The Corporation of the

Town of Marathon

Accessibility Plan
2012 - 2014
Submitted to

Mayor and Council

Town of Marathon

Prepared by

Accessibility Working Group

M. McCuaig,L. Lees, N. Biggs, R. Kerster, L. Wall



Executive Summary2

Aim 3



Description of Organization(s) 4

- Vision Statement

- Mission Statement

Former Initiatives – Barrier Removal 5

Site Audit 5

Barriers to be Addressed 5

Plan Evaluation/Progress Monitoring 6

Communication of the Plan 6



Schedule “A” 2012-2014 Accessibility Workplan 7

Executive Summary

The purpose of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA) is to improve opportunities for people with disabilities and to provide for their involvement in the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to their full participation in the life of the Province. The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) set various standards and deadlines to increase accessibility by 2025. Under the AODA, the Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation (IASR) mandated that each municipality prepare a multi-year Accessibility Plan.

This plan was prepared by the Accessibility Working Group(AWG). The plan describes the measures the municipality has takenin the past and the measures the municipality will takein the next few years to identify, remove and prevent barriers to persons with disabilities. The plan focuses on municipal facilities and services with a view to improving access for the public and employees of the Corporation of the Town of Marathon.

The municipality has undertaken several initiatives to reduce physical barriers in the community including reviewing/remedying the availability of “Designated Disabled” parking spaces,power assisted door mechanisms (Town Hall,Lakeview Community Hall,Recreation Complex) and access ramps (Town Hall, Lakeview Community Hall). The municipality will continue to pursue additional door mechanisms for its other facilities, reduction of accessibility barriers in the construction of new infrastructure, and inclusion of consideration toward disability barriers in development of municipal policy and regulations.

The AWG identified various barriers to persons with disability throughout the development of this plan. The AWG recommends the consistent review and identification of barriers denying access to persons with disabilities within the municipal environment with a view to reducing barriers where possible.


The aim of this plan is to set the framework from which the municipality will identify, prevent and remove (where possible) barriers to persons with disability who utilize the facilities and services of the municipality.

  1. Objectives

The Objective of this Plan is to:

(a)Describe the process by which the municipality will identify, remove and prevent barriers to persons with disability.

(b)Review prior initiatives taken toward the identification, prevention and removal of barriers to persons with disability.

(c)List the facilities, services, policies and municipal legislation that the municipality will review to identify barriers to persons with disabilities.

(d)Describe the measures the municipality will take to identify, prevent and remove barriers to persons with disability.

(e)Describe how the municipality will make this Accessibility Plan available to the public.

3. Definitions

Barrier – A “barrier” is anything that stops a person with a disability from fully taking part in society because of that disability. Some barriers include:

  • Physical barriers – e.g.,a step at the entrance to a store;
  • Architectural barriers – e.g.,no elevators in a building of more than one floor;
  • Informationor communications barriers – e.g.,a publication that is not available in large print;
  • Attitudinal barriers – e.g., assuming people with a disability cannot perform a certain task when in fact they can;
  • Technological barriers such as traffic lights that change too quickly before a person with a disability has time to get through the intersection; and,
  • Barriers created by policies or practices – e.g.,not offering different ways to complete a test as part of job hiring.

Disability – The following is the same definition as used in the Ontario Human Rights Code. A “disability” is:

(a)Any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and includes, but is not limited to:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Epilepsy;
  • A brain injury;
  • Any degree of paralysis;
  • Amputation;
  • Lack of physical co-ordination;
  • Blindness or visual impediment;
  • Deafness or hearing impediment;
  • Muteness or speech impediment; or
  • Physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal, or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device;

(b)A condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability;

(c)A learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language;

(d)A mental disorder; or

(e)An injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997.

Note: For other definitions, please refer to Section 2 of the Ontarians withDisabilities Act, 2001.

4. Description of the Town of Marathon

Vision Statement

Marathon,The Superior Community!

Mission Statement

Marathon will continue to be a healthy and progressive communitythat supports development opportunities, lifestyle quality and open, flexible governance.

Our Town departments provide reliable, highquality services to Marathon and its residents. We work hard to maintain a superior quality of life for our residents, providing a high standard of accessible services. To this end, the Council of the Town of Marathondevelops a Strategic Plan for each term of Council. This plan is a commitment from Mayorand Council and provides a roadmap that Council and Administration can build on together, inpartnership with the community, to ensure a progressive future for our Town.

The Town owns and/or operates a number of facilities including Penn Lake Park (campground, trails, comfort station, playground), Del Earle Park (playground), Dyer’s Field (baseball diamond), Youth Sports Park (outdoor rink, skateboard park), Recreation Complex (pool, arena, theatre), Town Hall (meeting rooms), Lakeview Community Hall (gymnasium, bowling alley, seniors’ club, meeting rooms), fire hall (training room), Peninsula Club (golf course, cross country ski trails), Visitor Information Centreand airport.

5. Former Initiatives – Barrier Removal

The municipality remains proactive in the initiatives taken to remove accessibility barriers within the community. Examples of former initiatives include:

  • Installation of power assisteddoors at Town Hall,Lakeview Community Hall and Recreation Complex;
  • Study and implementation of designated disabled parking spaces;
  • Installation of a lift device to access the swimming pool;
  • Revision of the one-person-one-fare policy to the Personal Attendant for Leisure (PAL) program;
  • Curb cuts have been completed at various town facilities;
  • Purchase of a portable FM system to assist those with a hearing loss;
  • Construction of a viewing platform at the arena for those using wheelchairs to enable them to see the ice surface;
  • Establishment of an Accessible Customer Service policy; and,
  • Training staff, contractors, policy makers and volunteers on providing accessible customer service.

6. Site Audits

Municipal staff and the AWG will endeavour to implement the recommendations from the Recreation Complex site accessibility audit as improvements are made to that facility. Additionally, Town staff (in consultation with the AWG) will conduct informal audits of the municipality’s services, policies and legislation for the purpose of identifying barriers that may impose restrictions to persons with a disability.

7. Barriers to be Addressed

Priorities for 2012-2014 are outlined in Schedule “A”. The focus will be to ensure the Town meets its obligations to comply with the IASR (general requirements, information and communication, employment, transportation) and continued compliance with the Customer Service Regulation.

8. Plan Evaluation – Progress Monitoring

The Town of Marathon and the AWG is committed to maintaining a comprehensive and up-to-date Accessibility Plan. The multi-year plan will coincide with the term of Council and will be presented to Council for approval once each term. It will be monitored by the AWG and an annual progress report provided to Council.

9. Communication of the Plan

A progress report will be presented to Council on an annual basis. The Accessibility Plan and the most recent annual progress report will be available for viewing at the Town Hall, Public Library and on the Municipal web site at

Schedule “A”

Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Requirements

Section / Requirement / Steps / Timeline
3 / Establishment of Accessibility Policies / Establish Accessibility Policy
Make policy publicly available
Alternate format upon request / 2013
4 / Accessibility Plans / Develop multi-year plan
Post plan on website
Alternate format upon request
Review/update every term of Council
Annual Status Report / 2013
5 / Procuring or acquiring goods, services or facilities / Incorporate accessibility criteria and features
Provide explanation, upon request, if not practicable to do the above / 2013
7 / Training / Ensure Training on requirements of IASR and Human Rights Code
Records kept / 2013
Information and Communication
11 / Feedback / Accessible Feedback process including accessible formats and communication supports upon request
Notify public of availability of accessible formats and communication supports / 2013
12 / Accessible Formats and Communication supports / Provision of accessible formats and communication supports
Provided in timely manner at cost no greater than cost to others
Consult with person in determining suitability of alternative format or communication support
Notify public of availability of accessible formats and communication supports / 2014
13 / Emergency procedure, plan or public safety / If emergency information is made available to public, make information available in alternative formats or with communications supports upon request / On-going
14 / Accessible websites and web content / All website and content on those sites must conform with WCAG 2.0AA / 2013
Section / Requirement / Steps / Timeline
22 / Recruitment / Notify public and employees about availability of accommodation during recruitment / 2013
23 / Recruitment, assessment or selection process / During recruitment notify applicant at assessment stage that accommodation available on request
Consultation regarding provision of accommodation / 2013
24 / Notice to successful applicants / Notify successful candidates of accommodation policies / 2013
25 / Informing employees of supports / Inform employees of policies that support employees with disabilities, including job accommodations / 2013
26 / Accessible formats and communication supports for employees / Provide accessible formats and communication supports for:
Information needed to perform job
Information generally available to all employees in workplace
Consult with employee in determining suitability of accessible format or communication support / 2014
27 / Workplace emergency response information / Provide individual workplace emergency response information to employees, as necessary
If assistance necessary in event of emergency it will be arranged
Emergency response information must be reviewed / On-going
28 / Documented Individual accommodation plans / Written process for developing individual accommodation plans
There are 8 elements in process:
1. Manner in which employee requesting accommodation can participate in development of plan
2. Means by which employee assessed on individual basis
3. Manner in which employer can request evaluation by outside medical or other expert, at its expense, to assist determining if accommodation can be achieved and, if so, how
4. Manner in which employee can request participation of representative from bargaining agent, where employee is represented by bargaining agent, or other representative from workplace, where employee is not represented by bargaining agent, in development of plan
5. Steps taken to protect privacy of employee’s personal information
6. Frequency with which plan will be reviewed and updated and manner in which it will be done
7. If plan denied, manner in which reasons for denial provided to employee
8. Means of providing plan in format that takes into account employee’s accessibility needs due to disability
Plans shall include, as required:
• Information on accessible formats
• Workplace emergency response information
• Other accommodation / 2014
29 / Return to work / Develop and have in place documented return to work process for employees with disabilities / 2013
30 / Performance management / If performance management used, take into consideration accessibility needs of employee, and accommodation plans when using process / 2013
31 / Career development and advancement / If career development provides career development and advancement, take into consideration accessibility needs of employee, and accommodation plans when using process / 2013
32 / Redeployment / If redeployment is used, take into consideration accessibility needs of employee, and accommodation plans when using process / 2013
Section / Requirement / Steps / Timeline
79 / Accessible Taxicabs / Consult public and people with disabilities to determine proportion of on-demand accessible taxicabs required in community
Identify progress on steps taken to meet need for accessible taxicabs in accessibility plan / 2013
80 / Taxicabs / Ensure fares equal or less for people with disabilities for same trip
No fee charged for mobility aid storage
Vehicle registration and identification on rear bumper and made available in alternate format upon request / Completed (by-law 1660)

Customer Service Regulation Requirements

Requirement / Method of Compliance
1 / Have policies, practices and procedures on providing goods or services to people with disabilities
Use reasonable efforts to ensure policies are consistent with principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity / Accessible Customer Service brochure – posted on website and available at Town Hall
2 / Policies address use of assistive devices by people with disabilities to access our goods and services, or alternative measures / Accessible Customer Service policy (AD0018) – posted on website
3 / Policies, practices and procedures require us to take person’s disability into account when communicating with a person / Accessible Customer Service brochure
4 / Permit people with disabilities to keep service animals with them on the parts of the premises open to the public or other third parties, except where animal excluded by law
If service animal excluded by law, ensure alternate measures available to enable person to access our goods or services / Accessible Customer Service policy (AD0018)
5 / Permit people with disabilities to enter parts of our premises open to the public or other third parties with support person, provide notice of any fee charged for support person / Access to Community Recreation Facilities and Programs for Persons with Disabilities policy (CS0002) - posted on website
6 / Post notice of any temporary disruption in facilities or services that people with disabilities usually use to access our goods or services / Accessible Customer Service policy (AD0018)
7 / Established and documented process to receive and respond to feedback on how our goods or services are provided to people with disabilities / Accessible Customer Service policy (AD0018)
8 / Make information about feedback process available to public / Accessible Customer Service brochure
9 / Ensure everyone who deals with public or other third parties on our behalf and everyone who participates in developing our policies, practices and procedures on providing goods or services receives training about providing our goods or services to people with disabilities / Accessible Customer Service policy (AD0018)
10 / Ensure training includes policies, practices and procedures required under the Customer Service Standard / Accessible Customer Service brochure
11 / Have a written training policy / Accessible Customer Service policy (AD0018)
12 / Post notice that documents required by the Customer Service Standard available upon request / Accessible Customer Service brochure