BIOLOGY MAJOR (B.S.) 2017-18 catalog
Biology Department Office, Life Sciences 210 Phone: 719-549-2743 Fax: 719-549-2993
2200 Bonforte Boulevard, Pueblo, CO 81001-4901 E-Mail:
Biology Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Moussa Diawara, Chair, LS 210A, 549-2813
Dr. Annette Gabaldon, LS 250, 549-2213
Dr. Lee Anne Martinez, LS 218, 549-2744
Dr. Claire Ramos, LS 222, 549-2509
Dr. Jeff Smith, LS 248, 549-2420
Dr. Jordan Steel, LS 220, 549-2106
Dr. Brian Vanden Heuvel, LS 112, 549-2270
Biology Degree Requirements and Recommendations
· Students must receive a grade of C or better (2.000) in all core biology courses and have at least a cumulative GPA of 2.000 in the major area.
· Transfer students are required to earn a minimum of 15 semester credit hours in approved Biology upper division courses from CSU-Pueblo, including BIOL 493 (Seminar).
· Biology students must be computer proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Academic advisors can assist with course selection when necessary.
· Graduates are encouraged to complete a minor outside the biology department. The chemistry required to graduate is enough for a Chemistry minor (grade of C or better required in all chemistry courses.) Students are recommended to declare this Chemistry minor. Progression to the next chemistry course requires a grade of C or better.
· Specific Biology emphasis areas such as pre-professional programs, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Teacher Certification, etc., have prescribed requirements to be followed and such requirements may be obtained from any Biology advisor or from the Department’s Administrative Assistant.
· All students who might attend graduate school should take one year of a foreign language and take the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) during their junior or senior year.
· Institutional requirements:
o Students must earn a minimum of 120 semester hours with a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.0. These 120 hours must include a minimum of 40 hours of upper division courses (300-499).
o No more than 15 of the last 30 semester credits earned immediately preceding graduation may be completed at other colleges or universities. A minimum of 30 semester hours, as approved by the program of the major, must be earned in residence at CSU-Pueblo.
Revised 7/31/17 hc
BIOLOGY Course requirements
(2014-15 catalog)
/ Course Name / Credits / SemesterBiology Core Courses / 30
/ First Year Seminar / 1BIOL 181/181L / College Biology I-Diversity / 4
BIOL182/182L / College Biology II-Cellular / 4
BIOL 201/201L OR
BIOL 202/202L / Botany/Lab (S)
Zoology/Lab (F) / 4
BIOL 301/301L / General Microbiology/Lab* / 5
BIOL 412/412L OR BIOL 413/413L OR
BIOL414/414L / Cellular Biology/Lab* (S)
Plant Physiology/ Lab* (SO)
Vertebrate Physiology/Lab* (F) / 4
BIOL 350 / Mendelian and Population Genetics* / 2
BIOL 351 / Molecular Biology and Genetics* / 2
BIOL 352 / Evolutionary Biology & Ecology* / 3
BIOL 493 / Senior Seminar (upon completion of core) / 1
Biology Electives / Advisor Approved Upper Division See Electives* List / 15
NOTE: The following courses may NOT be used as electives in the Biology major:
BIOL 100/L, 112, 121, 121L, 206/L, 223/L, 224/L, 291, 294, 394, 491, 494, 495, and 498.
Total Biology Credits / 45
Science and Math Support Courses / Credits / Semester
CHEM 121/121L
/ General Chemistry I/Lab* / 5CHEM 122/122L
/ General Chemistry II/Lab / 5CHEM 301/301L
/ Organic Chemistry I/Lab* / 5CHEM 302/302L
/ Organic Chemistry II/Lab / 5PHYS 201/201L
/ Principles of Physics I/Lab* / 4PHYS 202/202L
/ Principles of Physics II/Lab / 4MATH 221
/ Applied Calculus / 4MATH 156
/ Intro to Statistics / 3/ Total support Credits / 35
General Education Courses / Credits / Semester
ENG 101 / English Composition I / 3
ENG 102 / English Composition II / 3
Humanities / 3
Humanities / 3
COMR 103 / Speaking and Listening / 3
Social Science / 3
Social Science / 3
History / 3
General Electives / 16
*Many courses have prerequisites that are listed in the catalog or diagrammed on the last page of this handout.
Electives must be approved by your advisor.
Course / Course Name / Cr. / OfferedBIOL 302/L / Medical Microbiology/Lab / 4 / SO
CHEM 311 or 411 / Survey of Biochemistry OR Biochemistry I / 3 / F
BIOL 321/L / Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy/Lab / 5 / S
BIOL 402 / Immunology / 3 / S
BIOL 403 / Virology / 2 / FE
BIOL 412/L / Cellular Biology/Lab / 4 / S
BIOL 413/L / Plant Physiology/Lab / 4 / SO
BIOL 414/L / Vertebrate Physiology / 4 / F
BIOL 421/L / Histology/Lab / 4 / SO
BIOL 432/L / Developmental Biology / 4 / SE
BIOL 440/L / Molecular Genetics / 3 / S
BIOL 441/L / Freshwater Invertebrate Zoology/Lab / 4 / SO
BIOL 443/L / Limnology/Lab / 4 / SE
BIOL 452/L / Advanced Microscopy/Lab / 4 / FE
BIOL 453/L / Ecology/Field Studies / 4 / FE
BIOL 461 / Applied Geospatial Technology (GIS/GPS) / 3 / FO
BIOL 462 / Environmental Management / 3 / SO
BIOL 465 / Environmental Toxicology / 3 / FE
BIOL 479/L / Ichthyology/Lab / 3 / FO
BIOL 481/L / Entomology/Lab / 3 / FO
BIOL 483/L / Mammology/Lab / 3 / SE
BIOL 484/L / Ornithology/Lab / 3 / SO
BIOL 485/L / Plant Taxonomy/Lab / 4 / As needed
BIOL 486 / Field Botany / 3 / As needed
CSU-Pueblo Biology Core Course Prerequisites Map