Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
IN ATTENDANCE:M. Minnaugh- President
M. Scott-First Vice President
M. Wickett-Second Vice President
J. Devita-Secretary
W. Quinlan
J. Tulino
M. Lamagna
D. Sharick
R. Appleton
V. Daversa-General Manager
R. Borza- Controller
President Minnaugh called the meeting to order at 5:55 pm.
The minutes from the meeting that was held on May 22, 2013 were approved.
On May 29, 2013 Mr. Joyce of Forbes Financial Services met with Mr. Sharick, Rich Borza, and Vince Daversa to discuss Wildwood’s Health care renewal. Mr. Joyce was able to negotiate a 6.4% rate increase for the coming year with our provider UPMC Health Systems. They are extending the renewal date from July 1, 2014 to January 1, 2015. Given the state of the healthcare environment and the upcoming changes from ObamaCare, the Board expressed this as a good outcome.
Wildwood currently has 3 open Monday’s through the balance of the summer season. Bernie Hough and Vince Daversa suggested a Member/Client Appreciation Day, July 15, 2013, one of the open Mondays allowing members to bring as many guests as they like. Mr. Daversa will also be moving forward with a Uniformed / Emergency personnel outing on August 5, 2013 and will be contacting area Armed Forces, Recruiters, Police departments and other Emergency Response Personnel.
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Wildwood Golf Club
Board of Directors Meeting
June 19, 2013
Sewickley Heights Golf Club has agreed to host our Board Retreat on August 21, 2013. Mr. Daversa will provide more information as we get closer to the date.
Mr. Minnaugh complimented Mr. Daversa and the entire staff for the outstanding work by everyone during the Men’s Invitational. He noted several members and their guests made a point to make numerous positive comments throughout the 3-day event. The condition of the course and service was outstanding. Mr. Minnaugh noted that he would make additional comments throughout the Committee reports.
A. Finance – Mr. Sharick
Loss of $23,800 for May
Negative Variance to budget of $10,100
Food revenue Negative Variance to budget of $10,300
Food and Banquet revenue are down YTD, both versus Budget and Last Year
B.House Committee– Mr. Quinlan
Mr. Quinlan has submitted the capital request for the 19th Hole remodel project as part of the Long Range Planning process. It will be considered with other Committee requests. The cost for the project is $55,000.
Happy Hour specials will be half-price Beer and House Wines, $2 off mixed drinks. At the end of the season the House Committee will review.
C.Membership–Mr. Wickett
We have added 38 new members this year. We are tracking ahead of last year.
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Wildwood Golf Club
Board of Directors Meeting
June 19, 2013
The following matters will require Board action at the Board of Director’s meeting on June 19, 2013:
Gary L. Schmidt (Interviewed)Golf (Exploratory)eff: 7/1/13
101 English Farm DriveProposer: M. Wickett
Wexford, PA 15090Endorser: M. Minnaugh240/479-8273
Business Name: Allegheny Health Network
Business Title: Surgeon
Mark C. Deasy (Interviewed)Golf (Exploratory)eff: 7/1/13
1617 Shawmut DriveProposer: J. Cummings
Glenshaw, PA 15116Endorser: K. Cuccinelli412/486-9069
Business Name: Mine Safety Appliances Co.724/741-8570
Business Title: Director, Corporate Communications
Michael Berarducci (Interviewed)Social C (Exploratory)eff: 7/1/13
4729 Lucy DriveProposer: M. Kwiatkowski
Allison Park, PA 15101Endorser: S. Cafaro412/486-4812
Business Name: Sante Berarducci, Inc.412/287-4869
Business Title: Business Owner
Rev. Kevin Fazio (Interviewed)Clergyeff: 7/1/13
4000 Buckboard TrailProposer: D. Fazio
Allison Park, PA 15101Endorser: L. Maloney412/736-5038
Business Name: St. Paul Parish, St. Peter Parish, St. Michael Parish
Business Title: Roman Catholic Priest
Jordan Murray (Interviewed)Intermediate (Exploratory)eff: 7/1/13
4337 Glades DriveProposer: R. DiBucci
Allison Park, PA 15101Endorser: M. Wickett412/352-0005
Business Name: Camp Bow Wow
Business Title: Self Employed
Krista Tevar (Subject to Interview)Social C (Exploratory)eff: 7/1/13
4450 McCaslin Ridge DriveProposer: B. Dougherty
Allison Park, PA 15101Endorser: M. Wickett317/413-5170
Business Title: Business Owner
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Wildwood Golf Club
Board of Directors Meeting
June 19, 2013
Andrew LesnefskyClergyeff: 7/1/13
109 Elrose DriveProposer: R. Glancy
Pittsburgh, PA 15237Endorser: J. Kilkeary412/548-3872
Business Name: St. Alexis Church724/935-0874
Business Title: Director of Youth Ministry
Craig E. Kaforey (Subject to interview)Golf (Exploratory)eff: 7/1/13
3075 Fairfield CourtProposer: L. Letterle
Allison Park, PA 15101Endorser: M. Wickett412/487-3550
Business Name: Xodus Medical, Inc.724/337-5500
Business Title: Chief Executive Officer
Bernard DoughertyGolf to Senioreff: 6/1/13
Krishna PendyalaLeave of Absence to Limited Golfeff: 7/1/13
Fran Haus IIILeave of Absence to Golfeff: 8/1/13
Louis A. MusanteDining Roomeff: 7/1/13
James L. Fawcett, M.D.Senioreff: 7/1/13
Krishna PendyalaLimited Golfeff: 7/1/13
Fran Haus IIIGolfeff: 8/1/13
2012 Exploratory – The following Exploratory Members who joined July 1, 2012 are staying: D. McKamish (Individual), A. Patterson (Individual), E. Potthoff (Intermediate), J. Kirchgessner (Individual), M. Blobner (Individual) and C. Wycich (Social C)
A letter has been sent to 1 memberwhose 2012 Exploratory membership willbe over August 1.
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Wildwood Golf Club
Board of Directors Meeting
June 19, 2013
Current - Previous
Golf-330Golf- 217226
Senior- 40Senior- 27 25
Golf Wait List (2-A)-UnlimitedGolf Wait List (2-A)- 0 0
Limited Golf- 50Limited Golf- 23 31
Individual-Individual- 43 29
Intermediate-Intermediate- 7 4
Social B-150Social B- 27 29
Social C-100Social C- 29 25
Dining Room-UnlimitedDining Room- 70 67
Non Resident-UnlimitedNon Resident- 9 11
Clergy- 20Clergy- 6 6
Spouse – Golf- 3 3
Spouse – Social- 7 6
Spouse – Dining Rm- 16 15
Honorary- 8 8
492 485
Leave of Absence- 16 19
Motion to accept all membership changes with the exception of Andrew Lesnefsky. It was determined his request for clergy membership did not meet the definition of the Club’s By-laws. Mr. Minnaugh asked Mr. Daversa to give Mr. Lesnefsky other options.
All in favor – Approved
After a brief discussion about who is a dependent of a member, the Board revised the definition of a dependent from following the IRS definition to a child who will be age 25 or younger on December 31 of the current year.
Motion to revise definition of a dependent to a child who will be age 25 or younger on December 31 of the current year.
All in favor – Approved
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Wildwood Golf Club
Board of Directors Meeting
June 19, 2013
D. Memorials and Donations– Mr. Lamagna
The entry way sign has been changed.
E.Greens and Grounds – Mr. Scott
The cart paths are finished. Pioneer paving hauled the old asphalt off property at no charge and paved the path at the restroom on #14 for a foursome of Golf.
Have firm Bids for capital projects.
F.Golf –Mr. Tulino
Mr. Tulino would like the Presidents cup and Wildwood Bowl matches posted on the website.
Mr. Tulino has drafted two letters that he would like sent out to the membership on Pace of Play Awareness and Golf Course General Maintenance Awareness.
G.Entertainment – Mr. Devita
Mr. Devita has received many compliments on Jazz night and Flag Day.
Upcoming events are Brazilian BBQ andLobster fest.
H. Pool – Mr. Devita
Mr. Devita has a few negative comments about the pool management company.
The swim team is more organized this year due to Natalie Peduto’s efforts.
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Wildwood Golf Club
Board of Directors Meeting
June 19, 2013
The service has been good at the pool. Sean Perrucci has been visible and addresses issues as they arise. Mr. Devita will sit with Sean Perrucci and reinforce the service related items they are trying to accomplish.
I. Tennis – Mr. Appleton
Mr. Appleton is still in process of collecting bids for capital improvements.
J. Capital Improvement-Short term Plan
Mr. Sharick and Mr. Minnaugh had an initial discussion withan attorney recommended by Paul Hilko, about the structure of Stone Lodge and Wildwood Golf Club. They would like this attorney to review this issue in more detail, but will have a follow up discussion with Tom Young and Cotton Mather from Stone Lodge before going any further. They agreed to keep the Board updated on their progress at future meetings.
No Old Business
No New Business
The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be Wednesday July 17, 2013
There being no further business to discuss, Mr.Minnaugh adjourned at 7:45p.m.