energy, perspectives and «points of growth»;
- Michael Siemann, Head of the Department of Radiation protection and Radioactive waste management,Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD).
Role and practical experience of international organizations for development and implementation of environmentally acceptable technologies in countries using nuclear energy;
- Michael Hughes, Vice - President of Bechtel International.
Experience of leading foreign industrial companies in the area of ecological efficiency improvement;
- Vyacheslav Pershukov, Deputy Director General - Director of Directorate for Scientific and Technical Complex, ROSATOM.
Closed nuclear fuel cycle: safety and environmental acceptability.
14.00-16.00 / Panel discussionRadiation technologies and environmental safety / Conference-hall №1
Moderator:Alexander Tuzov, Deputy Director of the unit for management of innovation - Head of technologies development department, ROSATOM.
- Gennadiy Babayants, General Director, LLC «Ceramic technology».
Analysis of the materials currently used for isolation of HLW from geosphere;
- Sergey Polyantsev, Chief specialist, JSC «VNIIAES».
Development of automated system of decision support in сase of emergency at NPP on the basis of emergency detection units;
- Sergey Poglyad, Leading specialist radiochemical separation, JSC «SSC RIAR».
Implementation of physical and technological solutions of a new generation for ensuring radiation and ecological safety in the multifunctional radiochemical complex project;
- Andrey Gavrikov, Head of the laboratory, JIHT RAS.
To the possibility of SNF processing by methods of plasma separation;
- Alexander Egorkin, Director of NGO radiation technologies and equipment, VNIITFA.
Radiation technology for the disinfection of contaminated heptyl soil and water;
- AlexeyChasovskikh, Senior researcher,VNIITFA.
Radiation methods of pest control;
- AntonYaskolko, Head of laboratory 252,FSUE SRI SIA «LUCH».
Liquid radioactive waste level decrease by using a high temperature targets for proton generation of medical isotopes;
- Ivan Yagodkin, Head of laboratory of the Innovative Technologies Institute, FSUE «IPPE».
Vitaliy Grigorov, Research officer of laboratory of Innovative Technologies Institute, FSUE «IPPE».
Development of new filter materials, sorbents, nanostructured membrane filter elements and equipment on their basis for purification of aqueous solutions, energy oils and gas-air mediums for the enterprises of the atomic industry in providing modern requirements of radiation safety;
- Yuriy Kirillov, Project Manager, JSC «Petrozavodskmash».
Innovative technologies of Atomenergomash Holding in the field of management, storage and transportation of RW and SNF management.
16.05-19.00 / Panel discussionEnvironmental safety and public acceptance of using of nuclear energy / Conference-hall №1
Moderator:Vladimir Grachev, Adviser to the Director General of ROSATOM, Coordinator for Issues of Environmental Policy Implementation, ROSATOM.
- Konstantin Tsibko, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on agrarian and food policy and nature management.
Opening remarks;
- Vladimir Potsyapun, Member of the StateDuma of the FederalAssembly of the RussianFederationon energy;
Improvement of legislation in the field of nuclear energy and participation of the population and public organizationsinthisprocess;
- Doris Barnett, Member of the Commission of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on social affairs, health care and sustainable development;
- Vladimir Grachev, Adviser to the Director General of ROSATOM, Coordinator for Issues of Environmental Policy Implementation, ROSATOM.
Comparison of the different methods of electric energy’s generation, their availability and environmental effectiveness;
- Lidiya Kuryndina, Head of the Department of radioecology and radiation environment monitoring Department of the state policy and regulation in the field of Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring of the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation;
On state monitoring of the radiation situation on the territory of the Russian Federation;
- Vladimir Romanov, Deputy Head of the Federal medical-biological Agency.
State of professionals health in the nuclear industry and the population living in the areas of location and radiation-dangerous objects; - Sergey Raykov, Director of the Departmentof Nuclear andRadiation SafetyLicensing andpermittingactivities,ROSATOM;
Actual issues of ensuring environmental safety of the nuclear industry in the light of recent changes in environmental legislation;
- Rafael Arutyunyan, Deputy Director of theNuclear Safety Institutefor Researchand Coordinationof advanced developments.
Radiation risks and environmental safety of nuclear energy;
- Sylvaine Saint Pierre, Vicepresident of marketing, thermal andnuclear power, SENES Consultants Limited.
The importance of social support to the development of nuclear energy projects, with a focus on licensing projects and advanced standardized approaches to environmental protection;
- Elena Mirushenko, Head of quality, licensing and security, CJSC «Rusatom Overseas».
Experience in implementation of integrated management systems in foreign project; - Mikhail Morev, Deputy Head of the Department assessments, licensing and inspection of nuclear fuel cycle facilities of the Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear supervision.
Regulation discharges and emissions of radioactive substances;
- Viktor Marchuk, Executive director Ekologické občanské sdružení «GREENLIGHT».
Environmental safety of Russian NPP’s technology. The Experience of Czech Republic;
- Sergey Kezin, Head of the operating experience’s program of the world Association of organizations operating nuclear power plants - Moscow centre.
Objectives of WANO in safe operation’s ensuring of NPP; - Anatoliy Nazarov, Director of Ecological center of IHST RAS, Chairman of the Department of studying the problems of biosphere of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, Chairman of ecological Committee of the Moscow Association «Union Chernobyl», RANS academician, Deputy Chairman of the Council.
Acceptability of nuclear energy: environmental security, public consciousness, public opinion; - Semen Batov, Head of the Department of labour protection, industrial safety and ecology Directorate for nuclear, radiation, industrial and ecological safety, JSC«TVEL».
The system of realization of ROSATOMs ecological policy in Fuel Company of ROSATOM TVEL; - Rudolf Alexakhin, Director of All-Russian research Institute of agricultural radiology and Agroecology of RAAS.
Radiation protection of the environment and nuclear energy;
- Alexander Nikitin, Head of the EJC «Bellona», St. Petersburg, member of the Public Council of ROSATOM.
International organizers assessment of the environmental advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy, prospects of development and growth points; - Petr Gavrilov, General Director, FSUE MCC.
Public chamber of the Russian Federation’s recommendations following the results of visiting session of the FSUE «MCC» on the question «Safety in the nuclear industry»;
- Sergey Kushnarev, Executive Vice-President of Russian public organization «Nuclear society of Russia».
Oleg Muratov, Head of radiation technology, LLC «TVEL», North-West branch Russia.
The social acceptability of nuclear energy through environmental aspects (point of view of the nuclear society);
- Alan Khasiev, Chairman of the Interregional public ecological movement «Oka».
Ecological expedition as an effective form of public control in nuclear power; - Natalia Latynova, Senior lecturer «Central Institute of Improvement of Qualification ROSATOM».
Ensuring environmental safety of the old warehouses of solid radwaste in the densely populated regions of Central Russia;
- Ekaterina Prozorova, Head of the protection of environments laboratory, FSUE «Research Institute of Instrumentation».
Protection of the environment on FSUE «Research Institute of Instrumentation» as enterprise of ROSATOM;
- Dmitriy Markitan, Chief engineer, FSUE «Research Institute of devices.
Ensuring environmental protection in FSUE «Research Institute of Instrumentation» as enterprise of ROSATOM;
- Alena Yakovleva, General Director of news agency «Atomic connections».
Modern challenges in the information field of the nuclear industry; - Svetlana Gerasimova, Head of Monitoring and Environmental Analysis Department of Public Policy and Regulation in the field of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring Russian Ministry of Natural Resources.
New in the legal regulation of state environmental monitoring.
14.00-18.30 / Panel sessionExperienceofinternationalcooperationofRPRWMDivisionNEA OECD(Nuclear Energy Agency, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) / Conference-hall №2
Moderator:LeonidSukhanov, Director of the Center for SNF, waste and decommissioning,JSC «VNIINMnamedafterBochvar».
- Michael Siemann, Head of Division, Radiological Protection and Radioactive Waste Management. Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Overview about OECD/NEA mission and modus operandi;
The role of geosciences evidence in Stakeholders Confidence;
- Ivan Rekhak, Administrator, Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling; Radiological Protection and Radioactive Waste Management Division. Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Future challenges in worldwide decommissioning of NPPs;
- Gloria Kwong,Radioactive Waste Management Specialist. Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
The concept of safety case in Deep Geological Repositories for High level waste;
- Vladimir Lebedev, Administrator, Radioactive Waste Management; Radiological Protection and Radioactive Waste Management Division, Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Economic aspects of the Back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle;
- Stephen G. Burns, Head of Section, Legal Affairs. Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Waste Management in the Context of the Nuclear Liability Regime.
14.00-18.30 / Panel discussionDevelopment of a system of radioactive waste management: regional, industry, national and global aspects / Conference-hall №3
Moderator:Tatiana Rakitskaya, Project office expert,ROSATOM.
- Tatiana Rakitskaya, Project office expert, ROSATOM.
Opening remarks;
- Alexander Abramov, Deputy Director forPublicPolicy in the area RWM, SFM and decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities,ROSATOM.
Formationof the UnifiedSystem for RWassectoral and nationalcontrol systems infrastructural element;
- Karen Malkhasyan, Office ofRegional Operations, ROSATOM.
Scheme of territorialplanningin the energy sectorof disposing ofradioactive waste disposalfacilitiesas a basis fortechnical policy andframeworkof regional policy inthe field ofradioactive waste management;
- Dmitriy Tveritinov, First Deputy Director of the Industrial Center of Capital Construction ROSATOM.
Management of construction of the atomic energy;
- Lidiya Kuryndina, Head of the Departmentof RadioecologyandRadiation ControlDepartment of Public Policyand Regulation in thefield of hydrometeorologyand environmental monitoringRussianMinistry of Natural Resources.
National aspectunified state systemRWM;
- Mikhail Morozov, Head of Department of innovative projects, NEOLANT.
Organizational and enforceability of the state accounting system and control of radioactive substances and radioactive waste; - Alexey Kutumov, Director General, JSC «Nuclear Insurance Broker».
Innovative approaches to insuring risks when RW management;
- JelenaBolia, International projects coordinator of the international department, ANDRA.
International experience- the creation ofan effective nationalsystem of RWM.
- Alexander Nikitin, CEO, EJC «Bellona», St. Petersburg.
Achieving public consent in the construction of waste disposal facilities;
- Pavel Malinowskiy, Independent expert.
Mechanisms multifocal cycle management waste treatment in;
14.00-18.30 / ConferenceGeo-ecological issues of water objects protection at enterprises of nuclear industry / Conference-hall №4
Round table: I Methodological basis of object monitoring of the subsoil’s state.
Moderator: Mark Glinskiy, Member of the Presidium, first Deputy General Director of FSUE «Hydrospetzgeologiya».
- Valentina Egorova, FSUE «Hydrospetzgeologiya»; author –M.Udalaya, ROSATOM.
Criteria and methods of assessment of existing object monitoring of the subsoil’s state systems on sites of the enterprises of ROSATOM;
- Viktor Shtompel, FSUE «Hydrospetzgeologiya»; author – Evgeniy Komarov, ROSATOM.
Information system AIS object monitoring of the subsoil’s state for analysis and forecast of the state of geological environment at the facilities of ROSATOM;
- Leonid Chertkov, FSUE «Hydrospetzgeologiya»; author – Alexander Abramov, ROSATOM.
The main provisions of the sectoral system’s formation of object monitoring of the subsoil’s state at the enterprises of ROSATOM. Requirements for the exploration of subsoil.
Round table: II Protection of groundwaterand surface waterinareas of influence of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities.
Moderator: Andrey Glagolev.
- MikhailSemenov, FSUE «Hydrospetzgeologiya»; authors – AndreyKuvaev, O.Sokolova (FSUE «Hydrospetzgeologiya»), V.Gremiyachkina (JSC «SSCRIAR»).
Conditions of formation of the groundwater’s quality on the site of a water intake №3 on the territory of JSC «SSC RIAR»;
- Natalia Klochkova, FSUE «Radon», authors – I.Korenkov, T.Lashenova FSUE «Radon».
Radiation-hygienic assessment of the quality of underground sources of drinking water supply in the Moscow region;
- VladimirKuzov, JSC «Pilotdemonstration centredecommissioningofuranium-graphitenuclearreactor», autors – A.Izmestiev, S.Kotliarevskiy, A.Pavliyuk, JSC «Pilotdemonstration centredecommissioningofuranium-graphitenuclearreactor», E.Zaharova, A.Meniyalo,Instituteofphysicalchemistryandelectrochemistry, A.N. Frumkin RAS.
Safety barriers during decommissioning uranium-graphite production reactor;
- Andrey Kichigin, Federal StateInstitution of ScienceInstitute of Biology,KomiScientific Center,Ural Branch of theRussian Academy of Sciences, authors – I.Shultumova, L.Noskova, Federal StateInstitution of ScienceInstitute of Biology,KomiScientific Center,Ural Branch of theRussian Academy of Sciences.
Dynamicsof the radiation situationin thestorageof radioactivewasteradium field;
- Yuriy Mokrov, FSUE «PD «Mayak», authors – G.Batorshin, A.Aleksahin, FSUE «PD Mayak».
Concept of decommissioning of surface water storage of LRW FSUE «PD «Mayak».
OCTOBER 31 2013
10.00-16.30 / SeminarInternational experience in creation of stations of final isolation of radioactive waste: organizational structure and safety guarantees / Conference-hall №1
Moderator: Igor Linge, Deputy Director Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS.
- Alexander Abramov, Deputy Director forPublicPolicy in the area RWM, SFM and decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities, ROSATOM
State Policy in the Field of RW Management.RW Management Program in Russia;
- Yuriy Polyakov, Director, FSUE «NO RWM»/ Denis Egorov, Deputy Director, FSUE «NO RWM»
Creation of RW Final Disposal System in Russia;
- Jürgen Krone, DBE TECHNOLOGY, Managing Director
Overview on Radioactive Waste Management in Germany.Russian – German R&D Cooperation in this field;
- Jelena Bolia, International projects coordinator of the international department, ANDRA.
Experience of France in Creation of RW Disposal Facilities;
- Enikő Elter, Head of Chemistry Department, Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd.
Radioactive waste management at Paks NPP;
- Nikolay Lobanov, Deputy Director, FSUE «NO RWM»/Alexandr Barinov, Deputy Director, FSUE «NO RWM»
Creation of an underground research laboratory in Nizhnekansky rock massif. RW deep disposal;
- Gloria Kwong,Radioactive Waste Management Specialist.The nuclear energy Agency (NEA) of the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD).
The safety justification concept for deep geological disposal sites of high level radioactive waste; - Barbara Pastina, Sr. Scientific Officer, Saanio & Riekkola Oy.
Safe radioactive waste disposal, from vision to practice - Lessons learned from Finland and beyond;
- Wolfgang Steinwarz, Executive vice-president ofSiempelkamp Nukleartechnik GmbH.
Modern packaging systems for RW disposal on the basis of high-strength cast iron. RW disposal acceptance criteria.
10.00-16.00 / Panel sessionSNF recycling as a choice of safety strategy / Conference-hall №2
Moderator:Mikhail Baryshnikov, head of the Project Office «Development of the SNF Management System», ROSATOM
- Evgeniy Makarov, FSUE «PO «Mayak».
Handling of RAW from the reprocessing of SNF «PD «Mayak»;
- Igor Linge, Deputy Director Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS.
History of development of spent nuclear fuel radiochemical reprocessing in Russia: technological development, genesis of the relationship to the environment;
- Yuriy Fedorov, deputy director general of science, V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute.
Environmentally friendly base chain of MCC development and demonstration center;
- IgorGusakov-Stanyukovich, Deputy General Director - technical Director, Federal center for nuclear and radiation safety.
Conceptual approaches to the package proposal in the field of SNF;
- Igor Seelev, deputy director general, enterprise for innovation, FSUE «MCC».
Creation of objects for SNF management in Zheleznogorsk;
- AnzhelikaKhaperskaya, Advisor, ROSATOM.
Overview of existing and developing technologies for reprocessing;
- Lidia Kuryndina, Head of the department of radioecology and radiation environment monitoring of department of the state policy and regulation in the field of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring Ministry of nature of Russia.
Ecological aspects of elaboration of the state policy in the sphere of management of spent nuclear fuel;
- Vladimir Volk,VNIINM.
Reprocessing of Fast Reactor Mixed Used Nuclear Fuel;
- Mikhail Baryshnikov, head of the Project Office «Development of the SNF Management System», ROSATOM.
Systemic issues of SNF management in Russia.
16.20-18.30 / Panel sessionRehabilitation programs for northern territories. Results and prospects / Conference-hall №2
Moderator: Anatoliy Zakharchev, head of the Project Office «Dismantlement of nuclear submarines», ROSATOM.
- Anatoliy Zakharchev, head of the Project Office «Dismantlement of nuclear submarines», ROSATOM.
Opening speech;
- Ashot Sarkisov, Adviser of the RAS, academician, IBRAE RAS.
Problems of rehabilitation of the Arctic seas;
- Alexey Kazennov, Head of laboratory,Kurchatov Institute NRC.
Monitoring of potentially dangerous objects in the Kara sea in the framework of the expedition of the Russian Federation Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Response in September 2013;
- Lydia Kuryndina, Head of the department of radioecology and radiation environment monitoring of department of the state policy and regulation in the field of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring Ministry of nature of Russia.
The results of the Russian-Norwegian expedition to the Kara sea 2012;