Press Release

For Immediate Release

Texas FFA Association

614 East 12th Street

Austin, Texas 78701

(512) 480-8045

CONTACT: (Agriculture Science Teacher Name)

(Agriculture Science Program Address

(Agriculture Science Program Phone Number)

(Agriculture Science Program E-mail Address)

(Chapter Name) FFA Participates in Texas FFA State Leadership Career Development Event

(Your City) – Members of the (Chapter Name) FFA Chapter traveled to Huntsville, Friday, December 4, to compete in Texas FFA’s Leadership Career Development Events.

(Chapter Name)’s (team or entry name) qualified for the state competition by finishing first or second in one of the state’s 57 district competitions and first or second in one of ten area competitions. A total of 5,973 entries began the statewide-tournament in 13 different events which reflect classroom instruction in basic leadership skills.

(Chapter Name) FFA placed (Placing) in the (FFA Contest) Contest. Team members included:

(Enter students’ names here)

The Texas FFA is the nation’s largest state FFA associations with a membership of more than 113,000 active FFA members. FFA programs teach skills in leadership, career development and personal growth. FFA gives students the opportunity to practically apply classroom knowledge to real-world experiences through local, state and national competitions.

Sam Houston State University has partnered with Texas FFA in hosting these competitions for 80 years.