Quiz #4- The Jungle (Chapters 16-20)
Mr. Huitt
American Literature and Composition
Answer ALL questions in complete sentences.
1. What thought tortured Jurgis most during his first night in jail?
2. What did the many bells Jurgis heard while in jail signify?
3. What does Jurgis’ new cellmate, Jack Duane, do for a living?
4. What sentence does the judge pass against Jurgis?
5. What is some of the bad news Stanislovas brings Jurgis during his visit to jail?
6. Why did Jurgis not get out of jail exactly when he had expected to?
7. What does Jurgis find upon his return home?
8. When Jurgis finally locates his family, what is taking place?
9. Who is Madame Haupt? Explain.
10. What has happened to Jurgis’ wife, Ona?
11. Why can Jurgis no longer find work in the meat packing factories?
12. How did Jurgis manage to land a job in the Harvester Trust factory?
13. What new do Jurgis and his co-workers learn after his ninth day of work?