John Champe High School PTSA

General Meeting Minutes

7:00pm, September 4, 2013

In Attendance: Marilyn Betsill, Tanika Coates, Susie Donahoe, Martine Edier, Sally Fuller, John Gabriel, Beth Jespersen, Angie Plesce, Mary Magee Quinn, Heidi Rackoski, Karen Rafferty, Marie Ricciardi, Rebecca Simmons, Brittany Tomick

Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

I.Approval of Minutes - Heidi motioned to approve the June minutes, Sally 2nd the motion. A vote was taken, all approved and the minutes were passed.

II.Treasurer’s Report

  1. Approve 2012-13 Audit - Heidi presented the audit made for the period July 2012 – June 2013. The audit is on the website too. Following some recommendations, we are going to put a new procedure in place. Every time someone will give Heidi some money (check or cash), Martine will keep up a list and check, at the end of the month when the bank statement arrives, that all the money has been accounted for.

Angie motioned to approve the audit. Karen seconded the motion. A vote was taken, all approved and the audit passed.

  1. Approve 2013- 2014 proposed budget - We are carrying out around $15,000 from last year budget. It’s a big amount. Therefore, our fundraising estimate for this year is lower than last year - Last year, the Stone Ridge 5K gave us $2,327. Heidi based her 2013-2014 estimation on that number – The brick patio benches, approved last year, are shown this year as an expense – Donated Equipment consists of 2 more microwaves for the cafeteria. One exclusively for Seniors. The second for the rest of the student body.

Sally motioned to approve the proposed budget. John seconded the motion. A vote was taken, all approved and the proposed budget passed.

III.Membership - Marie reported that the membership form is on the website. As for today, we have 35 teachers and 10 families. She expects lots of memberships @ Back to School Night.

IV.Old Business

A. Brick Project - We decided to go on with this fundraiser. The flyer went on in the 1st day packets with the students. The link is on Champe web site.

B. Project Graduation – Mary Day is taking this on and it’s a difficult project to set up. Right now, we are thinking of a pool party at Stone Ridge until midnight. Kravitz Orthodontics will pay for the food. The application has been submitted @ Stone Ridge HOA. No contingency plan in case of bad weather. Missing volunteers to study all other options. Karen offered to organize a Graduation committee and will talk to Mary. Need to send a connect-ed to senior parents to set up an interest meeting. Thought about Alamo Drafthouse in Ashburn?

C. Teacher Breakfast Thank you – All the teachers thank Angie for her great work.

V. New Business

A. Back to School Night Plans – We need tables for memberships, Project Grad, Brick Patio and committee & volunteer sign-up sheets.

B. Moe’s Night – is tomorrow night 5-8pm. Unfortunately, no prize wheel this year.

C. Stone Ridge 5K – is Saturday, October 19th. Marilyn Betsill is in charge. Registration is up. Runners and walkers welcome. 5K is $25 before October 5th, $30 after. 1K is $10 before October 5th, $15 after. We are trying to promote online registration. The benefits are based on number of participants. We need to have a minimum of 22 volunteers to be eligible for benefits. The registration and volunteering links are on Champe website. Will have a table at back-to-school night and will send connect-ed. Will set up a competition based on participation percentage among 5 groups: freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors and staff. Incentive will be the “Silver Shoe Award”, a plaque where, each year, the winning group will be named. We need to create that plaque.

D. Manhattan Pizza - James Dimitri offered to do spirit nights for Champe. One in fall, another in spring. 20% of the proceeds will go to Champe+ other advantages. We need to carefully read the contract. Susie will investigate more.

E. Mock SAT Test Oct 5th – We need someone from the PTSA to welcome the students.

F. Kravitz Orthodontics Donations – Kravitz is offering 2 $500 senior scholarships and 2 $100 Recognition Awards for staff. Sally will see if Kravitz can change it into a 1 $1,000 scholarship. We need to create a PTSA scholarship committee to help set up criteria for the scholarship selection. You need to be a PTSA member and a no-family-member of a senior to be part of this 3 people minimum committee. Committee needs to be created in October/November and will present their criteria before the PTSA board. Tanika offered her knowledge to help with the process.

G. Armory Club Fundraiser Jointure – Beth, our librarian, would like to see a partnership between the club and the PTSA to sell the 2013 White House Christmas Ornaments. We would buy each of them around $18, 100 at a time, and we still need to decide on a selling price. Club’s profits will go to local charity. We would advertise on the school website and send connect-ed. Goal is to sell 500. John will see with the Athletic Director if we can sell at sport events.

Angie motioned to do a fundraiser jointure with the Armory club to sell White House Christmas Ornaments. Heidi seconded the motion. A vote was taken, all approved and the motion passed. Profits will be split 75% for the club, 25% for the PTSA.

H. Students in need – John would like to take up to $50 from the line item “Student Activity/Club support” to help a couple of students in need.

Heidi motioned to allocate up to $50 of the $2,000 Student Activity/Club support to students in need. Sally seconded the motion. A vote was taken, all approved and the motion passed.

I. New budget line – we need a line “Assembly Speaker fee” for $500.

Sally motioned to create a new line item “Assembly Speaker Fee” for $500. Heidi seconded the motion. A vote was taken, all approved and the motion passed.

VI. Mercer Report

Mercer MS has a new principal, Rob Phillips.

A Yankee Candles/ Auntie Anne’s Pretzels fundraiser will start October 1st.

VII. Principal's Report

No activity buses due to budget cuts – We made our benchmark for “No Child Left Behind” – Ceremony Award for 75 students on September 16th – 954 students enrolled as for today – Credit to Brittany Tomick, art teacher, who designed the 2013-2014 student agenda front cover.

IX. SEAC - No report

X.LEAP - No report – Rebecca is our rep. Next meeting is September 11th: “School Security and Bullying”

XI. Discussion

“3 Goals Dr.” traffic issue – Angie opened a discussion about the high traffic congestion that happens at every dismissal (school and sport). Parents park along 3 Goals Dr, preventing traffic to flow and forcing students to cross the street without any regards to security. Angie’s proposal is to make 3 Goals Dr. a one way street forcing the traffic to leave through Conejo way. John is aware of the situation and has a few options on hand, going from putting big cones along 3 Goals Dr. to prevent parking to completely close the road to traffic. John encourages calling Kevin Lewis, the district’s assistant superintendent, to report the issue. John will call LCPS to see if an official can come at dismissals.

Parking Fee – out of the $200 yearly fee, $25 go to Champe, the rest goes to LCPS operating budget.

XI.Adjournment - 9:00 p.m.