Date: January 13, 2009

7:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Cary Claver, President, called the board meeting to order at 7:36 PM


Claver, Eisenstot, Rosenbloom, Goldenstein, Friedman, Iverson, Fiordaliso, Manning



Mary Lynn Kempf

Special Meeting : Vote on By-Law Changes

Item 1 – Board Positions – in summary, individuals will run for board seats rather than specific roles.
Recap discussion around the four individuals who are in positions up for re-election: Matt F, Henry G, Terry I, Cary C. Consideration should be given to keeping the same positions post-election. Revisit of Roles & Responsibilities documents should be undertaken in the next year. Cary was going to resend a communication (Secretary did this) to remind the club about the election. Discussion around possible Member-at-large (non-voting board member role) and Immediate Past President role.
Item 2 – Definition of Quorum – definition is now 60% of seated Board members
For : 8 Against : 0 Abstain : 2
By –Law Changes passed
By-Laws will need to be updated and reposted to the Grove United Website.

General Meeting


Prior Minutes Approval

Minutes from prior meeting (phone conference) were not available, approval deferred.

Approval of new coaches

Bill Myer (U8G) – Bill introduced himself and his philosophy on sports, knowledge of soccer, and general understanding of


Motion by Eric Rosenbloom – Proposal to approve Bill as the U8G coach, subject to passing background check.

Seconded by Bob Fiordaliso

In Favor – Goldenstein, Eisenstot, Fiordaliso, Rosenbloom, Friedman; Against – None; Abstain – Manning

Motion passed, Coach Approved.

Dave Nolan (U9G)- Dave introduced himself and his philosophy on sports, knowledge of soccer, and general understanding

of coaching.

Motion by Terry Iverson – Proposal to approve Dave as the U9G coach, subject to passing background check.

Seconded by Eric Rosenbloom.

In Favor – Goldenstein, Eisenstot, Manning, Fiordaliso, Rosenbloom, Friedman; Against – None; Abstain – None

Motion passed, Coach Approved.

Craig Donton (U9G) – Unable to attend, we will ask Craig to come to another Board meeting for approval.

Update on Coaches’ How-To-Book

Not started, but Terry will work on this. Cary suggested once complete this would be sent to every coach. As new coaches are approved, they would get a copy. We then discussed the desire to have coaches come and give a 10 minute update on their team (even new coaches) to the Board – to drive attendance at board meetings AND allow the Board to understand progress, issues, etc.

Update on Marketing Profit Sharing

Henry suggested we get the process out to the club via email blast reminding all members of the profit-sharing process for Grove United. Bill will send this out and will work with Henry on the appropriate verbiage. (This will go out to club with results of the Board Election & new Officers)

Update on Park District Ad in P.D. Course booklet

Cary sent out a copy of last years’ ad, asking for feedback. He received some, but not much, and the ad will be placed.

Update on Annual Meeting

Notice was sent for elections to be held in January, along with proxy for anonymous voting.

Matt will recap/and document LY/TY financials for the Annual Meeting.

Bill will contact Rick Missing for a LCD projector for the meeting.

Terry asked if we could add a plea for the Grant Fund in the meeting.

Update on Player Payment Status

<Closed to general membership – Board discussion only>

HOWEVER: It was agreed by the Board, that moving forward, if a player is not paid-in-full by 9/1 OR payment plans in place, the player will NOT be allowed to play. For High School Boys, the date is 2/15.



Cary will soon be sending out the newsletter

Dress Code

Recently there have been inappropriate clothing instances at practices. (specifically, volleyball shorts on the girls teams) The Board will send a reminder to the coaches of the appropriate dress code (“soccer attire”) and Joel/Eric will address with families in the Girls/Boys programs.

Coaches wanting to add players during season

For the coaches adding (or wishing to add) players mid-season, simply sending players to SoccerPlus is not enough to order a uniform. Bob F must be made aware as he will approve/deny the orders.

Coach Gear

Bob will distribute at the upcoming Coaches meeting, Feb 24th. (this will be a mandatory meeting)

Warm Ups

Warm-ups will be available in February, matching the uniform from Under Armor. The cost will be under $100 for the set, at $125 value.

Under Armor Update

UA has offered Polos, Banners, and give-aways for the Tournament. Joel will document the request for Bob.

Boys High School Rosters

Boys High School Teams are considering a 1-day tryout in the spring for U15-18 teams.

Motion to adjourn at 9:24 by Bob F., second by Eric R.