General Information
The Miss OLP Ball is the Academy’s winter formal which the students and their escorts (high school students or older) are invited to attend. Students from the Academy may also choose to attend the Ball without an escort. The Ball will be held on Saturday, February 7, 2015 at the University of San Diego in La Gran Terazza from 8:00 pm-11 pm. Students must arrive at the dance no later than 8:30 pm. Please make transportation and dinner plans to accommodate arriving on time for the Ball. If you arrive after 8:30 pm, parents will be notified, and the student will be subject to disciplinary action. Students may leave the Ball no earlier than 10:30pm. Students must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the dance has ended at 11:00 pm.
Students attending the dance are advised to not leave personal items unattended. The Academy of Our Lady of Peace is not responsible for the loss at the Miss OLP Ball of personal items such as purses, cameras, phones, jackets, or wraps.
Pictures at the dance will be taken by TD Photography and are available for all students to purchase. The pictures will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. Order forms with prices will be available to all students the week before the Ball. These forms should be filled out prior to the dance. Both cash and checks will be accepted. Please make checks out to “TD Photography.”
Dance/Event Pass
A Dance Agreement must be completed by all OLP students and approved by the Assistant Principal before a bid to the dance can be purchased. Event passes will be available on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 on the Activities Bulletin Board outside the ASB Room. This form is also available on aolp.org. The form should be read and filled out carefully by the students, their escorts and their parents.
Completed Dance Agreements must be submitted for approval to the Assistant Principal for Campus Life by Monday February 2, 2015.
Bids to the Miss OLP Ball can be purchased ONLY after the Dance Pass described above has been approved. Students will be notified daily through their OLP gmail account when their Pass has been approved. In addition, a list of all students with approved Dance Passes will be posted daily on the ASB bulletin Board outside the Campus Life Office (2nd Floor Aquinas)
The price of a bid to the Miss OLP Ball from Thursday, January 8 through Tuesday, January 20 is $80.00 per couple or $45.00 per single. The price for bids sold Wednesday, January 21 through Wednesday, February 4is $85.00 for a couple and $50.00 for a single. The final day to purchase a bid is Wednesday, February 4, 2015.
Payment for the Bid to the Miss OLP Ball can be made online using the following link: Attendance at the Ball is not finalized until both the Dance Pass has been approved and payment is verified. The student will receive a ticket to the Ball once these two tasks have been completed.
Students (and their escorts) must present their issued ticket to the Ball and their school ID or identification to gain admittance to the Ball on February 7, 2015.
If a student is unable to attend the dance and has purchased a bid, she may receive a full refund for the cost of the bid if she presents a letter from her parent/guardian notifying the Academy that the student will not be attending the Miss OLP Ball. This notification must be received by the Assistant Principal for Campus Life by Tuesday, February 3, 2015 or a 50% penalty will be charged.
If, on the weekend of the Miss OLP Ball (Friday evening, February 6 or Saturday, February 7) a student finds that she is unable to attend the Miss OLP Ball, a parent must call and leave a message or send an email informing OLP of this fact. (Assistant Principal for Campus Life @ AOLP: 619-725-9154, ). The student must follow up this notification with a note from the parent/guardian explaining their absence andmust be submitted to the Assistant Principal for Campus Life on the first school day following the Miss OLP Ball.
The Miss OLP Ball is a semi-formal event for both your daughter and her escort. For your daughter, a tasteful, elegant/party dress is required. Dresses must be at least finger-tip length or lower, including slits, no lower in the front than 5 inches below the collarbone, may not be backless below the middle of the back, may not be see-through or have cut-outs. Gentlemen are required to wear a suit, sport coat, vest or sweater with dress shirt and tie. No tennis shoes are permitted. Dress shirts must be remain on, tucked in, and buttoned at all times. Students/and or their escorts who are dressed inappropriately (which is determined at the discretion of the administrator present at the Ball) will be denied admission without a refund, released to their parent/guardian and will be subject to disciplinary action.
Complimentary chips, dips, desserts, a citrus punch and assorted sodas will be available at the Dance.
Parking is available on the campus of USD at no charge. A map of the USD Campus with location of the Miss OLP Ball and the parking availability at a later date.
Because we want the evening to be enjoyable for everyone, the following is a reminder of the appropriate behavior for OLP students and their escorts. School policy, as well as the policy of the University of San Diego, dictates that individuals found to be or suspected of being under the influence of any drugs or alcohol will not be admitted into the Ball. Their parents/guardians will be contacted to escort the student home. If parents are unable or unwilling to escort their student home, the student will be remanded to the custody of the San Diego Police Department. Please act responsibly so all will enjoy the evening.