AREA: / Office Support and Facility Management
DATE: / December 10, 2008
TO: / All CWES Staff
FROM: / Denise Boland, DEBS Administrator
Due to the relocation of the San Jose CWES offices to one central location, it was necessary to review the business needs and clerical staffing and office management staff as to how this area would provide support to the operation. As a result of the review the CWES Program has realigned its office management and clerical resources. The following describes the management oversite of the facility and clerical functions for the CWES Program.
There are two Office Management Coordinators (OMC) located at 1879 Senter Road. They have joint and specific functional responsibilities for the CWES offices which include Central, North and the South County CWES operations. The OMCs are Felipe Prendez and DeeDee Martinez. Felipe Prendezis the office management coordinatorof the facility, and DeeDee Martinezis the office management coordinator of the front office clerical functions. In addition, Felipe Prendez provides OMC support to the CWESNorthCounty office (Moffett/Pastoria), and DeeDee Martinez provides OMC support to the CWESSouthCounty office. Both OMCs report to the SSPM III.
Following is a chart which lists the general tasks assigned to each OMCfunctional area for the purpose of informing CWES staff which area each OMC is responsible for and to whom staff can request and seek assistance from. The list below is not all inclusive but serves as a general guide.
Facility Management: Felipe Prendez / Front Office: DeeDee MartinezCalWIN ID / Reception – Main lobby
IDM: preparation, scanning, retrieval / Case Control: Orientations, Intake and Case Management (assignment, transfers, closings)
Mail: fax, pony, distribution / CalWIN ID
Phones: Coverage/Staff Availability & Schedules / Payments/Warrants
Packets: Orientation; PAS; Childcare; ECC / Assessment Scheduling
Supplies / IDM: preparation, scanning, retrieval
Forms / Social Work Unit Support
Office Machines: Printers, Copiers, Fax maintenance / Gift Cards/Tokens Distribution
Conference Room Reservations/Maintenance / Supplies – special orders
Facility Requests Preparation: SC1408s, SC1576, Landlord / Phones
Data Entry/Special Projects: Excel, MS Word, PPT / Data Entry/Special Project Reports
The CST staff currently assigned to the EmploymentConnectionCenter; PAS/Stage II Childcare Unit; or the WEX/CS Unit will continue to report to their assigned Unit Supervisor.
Each OMC provides back up support in the absence of the other, unless otherwise designated to the Lead whom may be working out of class if necessary.