Title (only the first letter of the title should be capitalized)(Bold, Arial 14, centered)
(one blank line)
João C.M. Barreiraa,*, Luís G. Diasb,c, … e António M. Peresn (Arial 12, centered, simple line spacing, the name of the presenting author should be underlined)
(one blank line)
aDepartment 1, Institution 1, Address 1. (Arial 10, align left, simple line spacing)
bDepartment 2, Institution 2, Address 2.
nDepartment 3, Institution 3, Address 3.
*E-mail address
(two blank lines)
Example of main body: (Arial, size 12). The text alignment should be justified and line spacing should be simple. The abstract may be written in one of the official Meeting languages (Portuguese or English).The abstract should not exceed one page. Page setup: A4, orientation portrait, normal margins (2,54 cm) top, bottom, left and right. Table(s) and/or figure(s) should appear after the main text, numbered and with captions.Only twoabstracts per registration will be accepted.
Example of figure/table indication and citation in the main text: The results obtained are presented in figure 1 or table 1. The main findings are in accordance with previous reports [1]… (Arial 12; Justified).
Preliminary register is required to electronically submit the abstract at the Meeting webpage (10enc.eventos.chemistry.pt/). At the submission, authors should indicate the presentation type (oral or poster) as well as the research topic. The files names should be identified with the registered author’s name respecting the following typology: firstname_familyname_poster1.docx or firstname_familyname_oral2.docx (or .doc).
(oneblank line)
Figure 1.Figure caption.(Arial 10, centered)
Table 1.Table caption. (Arial 10, centered)
Sample / Parameter 1 / Parameter 2A / 1.0±0.1 / 1.0±0.1
B / 2.0±0.2 / 2.0±0.2
C / 3.0±0.3 / 3.0±0.3
(twoblank lines)
Acknowledgements: (optional, Arial 10, justified)
Institution 1, for financial support to Project X. Institution 2, for research grant nº 00000/2016.
(one blank line)
References: (Arial 10, align left)
[1]L.M. Blumberg, G. Desmet. J. Chromatogr. A. 2016, 1476, 35-45. (Journal, Arial 10, Justified)
[2]A.B. Nail, L.C. Dias em Analytical News, Vol. 3 (Eds.: H. Gomes, W. Taylor, J. Hesse), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1996, pp. 10-20. (Book chapter)
[3]A.B. Nail, L.C. Dias, Fundamentals of Chemistry, 6ª ed., Brooks Cole, Belmont, 2015. (Book)