Charity Helps! – The Rules of the Game
A game for up to 6 players
- Object of the game
To earn tokens by coming up with suggestions for solving problems faced by charity workers. All card comments were suggested by actual charity workers currently in Sri Lanka for the HAT foundation charity.
The first person to fill their scorecard is the winner.
- Contents
Playing board
6 playing pieces
33 Problem cards
24 Luck cards
14Charity Office cards
6 scorecards
6 ‘1 point’ cards and 6 ‘2 point’ cards
- How to play
Put the cards on the board in the appropriate piles.
Each player takes a playing piece, a one-point card and a two-point card.
Players move around the board by throwing a dice.
- Problem squares
If a player lands on a Problem square, they take the top card from the Problem pile.
They read out the problem to the other players, and have up to two minutes to
suggest a solution. The other players decide whether they think the answer is worth one or two points and hold up the appropriate card. Points allocated are based on the majority view. In the event of a tie, the higher score is awarded. They then receive token(s) to place on their scorecard.
- Luck squares
If a player lands on a Luck square, they take the top card from the Luck pile and follow the instructions on the card.
- Charity office squares
If a player lands on a Charity office square, they take the top card from the
Charity office pile and try to answer the question. If their answer is considered good they are awarded two tokens; if it’s not good enough they get no tokens.
Some cards ask the players to debate an issue, whilst others ask them to solve a problem (sometimes numerical). You might want to give a time limit on these cards to keep the game flowing.
- Passing Start
Players get a token every time they pass ‘Start’.
Good luck!