Sports Council For Glasgow
Membership Application Form2017/18
The charitable purpose of Sports Council for Glasgow (SCIO) is the advancement of public participation in sport through:
-encouraging citizens of all ages, all communities and local organisations, based or carrying out the majority of their activities within Glasgow, to participate in sport and related physical activities and through this to live healthy lifestyles;
-providing a unified & independent voice for member sport clubs and organisations to improve sport experiences across Glasgow; and
-assisting members to develop their clubs and organisations through facilitating programmes and services, including provision of specific grant that address their particular needs.
Membership Benefits Package & Fees:
Membership is open to all constituted sports related clubs, organisations and individuals directly concerned with sport and related physical activities within the functional area of the Sports Council for Glasgow.
Membership Type / Annual Fee / Benefits Available / NotesIndividual / £7.00 / -Can apply to the ‘General Grant Scheme’ (forcoach education courses)
•Up to two coursesa total value of £40
-Can submit nominations for ‘Annual Awards’ event
-Can submit nominations for ‘Club of the Month’ award
University Affiliated Club / £12.00 / -Can apply to the ‘General Grant Scheme’
•Up to a total value of £100 per membership year
-Can submit nominations for ‘Annual Awards’ event
-Can submit nominations for ‘Club of the Month’ award
-Can apply to the ‘Sports Promotion Scheme’ / Must be linked to a University or College that is affiliated to SSS (Scottish Student Sport).
Club / £23.00 / -Can apply to the ‘General Grant Scheme’
'Up to a total value of £500 per membership year
-Can submit nominations for ‘Annual Awards’ event
-Can submit nominations for ‘Club of the Month’ award
-Can apply to the ‘Sports Promotion Scheme’
-Can access PVG Application support / Organisations who are not technically ‘clubs’ are still eligible to apply under this category type.
Regional Association
Governing Body / £28.00 / -Can apply to the ‘General Grant Scheme’
•Up to a total value of £500 per year
-Can submit nominations for ‘Annual Awards’ event
-Can submit nominations for ‘Club of the Month’ award
-Can apply to the ‘Sports Promotion Scheme’
-Can access PVG Application support / Grant funding cannot directly support individuals and any grant funding awarded can only be usedfor activities which take place entirelywithin the City of Glasgow.
‘Clubmark’ Club / £33.00 / -Can apply to the ‘General Grant Scheme’
•Enhanced funding available
•Up to a total value of £750 per membership year
-Can submit nominations for ‘Annual Awards’ event
-Can submit nominations for ‘Club of the Month’ award
-Potential to be nominated for ‘Clubmark Club of the Year’
-Can apply to the ‘Sports Promotion Scheme’
-Can access PVG Application support / A club must hold at least ‘Get Active’ Clubmark accreditation, from Glasgow Life. (Please note that this category of membership is not available to clubs holding ‘Clubmark’ status from other sources.)
Please note:For an ‘Individual’, ‘University Affiliated Club’, ‘Club’ or ‘Clubmark Club’ the “functional area” is defined as: where the applicant is based within the local authority of Glasgow or carries out the majority of its activities (training and playing / other events) within this area or where the majority of its members reside within this area.
Membership Year:
The current membership year runs from 1st April 2017 until 31st March 2018 and membership fees are due on 1st April 2017.
Membership Process:
All applicants must complete a‘Membership Application’ form. (This can be done on-line through the Sports Council For Glasgow website, by e-mail or by post.) The remittance to meet the annual membership subscription must accompany the application form. Once received by the Sports Council for Glasgow, the application will be acknowledged and then considered by the Board at the next scheduled meeting. The decision of the Board will then be communicated to the applicant.
Membership Payment:
Payment by bank transfer is preferred, with payment being made as follows:
Payment By Bank TransferAccount Name: / Sports Council for Glasgow
Account Number: / 00830740
Sort Code: / 808344
Reference: / Please use your organisation name
Membership payment is available by Direct Debit. For further information about this method of payment, please contact the Development Officer Michael Mather: .
Membership payment can be made by cheque, made payable to ‘Sports Council for Glasgow’for the appropriate amount, posted (along with a copy of the application form) to:
The Development Officer
Sports Council For Glasgow
4th Floor
Emirates Arena
1000 London Road
G40 3HY
For Further Information or Support:
If you would like to know anything else about the Sports Council for Glasgow, or if you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us:
By e-mail:
By phone:0141-287-3649
By post: The Development Officer
Sports Council For Glasgow
4th Floor
Emirates Arena
1000 London Road
G40 3HY
Sports Council For Glasgow
Membership Application Form 2017/18
NB: This form must be typed or written so that it is clearly legible.
Section A – Your, or YourOrganisation’s, Details:
Organisation & Applicant DetailsName of Applicant:
Organisation Name:
Applicant’sPosition in Organisation:
Sport / Activity:
Main Playing Venue:
Main Training Venue:
Contact Address & Post Code:
Contact Number:
E-mail Address:
Social Media Details
Club Website: Yes / No / Address:
Facebook: Yes / No / Page Name:
Twitter: Yes / No / Username:
For organisations only: Membership Details
Adult Male: / Adult Female:
Junior Male: / Junior Female:
For organisations only: Other Information
Does your organisation have a constitution or other governing document? / Yes / No
If you work with young people (U18s), does your organisation have a Child Protection Policy? / Yes / No
Section B – Category of Application:
My organisation / I wish to apply for membership of the Sports Council for Glasgow as follows:
Membership Category / Fee / Please Mark As Appropriate (x)Individual / £7.00
University Affiliated Club / £12.00
Club / £23.00
Regional Association or Governing Body / £28.00
‘Clubmark’ Club / £33.00
My organisation’s / my application is as:
Membership Type / Please Mark As Appropriate (x)A member renewing from 2016-2017
A new member for 2017-2018
Section C – Declaration:
I certify that all the information I have included is correct. If applying on behalf of my organisation, I certify that I am authorised to submit this application. I give permission for the Sports Council for Glasgow, and its partner organisations, to contact me about on-going activities.
Signatory DetailsName:
Role with Organisation (if applicable):
Date of signing:
Return of Completed Application Form:
Please return the completed form by e-mail to .
Postal applications will also be accepted. Please post to:
Sports Council For Glasgow
4th Floor
Emirates Arena
1000 London Road
G40 3HY
Date of Receipt of Application:Date of Acknowledgement of Receipt:
Date of Next Board Meeting:
Sports Council for Glasgow is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).
Registration Number: SC046373.
Sports Council for Glasgow, Membership Application Form, v March 2017