Summer HolidayCricket Training Week
Tuesday 6thto Friday 9th August 2013
10.00am to 3.00pm
Windsor Cricket Club, Home Park, Windsor
A chance to be coached by a former international cricketer and highly qualified coach Mehmood Malik, in County Standard nets.
Enhance basic and key skills through drills, games and match practice including batting, bowling, wicket keeping and fielding.
sessions are available on a first come first served basis with the price being £35 per day £120 or for the whole week.
Booking form:
Section 1 Personal details for young player and their Parent / Legal Guardian:Name of Child (under 18) / Child’s Date of Birth / Name of Parent or Legal Guardian
Home address / Postcode / Email address
Home telephone number / Primary emergency contact nametelephone number / Secondary emergency contact name & telephone number
Section 2 Emergency situations:
Medical concerns/Allergies & action to be taken
Iam /am not* happy for first aid(eg plasters Ice-packs) to be given to my child (*delete as appropriate) / GP name and Address & tel no. / I am /am not* happy for photographs or videos of my child being made during the coaching sessions
Section 3 Dates of course to be attended
Tick which dates apply, £35 per day or £120 for the week
Please tick each box that applies / Tuesday 28th May / Wednesday 29th May
Thursday 30th May / Friday 31st May / All week 27th – 31st May
Section 4 Sporting information:
Has this child played Cricket before? Yes No
If yes, where has this been played?
Primary school
Secondary school
Local authority coaching session(s) / Club
County / Other (please specify):
Terms and Conditions:
- Windsor Cricket Club and Mehmood Malik accepts no liability for personal injury or death of any participant or any damage or loss resulting unless caused by proven negligence of Windsor CC or its employees.
- Windsor CC does not accept responsibility for the loss or damage to property of any kind during coaching sessions.
- Course fees will not be refunded in the event of a cancellation by the participant.
- Windsor CC reserves the right to exclude or refuse any participant before or during the course if it considered that the participant is causing a negative effect on the running of the course due to unacceptable behaviour.
- In the event of bad weather, cricket related activities will take place under cover. No refunds or part refunds will be given in this instance.
I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions above and enclose a cheque for …………………………made payable to Mehmood Malik
Contact , tel 07988 855872
Windsor CC Colts – May half term course – 2013